

unacceptable:[英 [ˌʌnəkˈseptəbl] 美 [ˌʌnɪkˈsɛptəbəl, -æk-] ]


unacceptable 基本解释


形容词不能接受的; 不受欢迎的; 难答应的; 不中意的

unacceptable 网络解释

1. 是无法接受:多伦多市长苗大伟在第一时间也就此次罢工发表了自己的见解,他认为TTC一向井井有条,给市民留下了比较好的印象,但是这次食言的举动,绝对是无法接受(unacceptable)和不负责任的(irresponsible).

2. unacceptable是什么意思

2. 不能接受的:unacceptable product 不合格品 | unacceptable 不能接受的 | unadvisable 不适宜的

unacceptable 双语例句

1. unacceptable的意思

1. My opinion is: the attitude of whole negating radicalism is unacceptable.


2. unacceptable的意思

2. This using and abusing of an endangered species is unacceptable.


3. unacceptable什么意思

3. America`s George Bush was right, if rather slow, todeclare on August 11th that it was unacceptable in the 21st century forRussia to have invaded a sovereign neighbouring state and to threaten ademocratically elected government.


4. unacceptable的近义词

4. If the modifications are unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate this Agreement.


5. If any modification is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate this Agreement.


6. Yet at one point in Roman history, wearing too much gold was seen as an unacceptable flaunting of your luxuries.


7. unacceptable是什么意思

7. The results for 2D structure simulations show that the discrete dopant introduces significant impact on the characteristics of the extremely scaled devices. Even in an undoped si-channel, it could cause unacceptable fluctuation due to an unintended impurity dopant located in the channel. Hence how to control the impurity profile in the channel is necessary. However it couldn`t completely exhibit the discrete dopant effect using the 2D structures.


8. It is entirely unacceptable to break the law for the sake of money.


9. I paint a scene effect in SAI, with 6000*4511 pixels, 500 spread plus noise brush and the unacceptable delay... also with over 1.5gb use of memory.


10. unacceptable的反义词

10. Company reserves the right to stop construction works in the event of unacceptable safety performance.


11. CengYi can sing for joy, but doesn't completely among the top ten voices and controversial, many people feel that the result is completely unacceptable, hope for this event can be given official reasonable explanation, but the results from now, boiling network CengYi boycott the audience can seem to have effect, still need more music lovers to jump on the bandwagon, to overcome CengYi can disgusting person's voice.



12. To do so would seem weak and weakness is still even more unacceptable as an office trait than laziness or lecherousness.



13. We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your letter, but we feel awfully sorry that your proposed solution is unacceptable.


14. unacceptable的反义词

14. I must tell you that, aside from the most enlightened minds, many accused me of having composed this unacceptable and anachronistic cadenza.


15. In traditional Nepalese society it is considered sacrilegious and totally unacceptable to marry outside of your caste or ethnic group.


16. If your price is unacceptable, our end-users will turn to other suppliers.

汉英商务英语810句对照8(弶虬网-edujq.com 中馨网络-520zhxx.com)如果您的价格难以接受,我们的客户就会转向其他的供应商。

17. unacceptable在线翻译

17. If your price is unacceptable, our end-users will turn to other suppl ie rs.



18. Rework: The workshop is allowed to remachine or reassemble the unacceptable semi-finished products or finished products found in production process, thus to make them meet the requirements.

4.2 返工:允许生产车间对生产过程中出现的不合格半成品、成品采取重新加工或装配达到规定要求。


19. For the concept of a quality business card printing and membership card makers, this deviation is unacceptable.


20. unacceptable什么意思

20. We have to know who we're playing. That's unacceptable.


unacceptable 词典解释

1. 难以接受的;不能容忍的

If you describe something as unacceptable, you strongly disapprove of it or object to it and feel that it should not be allowed to continue.

e.g. It is totally unacceptable for children to swear...


e.g. Joanna left her husband because of his unacceptable behaviour.



The reform program has brought unacceptably high unemployment and falling wages.

改革计划造成了令人无法接受的高失业率和工资水平下降。unacceptable 单语例句unacceptable的翻译

1. The 7 percent tax revenue collected is totally unacceptable by any standard.

2. " This was unacceptable abuse that will be punished but it's not capital murder, " Stickler said during his closing arguments.

3. The Guardian newspaper at the time reported how Aberdeen was branded at the London hearing as " the unacceptable face of capitalism ".

4. Food safety experts said gutter oil is unacceptable although no scientific experiment has been carried out to reveal how carcinogenic it is.

5. Tokyo - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Wednesday that Japan would find it unacceptable if North Korea were to carry out a nuclear test.

6. But the family has asked for various kinds of compensation including cash, in amounts that Li said were " unacceptable ".

7. " These acts of piracy are categorically unacceptable and should be put to an end, " he said.

8. Some people even eat cats and dogs, which is unacceptable in most countries.

9. NEW YORK - Although the majority of Americans say it is unacceptable, nearly one in four married adults still cheat on their spouses.

10. He forfeited the title in 1975, refusing to play when conditions that he demanded proved unacceptable to the International Chess Federation.