

valence:[英 ['veɪləns] 美 ['veɪləns] ]


valence 基本解释

名词(化合)价,原子价; (心理)效价


valence 网络解释

1. valence

1. 瓦朗斯:法国国营铁路公司提供从CDG前往多处法国火车站的列车服务,包括 昂热 (Angers)、 阿维尼翁、 波尔多、 勒芒 (Le Mans)、 里尔 (Lille)、 里昂、 马赛、 蒙彼利埃、 南特、 尼姆、 普瓦捷 (Poitiers)、 雷恩 (Rennes)、 图卢兹 (Toulouse)、 图尔、 瓦朗斯 (Valence)等.

2. valence的近义词

2. 效价:弗罗姆认为:某一活动对于调动某一人的积极性,激发出人的内部潜力的激励的强度,取决于达成目标后对于满足个人的需要的价值的大小-效价(Valence)与他根据以往的经验进行判断能导致该结果的概率-期望值(Expectancy),

valence 双语例句

1. As a kind of typical alkaline earth atom, Ba atom has a larger atomic core and much more sensitive valence electrons, so, the study on the spectroscopic prosperities of Ba autoionizing states is significant on the understanding of the complicated configuration and the dynamics process inside the atom. On the experimental side, by introducing external electronic fields the Stark autoionizing states of Ba atom are produced.


2. valence的解释

2. The embedded silicon-germanium source and drain with uniaxial compressive strain is applied to pMOSFETs, while the contact etch stop layer with uniaxial tensile strain and strain memory technology are used for nMOSFETs. In chapter 2, the valence band structures in bulk silicon are calculated by using a bond orbital model, which is appropriate for a high energy portion of valence band structures.


3. Knowledge and skills: understand the core idea of valence shell electron pairs repulsion theory; can use the theory to determine the shapes of some simple molecules.


4. The calculated density of states is very consistent with UPS experimental results of ZnO, in detail, the shape、position and band width of the upper-valence band are perfectly consistent with the experimental result; though the Zn3d levels are estimated somewhat high, its shape is consistent with experimental result and shows two subpeak which are four-fold peak and six-fold peak respectivly.




6. valence的解释

6. Inhibition efficiency of these inh ibitors decrease with the increase of free valence of N atom; Otherwise inhibiti on efficiency increase with the increase of summation of free valence in pyridin e ring.


7. The stimulated emission could be explained by population inversion between the top of the valence band and the trap states.

标 签 受激辐射多孔硅量子点陷阱态 stimulated emission porous silicon quantum dots trap states

8. It was no common swarthiness which constituted the sole point of resemblance, both as regards Valence and Madame Deluc


9. On the basis of the interaction mechanism of photon and substance, three factors which affect photon absorption efficiency are considered, including the electron density between absorption atoms, the number of inner orbital energy level, and the distribution of valence electrons in the absorption materials. According to the effect of irradiation to polymer microstructure, it is proposed that aromatic compounds or aromatic radicals, for example, benzene, not only have the stability of irradiation but also the ability of dispersing the energy of incident photon.


10. valence什么意思

10. This is a chemical bond that results from the sharing of valence electrons between atoms.


11. valence

11. In the valence bond treatment, explicit recourse is made to classical, localized bond structure.


12. Introduces valence electron structures of solid phase in Ti-Al phase diagram, calculates solubility of interstitial elements.


13. Herman and S. Skillman with Hartree method. inspected, sysetmatically the change of energy at atomic Valence Orbital from helium to lawrencium.


14. valence的解释

14. The author has also made a detailed explanation on the relation-ship between the ESR parameters and thermal evolution of kerogen and the differential N of different types of kerogen based on the microcomponent and structural model of Kerogen, mechanism of free radical formation and theories of molecular valence-bond of organic chemistry.


15. The controlled synthetic approach through precise manipulation of the reaction conditions in the two mixed-valence copper imidazolate coordination polymers, as well as metallophilicity and C-H…πinteractions in heteronuclear metal imidazolates have been discussed.


16. valence

16. On the one hand, the charge transfer between the complexes and the valence band is very fast, but the liberation of iodine, I〓, may be rather slow due to the interaction and/or the formation of complexes between donating electron species and the accessible Fe sites at the surface. Therefore, minority carriers (photo-induced holes) tend to accumulate in the FeS〓/electrolyte interface causing the flatband potential shift towards positive energy and the decrease of the maximum theoretical photovoltage. On the other hand, the occurrence of unoccupied surface states in the forbidden zone due to the strong chemical interaction of iodine with FeS〓 surface leads to the increase of both surface recombination dark current and tunneling dark current causing the decrease of open circuit photovoltage. The self-assembled monolayer of n-octadecylamine.


17. The structures of conductionband and valence band are analogous to the results of ultraviolet photoemissionspectra and are also consistent with the model of Travaglini et al, but the gap be-tween conduction and valence band is insignificant.


18. valence

18. It utilizes its four valence electrons completely in the establishment of four covalence, its valence shell becomes saturated.


19. valence

19. In this project, the calculated formulas and programs of the spin-Hamiltonian parameters (g and A factors, zero-field splitting) for transition metal ions in crystals (i. e., 3d2 and 3d7 ions in a tetrahedral site with cubic, trigonal or tetragonal symmetry, and 3d3 and 3d8 ions in a cubic octahedral site) are established from a two-mechanism model, in which not only the contribution due to the crystal-field mechanism, but also the contribution due to the charge-transfer mechanism (which is neglected in the previous papers) are included. From there formulas, the observed spin-Hamiltonian parameters in functional materials and compound semiconductors are calculated. It is found that the relative importance of charge-transfer mechanism increases with the increasing atomic number of ligand (e. g., for Co2 in GaP, InP and GaAs) or with the increasing valence state of 3dn ion (e. g., for Cr4, Mn5 and Fe63d2 ion series in oxygen tetrahedra). So, in these cases, the contributions of charge-transfer mechanism to spin-Hamiltonian parameters can not be neglected and the two-mechanism model should be used.

有鉴于此,本项目对固体中基态为轨道单态的过渡金属离子(具体为3d2和3d7离子在立方、三角和四角对称的四面体,3d3和3d8离子在立方八面体),建立了一套既包含晶场机制,又包括以前忽略的荷移机制的能处理自旋哈密顿参量g,A因子和零场分裂的双机制理论模型,计算公式和相应的计算程序,用以解释过渡金属离子在各种功能材料和化合物半导体中的自旋哈密顿参量实验数据,发现荷移机制对自旋哈密顿量的贡献随配体原子序数(如对Co2 在GaP,InP和GaAs)或过渡金属离子价态(如对等电子的3d2离子Cr4 ,Mn5 和Fe6 在氧四面体)的增加而增加;在这些情况,荷移机制的贡献必须考虑。


20. Hole - Similar to a positive charge, this is caused by the absence of a valence electron.

空穴 -和正电荷类似,是由缺少价电子引起的。

valence 英英释义


1. (chemistry) a property of atoms or radicals

their combining power given in terms of the number of hydrogen atoms (or the equivalent)

Synonym: valency

2. (biology) a relative capacity to unite or react or interact as with antigens or a biological substrate

Synonym: valency