

disturbance:[英 [dɪˈstɜ:bəns] 美 [dɪˈstɜ:rbəns] ]



disturbance 基本解释

名词困扰; 打扰; 骚乱,变乱; 烦闷


disturbance 相关例句


1. What triggered the disturbances in January?


2. There has been a disturbance in the street; sb. has been hurt.


3. We can work here without disturbance.


disturbance 网络解释

1. 扰动:147、波(wave)是从一个位置传播到另外一个位置的一种能量,可以将波看作为扰动(disturbance). 152、计算分贝(dB)的公式如下:dB=10log10(Pfinal/PrefdB=10log10(Vfinal/Vref),其中Pfinal是瓦特(watts)为单位的提交能量值;

2. 干扰:(三)干扰(disturbance)自然突发事件(例如森林火灾)以及人类的经济活动(例如放牧、狩猎、污染等)、新的物种入侵等,可以影响群落的稳定性,导致群落结构发生改变.

3. 骚动:不会因学生不满自己的教学而束手无策,从而引起课堂骚动(disturbance). 外语教师对学生需要有同情心和温和的态度、真诚坦率的性格,同时在课堂上要采用积极的态度,如告诉学生该干什么,则不应强调不能干什么. 外语教师的情绪也直接影响外语教学,

4. 骚乱:这场比赛在骚乱(disturbance)中结束. 一开始大家认为美国队将以一分的优势获胜,但是后来宣布离比赛结束还有3秒钟. 然后,一位苏联选手从赛场一端把球向另一端传去,接着另一位选手将球扣入篮中. 这是美国篮球队首次在奥林匹克篮球赛中失利.

disturbance 双语例句

1. In this system, microvolt amplifying circuit module and isolation amplifying circuit module is used in external circuit, improving exactitude of plasma diagnosed, and overcoming separate disturbance effectively.


2. Between Decomposition and disturbance, we have an estimate 3- 12 GT C per year to utilize in a carbon use strategy.

在分解和扰乱间,我们估计在碳的利用策略有每年3-12GT C能源。

3. A visual disturbance caused by an error in the refraction of light within the eye.


4. Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of decreasing uropoiesis dysfunction and sexual disturbance after the dilatation radical correction of rectal neoplasm of reservation autonomic nerve.

目的 评价保留植物神经的直肠癌扩大根治术对减少术后泌尿功能和性功能障碍的作用。

5. disturbance的解释

5. Can have suppression disturbance and so on combination frequencies disturbance, beat interference, intermodulation interference in the mixing process main methods is enhances the initial segment the selectivity, as well as adjustment mixer active status and authentic choice bias, signal voltage and candid voltage size.


6. Using the PSU/NCAR MM5, control and dry experiment for the explosive cyclone process of 19th to 21st December in 1981 over the Western Pacific are performed. The results show that the tropopause and isothermal surfaces were raised by latent heat release in the upper level, and the disturbance trough was formed at the upper level: due to the adiabetic cooling of the ascending flow. Its adaption process resulted in the inertial instability in the upper level.

利用PSU/NCAR MM5模式对1981年12月19日20时-21日20时一次太平洋西部气旋强烈爆发过程进行干过程和控制过程对比数值模拟试验,得出:潜热释放使对流层顶和等温面抬高,气流在高层上升冷却形成扰动槽,其适应过程使高层出现惯性不稳定。

7. The thermal-hydrodynamic instabilities may cause equipment vibration, thermal fatigue, control system disturbance and even mechanical damage.


8. Based on the five membership functions and fuzzy mathematics, prediction tests for the 73 CME associated geomagnetic disturbance events during 1996-2004 are made by considering the influence of CME velocity on the onset time of geomagnetic disturbances.


9. Finally, combine it in double axles orient the electromechanical system of the stage and test the whole organization and performance of orientation, such as orienting test, speed of stage, step displacement. It makes it resist the disturbance to adjust the system parameter in order to possess the abilities of precision, stability and fast positioning.


10. L Nervous system: Agitation, confusion, hyperkinesia, ataxia, CNS depression, nightmares, nervousness, psychiatric disturbance, hallucinations, insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, thinking abnormality.


11. disturbance的近义词

11. The incidence of heart and lung complications during earlier period of post-operation was significantly decreased in test group; there were no severe stomach angusty, disturbance of thoracic gastric syndrome and severe reflux esophagitis detected in the two groups during 6 month follow up.

结果 全组无死亡,无吻合口瘘发生,管胃组术后早期心肺并发症较对照组明显减少;术后随访6月管胃组与对照组比较无严重的吻合口狭窄、胸胃综合症及明显的反流性食管炎,服用消化道动力药和制酸剂的量和时间较对照组明显减少。


12. A few years ago, some preliminary observations linked a solar flare to a large magnetic disturbance that seemed to have spiraled up from below the sun's surface.


13. And when Pistis knew about the breakage resulting from the disturbance, she sent forth her breath and bound him and cast him down into Tartaros.


14. Aiming at the demand of how to decrease disturbance torque and how to extend loading system's frequency band, this thesis analyses the EHSLS and finds some factors which can influence the system's performance.


15. disturbance

15. Results Sixty of 68 (88.24%) patients had the other sites infection prior to the occurrence of VE. The clinical manifestations were as follows: fever (60 cases, 100%), vomitting (48, 70.59%), headache (41, 60.29%), headache associated with abdominal pain (20, 29.41%), convulsion (23, 33.82%), continuous twitch (5, 7.35%), coma (3, 4.41%), mental symptoms (40, 58.82%), disturbance of consciousness (19, 27.94%), meningeal irritation syndromes associated with morbid indication (32, 47.06%), acroparalysis (3, 4.41%), aphasia (1, 1.47% 48 patients (70.59%) had abnormal CSF, 50 (73.53%) had abnormal electroencephalogram and 8 of 36 had abnormal CT scanning.

结果 68例患儿中有60例(88.24%)病前有其他部位感染;其临床表现:均有发热,呕吐48例(70.59%),头痛41例(60.29%),头痛伴腹痛20例(29.41%),惊厥23例(33.82%),抽搐持续状态5例(7.35%),昏迷3例(4.41%),精神症状40例(58.82%),意识障碍19例(27.94%),合并脑膜刺激征和病理征32例(47.06%),肢体瘫痪3例(4.41%),失语1例(1.47%);脑脊液检查异常48例(70.59%),脑电图异常50例(73.53%),36例头颅CT平扫异常8例。

16. Results The three patients were eclampsia patients, one was uremia patient, had headache, blurred vision, seizures, conscious disturbance and head...


17. Results:The general physiognomonia of microcirculation disturbance of eye was papilloedema. retianl hemorrhage. spastic arterial obstruction and varicosity.


18. Results Compared with patients in NAF group, those in NVAF group were older, severe paralysis, and conscious disturbance and hemianopsia, and less lacunar infarction.


19. A state-space model is used to describe the dynamic properties of the multi-link network flow, and the discrepancy between available link bandwidth and nominal link bandwidth is considered as a disturbance. Then, the network congestion problem is solved by using the H(subscript ∞) control approach.


20. The conventional single-thread design method is still mostly used in present embedded systems design. However, that kind of design method makes develop, debug and maintenance longer and difficult, which also results low systematism. And the linear program will breakdown whenever there is something wrong because of badly disturbance. With the complexity of embedded system software improving, the conventional design methodology will not meet our demands, it is hard to be transplanted from one platform to another. It is no longer a standard system develop method.


disturbance 词典解释

1. 骚乱;动乱

A disturbance is an incident in which people behave violently in public.

e.g. During the disturbance which followed, three Englishmen were hurt.


e.g. ...the worst of last September'sdisturbances.


2. 干扰;扰乱

Disturbance means upsetting or disorganizing something which was previously in a calm and well-ordered state.


e.g. The home would cause less disturbance to local residents than a school...


e.g. The animals are very sensitive to disturbance and have never bred in captivity.


3. (身体或心理上的)失调,紊乱

You can use disturbance to refer to a medical or psychological problem, when someone's body or mind is not working in the normal way.

e.g. Poor educational performance is related to emotional disturbance.


e.g. ...the treatment of certain heart rhythm disturbances.


disturbance 单语例句disturbance

1. Fans eagerly buying Lakers'gear at the downtown Team LA store on Monday expressed disgust over the disturbance.

2. The government film was silent but officials said there was no disturbance in the execution chamber like the taunting that occurred at Saddam's hanging.

3. If they cling obstinately to their course of creating disturbance in Hong Kong, they will finally find themselves standing opposed to the people.

4. Whenever there is a sign of disturbance in some part of the world, the US sends one or several aircraft carriers for deterrence or military operations.

5. " The Japanese side's disturbance was intended to cause confusion and distort the truth, " Shi said.

6. They were not only an irritating visual disturbance in the darkened stadium, but were weapons of mass distraction for younger members of the audience.

7. The news did not cause disturbance in the lives of Guangzhou residents.

8. The couple chose this spot to settle down as it would better ensure a safe and private life without disturbance from the paparazzi.

9. The couple chose to settle down there as it would better ensure a safe and private life without disturbance from the paparazzi.

10. Disturbance of the orderly functioning of the social economy or disruption of the state economic plan by any organization or individual is prohibited.

disturbancedisturbance 英英释义



1. the act of disturbing something or someone

setting something in motion

2. a noisy fight

Synonym: affrayfrayruffle

3. activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption

e.g. the term `distress' connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset

he looked around for the source of the disturbance

there was a disturbance of neural function

Synonym: perturbation

4. electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication

Synonym: noiseinterference

5. a disorderly outburst or tumult

e.g. they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused

Synonym: disruptioncommotionflutterhurly burlyto-dohoo-hahoo-hahkerfuffle

6. (psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion

a more neutral term than mental illness

Synonym: mental disordermental disturbancepsychological disorderfolie

7. an unhappy and worried mental state

e.g. there was too much anger and disturbance

she didn't realize the upset she caused me

Synonym: perturbationupset