

pore:[英 [pɔ:(r)] 美 [pɔr, por] ]


过去式:pored;   过去分词:pored;   现在分词:poring;

pore 基本解释


名词毛孔; 气孔; 细孔

不及物动词细看; 钻研; 凝视

pore 相关词组


1. at every pore : 全身, 浑身;

2. sweat from every pore : 极热, 受惊吓;

pore 相关例句


1. The professor pored over the picture book in silence.


2. He spent hours poring over the statistics.


3. Hunter pored over the problem until he solved it.



1. He was sweating through every pore.


pore 网络解释

1. pore的反义词

1. 孔隙:石油(又称原油)---crude oil:一种存在于地下岩石(rock)孔隙(pore)介质(medium)中的由各种碳氢化合物(hydrocarbon)与杂质组成的,呈液态(liquid)和稠态的油脂(grease)状天然可燃有机矿产.

2. pore

2. 毛孔:After 瞬间重现如早晨(morning)刚上好妆的完美肌肤,几乎看不见毛孔(pore)好久没感觉(sense)(perception)这么安静(rest)了,好像回到了......的感觉. 早上起来就自己(self)(self),迷迷糊糊的不知道干点什么,头不梳,脸不洗,

3. pore的解释

3. 孔:--纤维(fibre)过滤器--微孔(pore)过滤器:如膜过滤器,此类过滤器通常为绝对过滤器,常用在过滤器微生物上. --表面(surface)过滤器:如滤芯为过滤纸或过滤布的过滤器,此类过滤器过滤效率不稳定,因为滤材的空隙直径较大,

pore 双语例句

1. Results showed that the increase of water contain will cause swelling of membrane materials and resulted in a decrease of pore size.



2. Addition of HNO3 can increase the crushing strength and narrow the pore size distribution of the formed TiO2 supports.


3. Results show that appropriately decreasing the water content is favorable to increasing the crushing strength and narrowing the pore size distribution of the formed TiO2 support.


4. Sorbents were prepared with fly ash and lime in hydration, with discussion of characteristics in specific surface and pore structure of sorbents and their performance in desulfurization and denitrification.


5. The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm.


6. As the cementation factor is controlled by pore structure and shale content, first of all, we must make use of core-analysis data and GR or SP to establish the formula that can calculate the cementation factor, and then use the well logging data according to this formula to determine the cementation factor in each reservoir.


7. According to the equivalent relationship of the seepage discharge to the volumetric change, the equations for the consolidation of composite ground with piles were derived using the concept of average excess pore water pressure, and the consolidation deformation of pile was considered. Through the initial and boundary conditions of the composite foundation and the assumption of the equal strain, the equations were solved by separation of variables.


8. Method] Make evaluation to 27 cases of phrenitis after hip fracture operation; if necessary, use oxygenabsorption and supportive therapy at every pore, diazepam or droperidol, explore the reason and treatment of phrenitis.


9. Absorption and supportive therapy at every pore, diazepam or droperidol, explore the reason and treatment of phrenitis.[Result] The reason and mechanism mainly are low? oxygen blood symptom, post?


10. Membrane proteins play essential roles in cellular processes. A planar lipid bilayer is widely used for the electrophysiological study of membrane proteins. In this research, we fabricated EWOD-based platform with 50-150? n? 慆 aperture for bilayer lipid membrane formation. And we design three types of BLM formation: painting method, lipid droplet-based formation and insulator-based of liposomes. We successfully yield planar lipid bilayer of about 2-6 nm thickness (1? 媹/cm2) which is observed thinning and Plateau–Gibbs border situation on micro-pore chips in optical and electrical measurement.

膜蛋白的研究对於细胞运作上扮演相当重要的角色,而平面脂质双层膜则广泛地应用在膜蛋白的电生理研究,因此本研究中我们设计三种平面脂质双层膜的成膜方式:painting method、脂质水溶液液滴成膜以及脂质体绝缘介电泳成膜来形成脂质双层膜,因此我们成功地利用人工操作的方式在孔洞中形成平面脂质双层膜,并且在光学上观测到脂质双层膜薄化以及黑色光圈我们称为Plateau–Gibbs border,在电性量测上也可测得厚度约2-6 nm电容值为:1 ?

11. The results show that there is an ideal correlation between the water permeability coefficient and the conduction of the concrete modified by the pore chemicals.


12. By using TEM and STM, it is confirmed that surface of inner pore and pore diameter distribution were important for the activity of catalyst.


13. Three protozoa (Bodo edax, Colpoda cucullus, Amoeba proteus) were isolated from soil. The porous simulation with glass bead, soil column and root box incubation experiments were made to study the association of protozoa movement with phosphorus translocation and its influencing factors. The effects of protozoa on corn growth and corn straw mineralization were also involved. The results showed that protozoa movement in glass bead column was greatly controlled by the pore sizes. Bodo edax, about 5-7 m, could pass through the pores of 28-2011 m in diameters. Colpoda cucullus (30-60 m) could move through the pores of 155~116 m. However, no Amoebaproteus(100~150 m) was found in the effluents from all the columns. All the three protozoa made 32P redistribution in soil column.

本研究利用土壤中常见的3种原生动物(梨波豆虫Bodo edax、僧帽肾形虫Colpoda cucullus、大变形虫Amoeba proteus),通过玻璃珠孔隙模拟、土柱及根箱培养试验,研究3种原生动物运动与磷素运移之间的关系及其影响因素,以及原生动物对玉米磷素营养的影响,同时对3种原生动物在玉米秸秆分解中的作用做了初步的探索,研究结果表明:原生动物的运动与孔隙密切相关,Bodo edax(5~7μm)能够穿过28~20μm孔隙,Colpoda cucullus (30~60μm)只能穿过155~116μm的孔隙,而Amoeba proteus(100~150μm)不能从玻璃柱中流出。

14. Results reconfirm that intraparticle diffusion is governed by parallel pore and surface diffusion, and surface diffusivity decreases with increasing amount adsorbed.


15. Mechanism of coal spontaneous combustion is researched in this paper and test of pre-injecting inhibitor into coal is finished in 5112 mining face. Test results are shown as follow. Na2CO3 injected into coal with high pressure may permeate evenly into coal pore. No matter how cracked is the coal in gob, it can be evenly surrounded by inhibitor. Inhibitor isolates coal from air, thus it can prevent oxygenation and prolong time of spontaneous combustion, which provide assurance for safety mining.


16. The effects of the current density, the cathode potential, and the pore size of the Al2O3 template on the resultant nanowire were analyzed and discussed.


17. The NBA released the 2007-2008 league schedule recently, leading diehard fans to pore over it like a new Harry Potter book.


18. The effects of etching condition on the pore shape and pore size were also investigated.


19. We have imported Japan Machine Tool and Suzhou Sodick Sodick machine several Units, equipped with high-speed motor and put pore surface grinding machine.


20. pore

20. The higher carbon content in dry, ash-free basis of coal shows more remarkable influence of particle size on specific surface area, porosity ratio and pore volume.


pore 词典解释

1. (皮肤上的)毛孔

Your pores are the tiny holes in your skin.

e.g. The size of your pores is determined by the amount of oil they produce.


2. (植物表面的)气孔

The pores of a plant are the tiny holes on its surface.

e.g. A plant's lungs are the microscopic pores in its leaves.


3. 仔细阅读;认真钻研

If you pore over or through information, you look at it and study it very carefully.

e.g. We spent hours poring over travel brochures...


e.g. It will take several more months to pore through the volumes of documents.


4. 极度;非常

You can say that someone has a certain quality or emotion coming from every pore to emphasize the strength of that quality or emotion.


e.g. She oozes sexuality from every pore...


e.g. Waves of misery penetrated every pore.


pore 单语例句

1. Religiosity oozes through every pore of the town, and yet there are signs of economic progress and modernity all around.

2. Watching numerous emerging and established artists pore over every detail of Chen's paintings, it appeared that in fact Chen's powers have not diminished.

3. The cache of electronic documents is so enormous that the government has enlisted Arabic speakers from around the intelligence community to pore over it.

4. With every pore open to the air, sweat began streaming down.

5. The books China's government officials pore over are a guide to what they're thinking.

6. " I was sweating from every pore while watching the game, " Yao said after the clash.

pore 英英释义


1. any small opening in the skin or outer surface of an animal

2. a minute epidermal pore in a leaf or stem through which gases and water vapor can pass

Synonym: stomastomate

3. any tiny hole admitting passage of a liquid (fluid or gas)


1. direct one's attention on something

e.g. Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies

Synonym: concentratefocuscentercentrerivet