

love:[英 [lʌv] 美 [lʌv] ]


过去式:loved;   过去分词:loved;   现在分词:loving;   复数形式:loves;

love 基本解释

及物/不及物动词喜欢; 爱,热爱; 爱戴; 赞美,称赞

及物动词喜欢; 喜爱; 喜好; 爱慕

名词热爱; 爱情,爱意; 疼爱; 爱人,所爱之物


love 同义词

动词likeidolizebe fond ofenjoycherishadorefancycare for

名词sexual love

love 反义词



love 相关词组


1. for love or money : 无论如何;

2. for the love of : 为了...起见;


love 相关例句


1. love是什么意思

1. You should love your students.



2. Bill loves music.



1. love

1. He was sincere in his love for literature.


2. Yes, my love.


3. Painting was one of the great loves of his life.


love 情景对话


A:Be my Valentine.


B:I’d love to.



A:Are you keen on outdoor sports?


B:I love attending outdoor sporting events even though I am not always a big fan.


Get under one’s skin-(使烦躁;(因为爱)使不安)


A:Mary has really gotten under my skin.


B:I know what love is. When I was young, I felt the same way.


A:It thinks I’m crazy about her.


B:You are, why not ask for a date?


love 网络解释

1. love

1. 爱情:心理专家史博格认为"爱情"(Love)包括了三个因素:亲密性(Intimacy),热情(Passion),以及承诺(Commitment).这就是我所期待的爱情.

2. 词汇:该词汇:(love)被查询了572次解释:n. 爱,恋爱,爱情;vt. 爱,热爱,喜欢该词汇:(flag)被查询了13次解释:n. 旗标,旗子,信号旗[计算机] 标志v.枯萎,减退

love 双语例句

1. We do not have extra time to waste, and please believe me, I always undying love you.


2. MY undying and unconditional love to all of you for your gifts and love.



3. In a few moments he would join her and at that time would express his undying love and devotion.


4. When I find my soulmate, she will receive my undying love and respect.



5. I don't want Ichigo and Rukia to confess their love and run off into the sunset, namely because it's out of character and their intense connection, their relationship of mutual understanding and support is what I love so much about them, I don't see the need to throw romance into the mix.


6. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

3:19 你们作丈夫的、要爱你们的妻子、不可苦待他们。

7. Husbands, have love for your wives, and be not bitter against them.



8. Well, you see, the thing is, I only love Amy Grant.


9. I prefer you to anonymous, willing to break your wings and take as long as you love me, I would be unable to stand.


10. love什么意思

10. He called me to say, Hi, Mom! I just called to say I love you.



11. But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the cour e to let that person know how you feel.


12. Love, is one seat in the summer breeze, to bring you the cool body and mind


13. love的解释

13. You love me How long? ...


14. But I would love to be able to play on a screen that huge.



15. I just want to tell you that I love you very much so.


16. I love you so very much I want to be with you all the time.


17. I just want to tell her that I love her very much so.


18. Doe`t mean they don`t love you with all they have.


19. love

19. I'll still love her even if she doe't love me.


20. I love my baby cow.


love 词典解释

1. 爱;爱慕

If you love someone, you feel romantically or sexually attracted to them, and they are very important to you.

e.g. Oh, Amy, I love you...


e.g. We love each other. We want to spend our lives together.


2. 爱情;爱意

Love is a very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically or sexually attracted to.

e.g. Our love for each other has been increased by what we've been through together.


e.g. ...a old fashioned love story.


3. 疼爱;关爱

You say that you love someone when their happiness is very important to you, so that you behave in a kind and caring way towards them.

e.g. You'll never love anyone the way you love your baby.


4. 疼爱;关爱

Love is the feeling that a person's happiness is very important to you, and the way you show this feeling in your behaviour towards them.

e.g. My love for all my children is unconditional...


e.g. She's got a great capacity for love.


5. 喜欢;喜爱

If you love something, you like it very much.

e.g. We loved the food so much, especially the fish dishes...


e.g. I loved reading.


6. 热爱;珍爱

You can say that you love something when you consider that it is important and want to protect or support it.


e.g. I love my country as you love yours.


7. 热爱

Love is a strong liking for something, or a belief that it is important.

e.g. This is no way to encourage a love of literature...


e.g. The French are known for their love of their language.


8. 爱人;情人;所爱之物

Your love is someone or something that you love.

e.g. 'She is the love of my life,' he said...


e.g. Music's one of my great loves.


9. 乐于;很愿意

If you would love to have or do something, you very much want to have it or do it.

e.g. I would love to play for England again...


e.g. I would love a hot bath and clean clothes...


10. (用于昵称)亲爱的

Some people use love as an affectionate way of addressing someone.

e.g. Well, I'll take your word for it then, love...


e.g. Don't cry, my love.


11. (网球比赛中的)零分

In tennis, love is a score of zero.

e.g. He beat Thomas Muster of Austria three sets to love.


12. (给朋友或亲人写信时结尾具名前的非正式用语)爱你(们)的

You can use expressions such as 'love', 'love from', and 'all my love', followed by your name, as an informal way of ending a letter to a friend or relation.

e.g. ...with love from Grandma and Grandpa.


13. 问候;致意

If you send someone your love, you ask another person, who will soon be speaking or writing to them, to tell them that you are thinking about them with affection.

e.g. Please give her my love.


14. see also: -loved;loving;free love;peace-loving;tug-of-love

15. 堕入爱河;(与…)相爱

If you fall in love with someone, you start to be in love with them.

e.g. I fell in love with him because of his kind nature...


e.g. We fell madly in love.


16. 喜欢上;喜爱上

If you fall in love with something, you start to like it very much.


e.g. Working with Ford closely, I fell in love with the cinema.


17. 对…倾心;爱慕;热恋

If you are in love with someone, you feel romantically or sexually attracted to them, and they are very important to you.

e.g. Laura had never before been in love...


e.g. I've never really been in love with anyone...


18. 喜欢;喜爱;热爱

If you are in love with something, you like it very much.

e.g. He had always been in love with the enchanted landscape of the West.


19. (…之间)彼此厌恶,水火不容

If you say that there is no love lost between two people or groups or there is little love lost between them, you mean that they do not like each other at all.

e.g. There was no love lost between the two men who were supposed to be working in harmony on a mounting crisis.


20. 做爱;性交

When two people make love, they have sex.


e.g. Have you ever made love to a girl before?...


e.g. One night, after 18 months of friendship, they made love for the first and last time.


21. 无论如何(也不…)

If you cannot or will not do something for love or money, you are completely unable to do it or you do not intend to do it.

e.g. Replacement parts couldn't be found for love or money...


e.g. I'm not coming back up here. Never, for love nor money.


22. 一见钟情

Love at first sight is the experience of starting to be in love with someone as soon as you see them for the first time.

e.g. It was love at first sight, and he proposed to me six weeks later.


23. labour of love -> see labour

love 单语例句

1. Money can't buy you love, but it can let you rent a girlfriend to take home for Chinese New Year.

2. Humans by and large love sport and football is the world game, but why do Chinese care about it so much?

3. Mars fell in love with the erhu by chance when he visited Shanghai in 1992.

4. But Lin says her act is " brave ", done out of her deep love for her father.

5. By Mr Right, she means a perfect combination of love and wealth.

6. The tombstone is still visible today and is considered by tourists as a symbol of love.

7. She said she will send her love by telephone to her boyfriend in Beijing.

8. By the time they understand what maternal love is it's too late - because she is already dead.

9. And by the way I love your Bird's Nest and the Water Cube!

10. " They say he's got love problems, " Cinnamon Rolls cafeteria employee Ana Elena Ruiz said.

lovelove 英英释义


1. sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people

e.g. his lovemaking disgusted her

he hadn't had any love in months

he has a very complicated love life

Synonym: sexual lovelovemakingmaking lovelove life

2. any object of warm affection or devotion

e.g. the theater was her first love

he has a passion for cock fighting

Synonym: passion

3. a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction

e.g. their love left them indifferent to their surroundings

she was his first love

Synonym: sexual loveerotic love

4. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection

e.g. his love for his work

children need a lot of love

5. a beloved person

used as terms of endearment

Synonym: beloveddeardearesthoney

6. a score of zero in tennis or squash

e.g. it was 40 love


1. have sexual intercourse with

e.g. This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm

Adam knew Eve

Were you ever intimate with this man?

Synonym: sleep togetherroll in the haymake outmake lovesleep withget laidhave sexknowdo itbe intimatehave intercoursehave it awayhave it offscrewfuckjazzeffhumplie withbedhave a go at itbangget it onbonk

2. have a great affection or liking for

e.g. I love French food

She loves her boss and works hard for him

3. be enamored or in love with

e.g. She loves her husband deeply

4. get pleasure from

e.g. I love cooking

Synonym: enjoy