

contain:[英 [kənˈteɪn] 美 [kənˈten] ]


过去式:contained;   过去分词:contained;   现在分词:containing;

contain 基本解释

及物动词牵制; 包含,容纳; 克制,遏制; 包括或由…构成


contain 相关例句


1. The pill contains vitamins.


2. contain的意思

2. The bottle contains two pints.


3. They are making a plan for containing the enemy attack.


4. The jar contains ten glasses of water.


5. contain的反义词

5. I could not contain my laughter.


contain 情景对话



A:Excuse me. Can you tell me how to find some books on social science?


B:Sure. You see all these little drawers here and all the way around the walls?





B:These drawers contain cards describing every book in our library. Together they constitute the library’s “card catalog”.You can see that each drawer runs from one part of the alphabet to another. For example, this drawer goes from SCA to SCM.

这些抽屉里装着这本图书馆所有图书的卡片,它们构成了图书馆的“卡片目录”。你可以看出每只抽屉都是从字母表中的一部分排到另一部分。比如说这只抽屉,就是从SCA 排到SCM。

A:So if I’m looking for a look called A History of Western Society, I’d just look under “A”.


B:No. You’d look under “W”. The articles “a” and “the” don’t count in our alphabetization, and card are generally omitted for extremely common words and phrases such as “history of”, “introduction to”, “story of” and so forth.

不。应该“W”下找。冠词“a”和“the”不包括在字母排列中。一般来说,目录卡片往往省略一些特别常用的词和词组。如“history of”,“introduction to”,“story of”等等。


A:What if I don’t know the title of the book?



B:When you can look under the author’s name.


A:Could you give me an example?


B:Suppose you want to find a book by your professor, William Smith. You’d look under SMITH and then WILLIAM. Since that’s a very common name, you may have to go through several “William Smith” until you come to the one who wrote book on the subject you’re interested in.

假如你要找一本你的导师威廉?史密斯教授写的书,你可以在SMITH 栏下寻找,由于William Smith 是一个很常见的姓名,你可能得查阅很多William Smith 才能找到你所感兴趣的书的那位William Smith。

contain 网络解释


1. 容纳:这个概念来自于艾德伯格(Eidelberg)的一次临床经验. 把脚栓住(to immobilize the feet)也就是剥夺脚的威力或功能. 从而,自我(ego)是一个最突出的症状. 而且无药可医. 抱持,容纳(contain)这些功能,属于无,属于虚空,属于黑暗的不存在.

2. 包容:公司秉持着技术革新、团队领导、循规务实的精神,凭藉优良的研发技术、高品质的制造水平以及高可靠的服务保障,短期内即赢得了数目众多的客户群 经营管理理念:N、E、O、C、E、N、E 国际性(National)、永恒(Endless)、奉献(Offer)、包容(Contain)、公正(Equit

contain 双语例句

1. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and do not change the quality of Life.


2. III. silicate mineral contain iron, include olive stone, black column stone, common picrite etc.


3. Results showed that the increase of water contain will cause swelling of membrane materials and resulted in a decrease of pore size.


4. Even worse than this is that whole leaf supplements contain caustic minerals and enzymes that are very hard on the stomach.


5. contain是什么意思

5. The main products include two broad headings and three series. The ultrasonic semiconductor welding products contain ultrasonic alumi-num wire bonding machine series, ultrasonic gold wire ball bonding machine series, varnished wire electrical point welding machine series. Varnished wire electrical point welding machine series. Semi-conductor preliminary process products include LED computerized-detector, Fluid Dispenser andother semiconductor production equipment.

主要产品分为两大类,其中半导体超声波焊接产品类中的三大系列为公司主导之产品:超声波铝丝压焊机系列、超声波金丝球焊机系列、漆包线电点焊机系列;半导体后备工序产品类:LED 电脑检测仪、点阵板检测仪、芯片扩张机、贴膜机和点胶机等半导体生产设备。

6. The only way I know of dealing with this general human concert is to remund ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little corner of the universe, and that for aught we know, other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jelly-fish.


7. The content of Han Bamboo slips contain many aspects, such as documents、letters、utensils and so on.


8. Foods that tend to produce large amounts of flatus also contain essential nutrients and shouldn't be eliminated.


9. But the south contain full military preparation, own a material and train all more excellent troops.


10. contain

10. Flashing LEDs look like ordinary LEDs but they contain an integrated circuit as well as the LED itself.


11. The length of IGR of rabies, which consisted of 24 nucleotides, was also different from the rabies related virus strains that contain 19 nucleotides, and Mokola strain contains 28 nucleotides. There was a different frequency of base between rabies virus and rabies related virus, too.


12. Also, a 3-1/2 inch diskette can contain 1.4 Megabytes. Showing it as 1 Megabyte reflects both the diskette not typically being filled and rounding. Finally, a CD-ROM can hold more than 500 Megabytes.


13. They are just tools to hold and contain life, but the quality of life doesn`t change.



14. Allow a case of finished product to pass through the metal detector first, before the test, to ensure it does not contain any metal.


15. In terms of nutritional value, the report says fruits like crisser carissa, mariler marula and kay kei apple contain more vitamin C than the average orange.


16. With their high caloric value in a small volume, cocoa and chocolate contain the highest levels of energy all vegetables.


17. Wang`s success can be said to contain an inevitable accident among


18. Formulated to be extra mild, this toner does not contain any alcohol, which often produces drying effects.


19. Fight your way through bandits, discover nine native creatures, and help the few settlers on the planet in your search for a Vault rumored to contain a great prize - if it even exists!


20. Purchase more room to office premises Certificate on 30th, Beijing launched the State Council to act resolutely to contain some urban housing prices rapid increases the notice, which provides for a temporary and limited measures, with a purchase families can only in the city's purchase of a commodity housing.


contain 词典解释

1. 装有;容纳

If something such as a box, bag, room, or place contains things, those things are inside it.

e.g. The bag contained a Christmas card...


e.g. Factory shops contain a wide range of cheap furnishings...


2. 包含;含有

If a substance contains something, that thing is a part of it.

e.g. Greek yogurt contains much less fat than double cream...


e.g. Many cars run on petrol which contains lead.


3. (著作、讲话或电影中)包括,包含

If writing, speech, or film contains particular information, ideas, or images, it includes them.

e.g. This sheet contained a list of problems a patient might like to raise with the doctor...


e.g. The two discs also contain two of Britten's lesser-known song-cycles.


4. (团体或组织中)有,包括

If a group or organization contains a certain number of people, those are the people that are in it.

e.g. The committee contains 11 Democrats and nine Republicans.


5. 控制;遏制;防止…蔓延

If you contain something, you control it and prevent it from spreading or increasing.

e.g. More than a hundred firemen are still trying to contain the fire at the plant...


e.g. The city authorities said the curfew had contained the violence.


6. 控制,抑制(感情)

If you cannot contain a feeling such as excitement or anger, or if you cannot contain yourself, you cannot prevent yourself from showing your feelings.

e.g. But he was bursting with curiosity, and one day he just couldn't contain himself. 'What are you going to do?' he asked...


e.g. Evans could barely contain his delight: 'I'm so proud of her,' he said.


7. see also: self-contained

contain 单语例句

1. The investigation includes not just peanut butter, but baked goods and other products that contain peanuts and are sold directly to consumers.

2. A small button battery will pollute 600 cubic meters water and more than 50 percent of computer components contain poisonous chemicals.

3. The letter claimed that the book would contain articles by government officials and the letter recipients could have their articles included if they " subsidized " them.

4. By trying to internationalize the South China Sea issue, the US wants to put off its resolution so as to contain China's rise.

5. The plan will call for Wenzhou to contain at least 30 rural financial institutions by the end of 2013.

6. " The drips only contain Vitamin C and a small portion of saline for neutralization, " a Center employee said.

7. The calabash is a symbol of traditional Chinese medicine, as it was used to contain medicinal herbs.

8. The authorities have dispatched pumps, tons of activated carbon and other materials to contain and absorb the spill.

9. Some analysts are calling for an interest rate increase to contain price increases, citing the possibility of a sharp rebound in fixed investment growth.

10. Sweet words cannot camouflage the nature of US'Taiwan policy to contain China.

contain 英英释义


1. hold back, as of a danger or an enemy

check the expansion or influence of

e.g. Arrest the downward trend

Check the growth of communism in South East Asia

Contain the rebel movement

Turn back the tide of communism

Synonym: checkturn backarreststophold back

2. lessen the intensity of


hold in restraint

hold or keep within limits

e.g. moderate your alcohol intake

hold your tongue

hold your temper

control your anger

Synonym: controlhold inholdcheckcurbmoderate

3. include or contain

have as a component

e.g. A totally new idea is comprised in this paper

The record contains many old songs from the 1930's

Synonym: incorporatecomprise

4. contain or hold

have within

e.g. The jar carries wine

The canteen holds fresh water

This can contains water

Synonym: holdbearcarry

5. be capable of holding or containing

e.g. This box won't take all the items

The flask holds one gallon

Synonym: takehold

6. be divisible by

e.g. 24 contains 6