

younger:[英 [ˈjʌŋgə(r)] 美 ['jʌŋɡər] ]



younger 基本解释


形容词较年轻的; 年幼的( young的比较级 ); 有朝气的; 年轻人的; 青年的


younger 同义词


younger 反义词


younger 情景对话


A:Tell me about your family, Simon. Are you from a big family?


B:No, my immediate family is quite small. There are only five of us. My parents, my younger brother and my younger sister. But my parents both come from large families.


A:How many people are in your extended family?


B:There are too many to count. I suppose, well over 100 people.


A:Do you get to see your family often?


B:I see my immediate family every weekend, and I see my extended family about once or twice a year.We usually see each other for Christmas, Easter, and other big celebrations, like weddings.


A:Have you ever been to a family reunion?


B:Actually, I have been to one, but it wasn’t mine! It was one of my friends’. He didn’t want to be theonly boy there, so I went with him to keep him company. This was a long time ago, of course.


A:Are many of your relative divorced?



B:Let me think. I believe it’s just my one uncle. He’s always been a rebel. My grandmother was very religious, so most of my relatives were too scared to get divorced!


A:Do you have any relatives who are single mothers?



B:I have just one-her father is the one who got divorced. Their family is sort of the black sheep of our extended family.


younger 网络解释

1. 较年轻:在放射定年法还沒发明之前,地质学常用的定年法,是相对(比较)(relative time)定年法,用比较的方式来決定岩石形成的先讲顺序,先形成的岩石比较老(older),讲形成的岩石就比较新、比较年轻(younger).

2. 更年轻的:older 年龄更大的 | younger 更年轻的 | bigger 更大的

3. younger什么意思

3. 年纪较小者:youngberry 杨氏草莓 | younger 年纪较小者 | youngish 颇年轻的

younger 双语例句

1. Results maxillary first and second molars were more mesially inclined in the first group, particularly in the younger subjects (16~25 years). this inclination increased with age. the logistic regression showed that the sagittal inclination of the first molar is a predictor of the eruption of the third molar.

结果 上颌第三磨牙萌出组与未萌出组相比,上颌第一磨牙和第二磨牙更向近中倾斜,而且随年龄的增加倾斜度也变大。logistic回归结果显示第一磨牙的轴倾度是第三磨牙萌出的一个预测因子。

2. ResultsIdiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy has distinctive clinical seizure characteristics. The onset age is younger than 20 and the ratio of male cases to female cases is 2 to 1. The most notable clinical characteristics are nocturnal clustered postural or dystonic seizures and complex motor activities, with 14% of the patients have epileptic family history. The interictal routine EEG of 22.9% and active EEG of 28% cases in wakeness and 38% cases in sleep showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge while the ictal EEG of 66.7% cases showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge. Drug therapy is effective in 80% cases with 30% completely controlled.

结果 特发性夜间额叶癫痫具有特征性的临床发作特点,大多数于20岁之前起病,男女比例2:1,以夜间成串的偏转性、姿势性强直及过度运动发作为最显著的临床特征。14%有阳性癫痫家族史。22.9%清醒发作间期常规脑电图及28%清醒发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,38%患者的睡眠发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,66.7%患者的发作期脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电。80%药物治疗有效,30%可完全控制。

3. younger什么意思

3. It's very sad for the younger generation, he said.


4. younger的翻译

4. I prefer this premier ministr younger and better!!!


5. In patients treated for 24 weeks GT 2 (vs GT 3), absence of cirrhosis and younger age were associated with at least 10% higher rates of SVR.


6. younger在线翻译

6. Slow future productivity growth virtually ensures a collision between the heavy costs of retiring baby boomers-mostly for Social Security and Medicare-and younger workers'living standards. Higher taxes will bite deeply into sluggish incomes.


7. He was pension ed off and replaced with a younger man.


8. And not many days after, the younger son, having gathered everything together, went abroad to a distant country and there squandered his estate by living dissolutely.

15:13 过了不多几日,小儿子就收拾一切,起身往远方去了,在那里生活放荡,挥霍家产。

9. Lk. 15:13 And not many days after, the younger son, having gathered everything together, went abroad to a distant country and there squandered his estate by living dissolutely.

路十五13 过了不多几日,小儿子就收拾一切,起身往远方去了,在那里生活放荡,挥霍家产。


10. I used to do karate when I was younger.


11. The time has come to me to hand on the chairmanship to a younger person.


12. When I was making chocolate tea, my younger cousin sister Li gave me a call, when we was calling, suddenly there was a thunder and the fire-flag was happened after the thunder, meet such situation, so I hang up the phone ASAP, one student can't control himself to laugh at me, maybe he was laugh at my funny action, after several seconds, my phone rang again, it was her again, the student told me please answer it in a short time, she told me out work earier for rainny on the phone, just several seconds, I hang up at once.


13. He is the younger of the two boys.


14. younger的意思

14. Former Residence of many celebrities, such as Dongling thief Sun Dianying, Zhang's younger brother, zhan ZHANG Xue-ming, the last emperor Pu instrument, and so on.


15. That was what she said to me when I was younger, but she knows that I date now.

那是 我小时候对我说的,现在她知道我在约会。

16. Chaos before the Ogawa's younger sister with the Empress Lu Lu Su in Peixian enjoying the last quiet life, Ogawa chose Lu Su, rather than their brains deep in Lvzhi for future calamity foreshadowed.


17. Love him as the father, for example, love him, respect him as a brother, the pro-such as his younger brother.


18. Also part of Blest's crew are Buk 50 and his younger brother Lune, whose arrest and beating by the NYPD causes the crew to wage a full-on graffiti war against the city.

同是Blest团队的Buk 50和他的弟弟Lune,因为参加了反对城市的涂鸦战争,而被纽约市警局逮捕并暴打。


19. And so the town has to try to maintain its history and yet offer things to a younger generation.


20. Miss Blanchett wants to bring in a younger audience to the Sydney Theatre Company`s performances.


younger 单语例句

1. Sales are now being led by a younger generation that is willing to buy on credit and shop online.

2. India's Child Labor Act bans employment of children younger than 14, but circuses were exempt until six months ago when the government amended the law.

3. Unreasonably low salaries seriously limit the buying power of the grassroots population, make jobs unattractive to the younger generation and lead to higher unemployment among youth.

4. Personal budgets will also be set up for younger disabled people frustrated by their lack of choice.

5. The elderly relatives were kind but the younger relatives and friends of the new couple were by no means easy to deal with.

6. Conflict, ethnic cleansing and AIDS are increasing these numbers by the day and creating younger widows.

7. She said that younger students were high achievers, and tended to apply to Russell Group colleges such as Oxford and Cambridge.

8. Better not show any surprise when seeing some teenager or even younger children chatting or sending short messages with their cell phones on campus.

9. Younger investors can afford to invest a larger percentage of their savings than older investors they have more time to recover from potential losses.

10. In Texas, someone younger than 17 generally cannot consent to sex with an adult.

younger 英英释义


1. used of the younger of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a son from his father

e.g. John Junior

John Smith, Jr.

Synonym: jr.