

backwards:[英 [ˈbækwədz] 美 [ˈbækwərdz] ]


backwards 基本解释

形容词向后的; 倒行的; 返回的; 落后的

副词向后; 倒; 往后; 逆

backwards 相关例句


1. She looked backwards when she heard someone calling her.


2. The teacher called the roll backwards.


3. backwards的翻译

3. You've put your hat on backwards.


4. He looked backwards to see who was following him.


5. The ball rolled backwards.


backwards 网络解释

1. 将声音从结束关键帧播放到开始关键帧,实现反向播放:Audio音效效果 | Backwards 将声音从结束关键帧播放到开始关键帧,实现反向播放 | Delay 精确控制声音的延迟和调制,达到回声效果

2. 调头标志:parasol 阳伞 | backwards 调头标志 | Sickle 镰刀

backwards 双语例句


1. Hafsteinn Thorvaldsson on the Turf doing a nice safe on the second track where he backs out of a backwards roll.


2. backwards的反义词

2. Can you count backwards from 5?


3. Im going to count backwards from three.


4. I'm going to count backwards from three.


5. However, the same was not true when the group was asked to count backwards in groups of seven



6. However, the same was not true when the group was asked to count backwards in groups


7. backwards

7. Aren't you usually the second count backwards?


8. While being put under in the hospital, Jack Bauer can count backwards from 100 every time.

当被送进医院后,JACK每次都能在倒数100 下之后重新复活。

9. When you`re lying, it`s hard to tell a story backwards, because there`s no real memory of what happened.


10. There must be movement forward, which is progress of a sort, or movement backwards, which is decay and deterioration.



11. Hedge Backwards just wasn`t able to communicate with some of our overseas customers, so we sent him to language school and now he speaks tres good.


12. You can`t fool me I know the whole story backwards.


13. I don't know how to drive backwards.


14. Sometimes I think I was born backwards, you know? Come out of my mum the wrong way.


15. We know the business backwards and forwards.


16. You've read that book so many times you must know it backwards by now!


17. Treat it as material for a test you'll take and get to know it backwards and forwards.


18. I know the trick of riding backwards.


19. As you propel backwards the laser-controlled plow cuts grade and then the vibrator plate floats behind and seals the surface – filling footprints and tire tracks as you go.


20. Chinese Course Standard puts forward requirements of reform in composistion teaching, thus, backwards in senior school composition system to promote the reform and development in senior school composition teaching, Creating the interactive, independent and vivid teach...


backwards 词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 backward

1. 向后;朝后

If you move or look backwards, you move or look in the direction that your back is facing.

e.g. The diver flipped over backwards into the water...


e.g. He took two steps backward...


2. 倒转地;逆向地;相反地

If you do something backwards, you do it in the opposite way to the usual way.

e.g. He works backwards, building a house from the top downwards.


3. 倒退地;后退地;退步地

You use backwards to indicate that something changes or develops in a way that is not an improvement, but is a return to old ideas or methods.

e.g. Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards.


e.g. ...the blaming that keeps us looking backward.


4. see also: backward

5. 来来回回;往复

If someone or something moves backwards and forwards, they move repeatedly first in one direction and then in the opposite direction.

e.g. Draw the floss backwards and forwards between the teeth.


e.g. ...people travelling backwards and forwards to and from London.


6. 熟知,对…了如指掌(美国英语中作know something backward and forward)

In British English, if you say that someone knows something backwards, you are emphasizing that they know it very well. In American English, you say that someone knows something backward and forward .

e.g. I asked about one or two things that interest me and she really did know it all backwards.


7. to bend over backwards -> see bend

backwards 单语例句

1. Shockingly, the car drove backwards and rolled over the boy's body twice.

2. " I am not feeling that great but there is no point looking backwards, " Iniesta said.

3. " It essentially is going backwards through the solar system, " he said.

4. " It wasn't designed to run backwards, " Douglas Durst explained.

5. The Greek government is wincing under incensed popular protests even as it bends over backwards for another gasp of borrowed injection.

6. This is done to develop superior technologies and promote industrialization in this ethnic minority area through backwards economics and cultural and technological conditions.

7. He knew the motor was risky because it required somebody to turn the prop backwards to make it run the right way.

8. Passers by told Su Xiuwen and her sister to move the car backwards to get some of the onions off the hood of the vehicle.

9. Zhang recalls how she was once slammed backwards by a powerful gust of wind just after she took off from a cliff.

10. And money saving is something she takes very seriously, even bending over backwards to cut energy costs at the financially strapped clinic.

backwards 英英释义


1. at or to or toward the back or rear

e.g. he moved back

tripped when he stepped backward

she looked rearward out the window of the car

Synonym: backbackwardrearwardrearwards

2. in a manner or order or direction the reverse of normal

e.g. it's easy to get the `i' and the `e' backward in words like `seize' and `siege'

the child put her jersey on backward

Synonym: backward