

completion:[英 [kəmˈpli:ʃn] 美 [kəmˈpliʃən] ]



completion 基本解释

名词完成,结束; 实现; [数]求全法; 期满


completion 相关例句


1. We have all heard about his completion of the late artist's unfinished masterpiece.


2. His desires reached completion.


3. The teacher retired at the completion of the school year.


completion 网络解释

1. 完井:高成本钻探和完井(completion)条件下的勘探和开发日益深入,在砂岩储油区防止砂土或其他不利因素影响井眼的紧迫性逐渐加大. 国际钻井承包商协会(IADC)会长

completion 双语例句

1. The main floor is currently under construction. This hole is where the steel pillars will stand. To make an extra story for the dorms, the completion date has been postponed by one more month. However, quality always comes first.


2. Hagia Sophia from the great dome to 55 meters high, but in the 17th century before the completion of St. Peter's Cathedral, has been the world's largest church.


3. Usually after completion of the age of 5 years housing.


4. Note: Before completing this notice, please read carefully the Notes on Completion of Notice of Revocation of


5. A the Vendor shall continue to act as a director and major operator of the Company for a period of not less than 3 years from Completion on such terms and conditions as the Purchaser may deem reasonable



6. After test completion, a page shows the child's name, date and test results.


7. Completion of their Fello wship, while 60 percent h ave jobs


8. The main objective of this design is the completion of the stepper motor control.


9. It is understood that after the completion of works in the sunlight, will have a fantasy effect.


10. Can be used following the completion of the work method statement, to evaluate any identified hazards.

在工作方案报告书完成之后,附件 D 可用来评估任何辨识出来的危险。

11. Then the Works or Section shall be deemed to have passed these Tests after Completion.



12. In addition, the company plans to inject assets through private placement has been reported that once the completion of a series of injection, the company will gradually transition to alcohol fuels alternative energy companies.


13. completion

13. The operation is simple and convenient; turning on and off the equipment can be achieved by pushing operation and dead-stop button after the adjustment of parameters and the completion of film penetration.



14. The CreateIoCompletionPort function associates an I/O completion port with one or more file handles.

CreateIoCompletionPort 圅籔会使弌個I/O完成端扣与弌個或多個攵閒句柄发生关联。

15. completion的解释

15. I/O completion ports are the mechanism by which an application uses a pool of threads that was created when the application was started to process asynchronous I/O requests.


16. Experiments in June 2009 to do traffic lights, and successful completion of targets, and achieved excellent results


17. completion的解释

17. At the field of cable-stayed bridge, SGP using a single installation, single-tensioning technology, the first time at the completion of a large-scale cable-stayed bridge in normal circumstances the job strand cable replacement and repair.



18. At Lasso the structure of the field, SGP use of the unique construction of computer simulation technology, from the dedicated anchor and specialty construction equipment design and processing, to the entire construction program development and implementation of the completion of a number of sports facilities, convention centers, airports, stations large-span cable (including cable strand, parallel wire cable, wire rope and tensioned rod) in structural engineering.


19. completion

19. Documents of documents Please list, making stores goods warehouse to turn into library, every order confirmation of the goods, and the arrival of the goods at the goods at work, the pick-up DaZhi statistics, the daily and monthly inventory stock statements for doing Storage department JianZhuang cosfre According to the requirement that the goods Michael head certifying that the number and type, the number of such information, supervision and forklift truck packing, arrange cargo security, reasonable position after completion of packing cosfre JianZhuang fill in form Hobbies: interest are good at computer applications, computer hardware and software have mastered

单证部 单证员制作门店商品请货单,转仓单,对每天进库商品的定单进行预约收货,并在货物到达时进行收货单的打制工作,统计每天的库存进出情况,用于每月做库存报表仓储部拼箱监装按装箱单要求确认货麦头,进仓物数量,型号,编号等信息,监督铲车的装箱,安排货物堆放位置合理安全,拼箱装箱完成后填写监装表格兴趣爱好:兴趣方面比较擅长计算机的应用,对计算机的软硬件有一定的掌握

20. Since its inception, with scientific management system, a senior design team, as well as experienced eng ineers and technicians, good quality guarantee system, and actively participate in market competition. Such as the completion of the Consulate General of Sweden in Shanghai, 吉泰Bio-engineering; 多美滋, United Kingdom So uthern Airlines Company Representative Office, Wen Wu Law Firm rationale and so on a large number of decorative items.


completion 单语例句

1. It is scheduled for completion in 2009 and by then, it will be able to generate 84.

2. Its increased capacity in China's northwest regions will exceed 10 million tons after completion of 12 new production lines.

3. Measures include increasing the capital threshold for developing new projects and prohibiting the granting of mortgages before completion of a project's main building.

4. Completion of its new subway line is providing easier transport to citizens and improved the carrying capacity of the city on the whole.

5. Another catalyst was the completion of JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai opening in 2003, as it was very high quality in many aspects and very visible.

6. Upon completion, the output value of the center is expected to exceed 1 billion yuan.

7. A prerequisite for successful completion of a diving course is a doctor's certification of physical fitness sufficient to meet diving's demands.

8. Following the completion of her BA, she completed a master's degree in child psychology at the University of Toronto.

9. The Shanghai government responded by publishing a " clarification " on its website, saying that the completion of refuge centers by 2012 is just coincidental.

10. However, the work does not show the completion of the cloth's journey.

completioncompletion 英英释义


1. a concluding action

Synonym: culminationclosingwindupmop up

2. (American football) a successful forward pass in football

Synonym: pass completion