

proper:[英 [ˈprɒpə(r)] 美 [ˈprɑ:pə(r)] ]



proper 基本解释

形容词适当的,相当的,正当的,应该的,正式的,正常的; 固有的,特有的,独特的; 本来的,真正的,严格意义上的; 〈古〉漂亮的,优美的




proper 同义词



proper 反义词



proper 相关例句


1. The book hardly belongs to literature proper.


2. You aren't wearing proper clothes for this hot weather.



3. He wondered whether it would be proper to knock at her door.


4. The custom is proper to the island.


5. There will be a proper row about it.


proper 网络解释

1. 恰当的:如果是那样, 呼吁政府去帮助受害者制裁犯错者(wrongdoer)是恰当的(proper). 但,如果不是,政府就不应该得到牵扯进来. (尽量缩小政府职能,这是放任自由主义者的基本观点,只在需要政府力量介入的时候才让它介入进来,

proper 双语例句

1. proper的反义词

1. Ask your guide to clap when you are standing in front of the North staircase, if done from the proper spot you will hear the call of what is thought to be the Quetzal bird.


2. proper的翻译

2. This paper introduces the connection using the brazing technique, selects corresponding brazing filler metal and flux together with proper technology, and determines the techniques and measures.


3. Have I not also taught you, `what the tongue says, the neck pays for` I will not have it said that I could never teach my daughter proper respect for her elders.


4. proper的反义词

4. A proper way is to assign weights to the categories. The weights are determined based on the concept of risk in this paper, that is, the category which has a closer relationship with accident consequence is assigned with greater weight. The relationship is measured by the similarity between their corresponding time series created from historical accident statistical data. The similarity is calculated by Euclidean distance.


5. I don't think it is proper time for us to accept payment by D/P.


6. This tells us, Shi Aibing is not blind, but is should embark from student`s reality, achieves teaches students in accordance with their aptitude, because the human executes the love, only then can receive the proper effect.


7. proper是什么意思

7. I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination.


8. To make the robot moving smoothly and improve the control precision, the control system must have proper compensation.


9. Test result showed that the high temperature stability of the mixture after proper dosage of Gilsonite being added as modifie.

研究采用不同掺量北美岩沥青添加剂Aggcote plus,在高温条件下对集料进行预拌裹覆以改善集料与沥青胶结料之间的粘附界面,然后再添加滨州70号基质沥青拌制成沥青混合料,并研究其路用性能。

10. Using the natural and uncontaminated mutton from Tibetan plateau sheep, with synthesized techniques like tendering, deodorizing, seasoning and proper-coloring, we developed a process of making special flavor ing and easily-eaten mutton quenelle.



11. There was a time when it was proper, and there is a proper time for it to cease.


12. proper在线翻译

12. As a good group of Shanghai proper, Wang accepted from the beginning of last year, out of Shanghai, Xinjiang, and Chongqing investment, only a year, many projects have demonstrated good prospects In Chongqing its large community of 350, 000 square meters, commercial housing prices have increased from 2, 000 yuan to 3, 300 yuan, even if the property is not advertised well counted in a year, has 50% of the value-added commercial housing projects profits; For only 1500-1600 yuan per square metre house, year market absorb only 30-40 million households in Xinjiang Yining City, can accommodate 10, 000 households in the city of Xinjiang Shanghai will become the largest local real estate projects, and get to the city of Shanghai alone with per mu cost 20 million.


13. proper的近义词

13. Whether feeling expression is proper or not in singing determines the art charm and aesthetic feeling in song appreciation.


14. There are a few CMT tags in it that I didn't care enough about to remove, use with proper credit.


15. proper

15. Millikan, 'In Defence of Proper Functions'in Philosophy of Science 1989 and in her White Queen Psychology and Other Essays for Alice.


16. A proper percentage of soluble phosphates can meet the need of crops'growth, leading to a low fixation of phosphorus and a good return.


17. According to the disease selecting the proper operation is the key to decreasing complications and improving the safety of operation.


18. Overall physical examination, management of complication, and selecting proper time for operation are essential for elective operation.


19. My past political activities were absolutely legitimate and proper.


20. Accounting Oversight is one of the basic functions of accounting, which means in accordance with national laws and a variety of financial and economic policies, rules and regulations on the accounting supervision and proper use of accounting information on economic activity for a comprehensive coordination, control, supervision, To urge a view to increasing its economic benefits.


proper 词典解释

1. 适宜的;合适的;适当的;恰当的

You use proper to describe things that you consider to be real and satisfactory rather than inadequate in some way.

e.g. Two out of five people lack a proper job...


e.g. I always cook a proper evening meal.


2. 正确的;准确的;最合适的

The proper thing is the one that is correct or most suitable.

e.g. The Supreme Court will ensure that the proper procedures have been followed...


e.g. He helped to put things in their proper place.


3. 得体的;合乎体统的;正派的

If you say that a way of behaving is proper, you mean that it is considered socially acceptable and right.

e.g. In those days it was not thought entirely proper for a woman to be on the stage...


e.g. It is right and proper to do this.


4. 严格意义上的;真正的;本身的

You can add proper after a word to indicate that you are referring to the central and most important part of a place, event, or object and want to distinguish it from other things which are not regarded as being important or central to it.


e.g. A distinction must be made between archaeology proper and science-based archaeology.


proper 单语例句proper

1. Their proper business activities and legitimate rights and interests shall be protected by the Chinese law.

2. So figuring out the proper weight gain is a balancing act, she said.

3. They face disciplinary action for failing to follow proper procedures, but no criminal charges have been brought against them.

4. Now policymakers need to find the proper way to translate this principle into concrete action.

5. The most common cause of cadmium poisoning is a lack of proper precautions in places where cadmium is used.

6. She agreed that Ai Li was a good call - but I needed a proper family name.

7. A professional coach from the GS Academy will oversee this weeklong camp to teach children proper tennis techniques while focusing on fitness and fun.

8. The green land coverage will surpass 40 percent, with per capita green land area in the city proper reaching 12 square meters.

9. Zhou also said China will seek a proper time to open its capital account.

10. The draft judicial explanation would resolve such a case by stipulating that schools should take corresponding responsibility for failing to perform proper care for students.

proper 英英释义



1. appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs

e.g. everything in its proper place

the right man for the job

she is not suitable for the position

Synonym: right

2. marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness

e.g. proper medical treatment

proper manners