

den:[英 [den] 美 [dɛn] ]


过去式:denned;   过去分词:denned;   现在分词:denning;   复数形式:dens;

den 基本解释

名词书斋; 兽穴; 贼窝; 简陋污秽的小室

不及物动词穴居; 藏到洞里; 进窝(冬眠); 把…赶入洞中


den 相关例句


1. The bear's den was in a cave.


2. He enjoys reading in his den.


den 网络解释

1. 丹麦:)黎巴嫩(LIB) 越南(VIE)阿尔巴尼亚(ALB) 爱尔兰(IRL)安道尔(AND) 以色列(ISR)亚美尼亚(ARM) 意大利(ITA)奥地利(AUT) 比利时(BEL)保加利亚(BUL) 白俄罗斯(BLR)克罗地亚(CRO) 塞浦路斯(CYP)捷克(CZE) 丹麦(DEN)爱沙尼亚(EST)

2. 密度:在此基础上,又利用自然伽玛(GR)、深浅侧向电阻率(Rd,Rs)、声波时差(AC)、密度(DEN)、中子孔隙度(CNL)的响应特征,建立了神经网络识别模型. 通过在该区三十多口井的实际应用,取得了较好的效果. [著者文摘]

3. den什么意思

3. 密度测井:粘土矿物的测井响应来进行的. 当中子测井(CNL)和密度测井(DEN)都以砂然而阳离子交换能力(CEC)为:

4. 登革病毒:登革病毒的研究进展 中华传染病杂志2000年第2期第18卷综述 作者:方美玉 林立辉 单位:510507 广州军区军事医学研究所 登革病毒(DEN)属于黄病毒科,分为四个血清型,可引起登革热和登革出血热两种不同类型的急性传染病.

5. den:comité olympique danois; 丹麦奥林匹克委员会

6. den:directory enabled networks; 活动目录网络

7. den:dendrimers; 树枝状高聚物

8. den:directory enabled network; 目录允许网络

den 双语例句

1. den的近义词

1. They have been in your den, but none of them comes out!



2. Stupp R, Mason WP, van den Bent MJ, et al: Concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide and radiotherapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme: conclusive results of a randomized phase III trial by the EORTC Brain and RT Groups and YCIC Clinical Trials Group.


3. Why don't you go to the Brigands'Den instead - if you can find it, of course!



4. And our young friend, who was forever dashing from bawdy-house to gambling-den, from tea-house to eating-place, on one errand or another, day and night, would, whenever he had a free moment, squat down by one of the tables and listen to whatever story was being told (he was always obsequiously polite to the tea-house proprietor, and as a result was never chased away).


5. Just so you know, it's a bit of a cougar den here at my Mom's.

跟你说 我妈住的地方像个豹子窝

6. Wolf won in the spring famine food preparation, as well as being paid a wolf den circumstances, a strong feeling of revenge, and the outbreak of the white winds wipe out the use of Troops - a horrible action.


7. And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice'den.

11:8 吃奶的孩子必玩耍在虺蛇的洞口,断奶的婴儿必按手在毒蛇的穴上。

8. den的解释

8. And the nursing infant shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice'den.


9. It's only a few minutes away from the North Sea's beach, the beautiful woods and dunes. Sandton Hotel de Cooghen

当您踏上Den Helder港口的渡轮前往Texel时,您就将体验到远离一切的感觉。

10. Sudˉden death from thymus hypertrophy was closely associated with adrenal gland atrophy resulting in letdown of cortex function and decline of stress ability of the organisms.


11. Why do you have to celebrateyourl's endedeal by turning our penthouseinto an opium den?


12. den

12. By turning our penthouse into an opium den?


13. den是什么意思

13. The first stage (positive direction diffusion process), in which input information is provided and processed through the input layer and hid den layer to get the actual output value of each unit


14. It had occurred to her to look once more into the queer gaunt room which had been Clares den, or rather eyrie, for so long, and climbing the ladder she stood at the open door of the apartment, regarding and pondering.


15. den的近义词

15. MEN KAI DEN * avatar movie dvdrip * alf 4 * dhoom 2 * Ice Age 3%E2%80%93 PC Game * nicole kidman eyes wide shot * faraon * ionophoresis * Lady Gaga?

男士偕登革*头像电影dvdrip *阿尔夫4 *车神2 *冰河时代3%E2类%80%93电脑游戏*妮可基德曼瞪大眼睛拍摄*法拉翁* ionophoresis *夫人加加?

16. She came at last to the door of a field-mouse, who had a little den under the corn-stubble.


17. Look at that den of traitors where I met you. Dry rot is no name for it.


18. den什么意思

18. I have repeatedly dreamed that I rode my noble steed, handheld knife-edged weapons, and storming into the Mongolian den. Wang Dong Chun is a contemporary of mine.


19. den

19. He finds himself in a smugglers'den and becomes mixed up in their dealings.


20. den在线翻译

20. There are burglaries and all kinds of crimes here because of the crack den.


den 词典解释

1. (狮子、狐狸等野生动物的)兽穴,兽窝

A den is the home of certain types of wild animals such as lions or foxes.

2. (家里用来学习、工作或从事业余爱好的)书房,私室

Your den is a quiet room in your house where you can go to study, work, or carry on a hobby without being disturbed.


3. (通常指为了从事非法活动的)秘密聚集处,窝点,巢穴

A den is a secret place where people meet, usually for a dishonest purpose.


e.g. I could provide you with the addresses of at least three illegal drinking dens.

我可以为你提供至少 3 处非法饮酒窝点的地址。

e.g. ...the crack dens of urban America.


4. (某一不良行为或非法活动的猖獗)场所,渊薮

If you describe a place as a den of a particular type of bad or illegal behaviour, you mean that a lot of that type of behaviour goes on there.


e.g. ...the one-bedroomed flat that was to become his den of savage debauchery.


e.g. ...a den of greed.


den 单语例句

1. The keeper entered a cage to feed a tiger on October 21 but failed to lock the den where the animals were kept.

2. With the Rugby World Cup fast approaching, the best place to catch a game is at The Den in Sanlitun.

3. The newest cub remains hidden with Bai Yun in a cozy den that can only be seen by the public via Webcam.

4. The Den's crowd is mostly expats and its restaurant serves European and Asian fare with pizza and hamburgers being a popular choice.

5. It feels a bit like being in the Dragons'Den on telly.

6. Nor did the dimly lit old house in which I had to fumble over uneven ground through the kitchen smoke and pig den.

7. Russia's Den Kolodin tested the nerves of van de Sar by two consecutive spectacular long range drives from about 30 metres away.

8. The leopards immediately ate the goats, while the pigs fought back and lived on inside the den.

9. They had to build a product that could work just as well in a small Japanese living room as in a spacious den.

10. Observing from a camera and listening to audio from the den, the zoo's panda staff believe Mei Xiang is nursing the cub.

den 英英释义


1. a room that is comfortable and secluded

2. a unit of 8 to 10 cub scouts

3. a hiding place

usually a remote place used by outlaws

Synonym: hideouthideaway

4. the habitation of wild animals

Synonym: lair