

pension:[英 [ˈpenʃn] 美 [ˈpɛnʃən] ]


过去式:pensioned;   现在分词:pensioning;   复数形式:pensions;

pension 基本解释


名词退休金,养老金; 膳宿费; 生活津贴; 寄宿学校

及物动词发给…养老金[退休金]; 准予退休,强迫退休(并发给退休金)

pension 相关例句


1. The Army pensioned the soldier for his years of loyal service.




1. He had stayed at the pension for a fortnight.


2. pension的意思

2. A full day's pension, if one has a room with a bath, will cost about $100.


3. She lived on a small pension.


pension 情景对话



A:My grandmother gets by on (social security/ her pension funds/ charity).



B:Mine too.


pension 双语例句

1. He has taken it into his head that I mean to pension him off.


2. pension的反义词

2. You can perhaps borrow from a pension fund to pay off your debts.



3. When I retire, I'll move to a quiet house in the country and live off my pension.


4. pension的反义词

4. Thanks to his Army career and pension we were financially better off than most.


5. pension的解释

5. Living off my pension. He has taken it into his head that I mean to pension him off.


6. He was pension ed off and replaced with a younger man.


7. He is currently living off a pension of$100 a week.


8. pension的解释

8. To leave the city, the city's social insurance agencies should be old-age insurance and old-age insurance personal accounts amount transferred to his storage location of the residence of the social insurance agencies; establishment of the local social security institutions, their personal pension Insurance account the amount of storage in the personal interest and part of the one-time fee paid to himself.


9. IPD refers a kind of responsibility, because there is no individual account on pay as you go system, so it will lose some pension accumulation, and government must take on this duty.


10. pension

10. Deductions from your pay for tax, pension contributions, etc.


11. The purpose of the study is to analyze Gukeng pension lodger's experience toward 2006 Coffee Festival.


12. Even the so-called tax-exempt investors, such as pension funds and college endowment funds, do not escape the inflation tax.


13. pension的解释

13. L'll get a dragon's tooth up my bum and a shilling-a-year pension.



14. What differ with general understanding is, the pension reform of shunt economy country is not previous mode is duplicate.


15. This chapter examines the transfer of market risk to the household sector arising from changes in the behavior of financial institutions and from pension reform.


16. We will continue to increase basic pension for enterprise retirees and upgrade the standard of unemployment insurance and workers'compensation.


17. They said that by 2012, Cadiz would be a bedroom community for nearby industrial areas, said Esteban Vias Casais, 58, a retired factory worker who lives on a disability pension.


18. pension的反义词

18. For wage management, according to the needs there mainly are have 11 set: basic wages, job wages, floating wages, transportation subsidies, food subsidies, housing subsidies, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, pension insurance, provident fund and bonus.


19. There was a saving clause in the Old Age Pensions Act providing that rich people should not get the pension.


20. pension的近义词

20. The so-called old-age pension is not dependent small wolf Parent David A wolf will only bring up to (about 1 year old) be able to hunt, and then will be mercilessly evicted from their homes, but it will only drive away the male offspring, the majority of female offspring will still be in its wolf parents for some time, studying the offspring-rearing skills.


pension 词典解释

1. 养老金;退休金;抚恤金

Someone who has a pension receives a regular sum of money from the state or from a former employer because they have retired or because they are widowed or disabled.


e.g. ...struggling by on a pension.


e.g. ...a company pension scheme.


相关词组:pension off

pension 单语例句

1. The pension fund clause was added to the draft law after the first reading by the country's top legislature.

2. The UK is poised to take similar action, " allowing " local government pension funds to invest in infrastructure projects.

3. These included a shift away from bank lending to capital markets funding and the need to boost Europe's pension assets.

4. With a good pension, the retired woman leads a comparatively good life in North China's Tianjin municipality.

5. The move is expected to make better use of the pension funds, infuse fresh blood into the capital market and bring lucrative business opportunities to fund managers.

6. In November 2009, the government's pension fund purchased up to 10 percent of the company's capital outstanding stock.

7. Sun has spent all her pension on the cats and has turned to neighbors and children for financial help if a cat falls ill.

8. The cost of the center is covered by her pension and contributions from her son and daughter.

9. He also said that the aging population poses a huge challenge to the pension system.

10. BEIJING - Aging population poses a huge challenge to China's pension system, minister of human resources and social security Yin Weimin said Tuesday.

pension 英英释义



1. a regular payment to a person that is intended to allow them to subsist without working


1. grant a pension to

Synonym: pension off