
pass on是什么意思_pass on用法和例句

pass on:[英 [pɑ:s ɔn] 美 [pæs ɑn] ]

pass on是什么意思

pass on 基本解释

传递; 去世; 前进; 对…发表(意见)

pass on的意思

pass on 相关例句



1. Now, let's pass on to the next question.


2. pass on

2. Would you pass it on to the next person?


3. I'm sorry to learn that your dear mother has just passed on.


pass on 情景对话

Quality Control-(品管)

A:Were having some quality-control problems, Jim. We need to go to the source to work them out.


B:What problems are you having, exactly?


A:The complaint rate for our new product line is very high, almost seven percent.


B:Thats high.


A:Yes. We keep finding problems when testing the boards.


B:But your promotional materials claim the boards are the least expensive of their type on the market.


pass on

A:The least expensive, but still fully functional. And we think that your factory needs to take measures to improve quality control.


pass on的近义词

B:That will involve additional expenses for us, which well have to pass on to you as a rate hike.


A:Im afraid thats unacceptable. Your contract says that you will deliver a product with a reject rate of less than five percent.


pass on的意思

B:Well, Ill tell you what, Mike. Ill review the contract and talk with management. Then well get together and hash this out.


pass on 网络解释

1. 传递:最后要表示你会坚持共享(share),传递(pass on),感谢(appreciate)和贡献(contribute). 当然由于免费光盘是从欧洲寄给你的,一定要填写规范准确的联系地址,而且要耐心地等上4-6个星期. 所以,如果你有较好的上网条件,

2. 把...传给别人;转入:pass by 走过;(时间)逝去 . | pass on 把...传给别人;转入 . | pass out 失去知觉;分发 .

3. pass on

3. 把......传给别人:pass away去世 | pass on把......传给别人 | pay attention to注意

pass on 双语例句

1. Polaroid used to allow people to have a photo in-hand within minutes, one you could write on and pass around but now many people never print their digital photos.


2. pass on

2. The final render is 3636 x 2772 and it took about 15 hours on a Quad Pentium. I then made an Ambient Occlusion pass and added it within Photoshop. I duplicated it in two different layers, setting one `Multiply` and the other `Overlay`, I tweaked those layer`s transparency then enhanced the contrast and the color gamma till I was happy with the final result.

最终的渲染大小是3636 x 2772,用四块Pentium的CPU花了共15个小时来渲染,接着创建了Ambient Occlusion通道,把这个结果导入到Photoshop,复制这个图层,分别设置图层混合模式为正片叠底和叠加,调节这些图层的不透明度、对比度还有颜色伽马直至满意为止。

3. B Construction of facilities for winter 1, to ensure the quality of construction in winter, to achieve progress, the need for winter construction skills training; 2, raw materials used in the project approaching, the need for testing of raw materials, in order to pass; 3, the construction site layout, layout point of fire facilities, particularly in the use of fire, electric heating construction site, must be clearly marked, the road should be open, timely removal of snow and frozen by the distribution of fire safety requirements, and facilities were set up regular inspections; 4, in the winter season outdoor temperature may reach 10 degrees Celsius below Wall again and under the law drilling mud during the construction period shall be guaranteed from the freezing mud; 5, entered the cold season, one-time seasonal maintenance on machinery and equipment, construction safety technology development cold season, and the use of mechanical equipment operatives safety education for the cold season.

冬季施工设施 1、为确保冬期施工质量,达到施工进度要求,必须进行冬期施工技术培训; 2、工程中使用的原材料进场后,必须进行原材料化验,合格后方能使用; 3、布置施工现场时,注意防火设施点的布置,特别在使用明火处,电加热施工现场,都要有明显标志,道路要通畅,及时清除冰冻和积雪,按防火要求配置,设施齐全并设人定期检查; 4、在严冬季节室外气温可能达到-10摄氏度以下,再次环境下进行泥浆护壁法钻孔,施工期间应保证泥浆不受冻结; 5、在进入寒冷季节前,对机械设备进行一次性换季保养,制定寒冷季节施工安全技术措施,并对机械操作工进行寒冷季节使用设备的安全教育。

4. To pass the time while on a long journey, Donkey bets Shrek that he can make him laugh before they arrive at their destination.


5. Mr Ibbs I would seem sometimes to catch gazing at me with a certain light in his eye-as if, I thought, he was seeing me suddenly for the piece of poke I was, and wondering how I had come to stay so long, and who he could pass me on to.


6. From cradle to tomb, there is only one way for us, so we can say that we are getting old on the way before we pass away.


7. pass on的近义词

7. If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7s will you pass on the way?

如果你指望从1到100 ,有多少7 美国会通过,你就这样?

8. I don`t like to talk on the phone so I often pass the phone off to my sister when my parents call.


9. With her on my back, it was not easy to pass through. Also she could not squat. Therefore I put a chair with a hole in the middle on the squat toilet for her.


10. Please fill in the Candidate Information Form and pass it on to the Personnel Manager.


11. Nanfang Daily News (Reporter/SUN correspondent/Xue Zhe Bo) 6 junior high school students in the Internet cafe to play late into the night, went to Silver Lake area to pass the time, I feel a bad mood, they want to vent their emotions on a young man to commit robbery, and The man was wounded.

南方日报讯(记者/孙颖通讯员/薛哲刘波) 6名初中生在网吧玩到深夜,跑到银湖辖区打发时间,觉得心情不好,想发泄情绪便对一年轻男子实施抢劫,并将该男子打伤。

12. And 70 percent of people said they would pass judgment about a person's lifestyle and character based on their name.


13. Having received it you can pass it on to as many others as you like and it will never be depleted. That is the nature of Truth.



14. Could you pass on my thanks to your parents for all these lovely gifts?


15. pass on的近义词

15. But I'll pass on the chicken?


16. Mount Everest is changing every year, now 8844, altitude deeply cold, we are Jiacuola only mountain pass, mount Everest should pass us on.



17. On one hand, an emulation analysis is conducted for the gain, band-pass and selectivity of the resonant amplifier, and their relationship.


18. Whether the children can pass the transition smoothly depends on if the teaching in this period is suitable for both the physical and the psychological characteristics of the children.


19. pass on什么意思

19. But we shall pass over all these evils for the moment, and concentrate on just one consequence of loans of this type.


20. A time domain recursive low pass filtering algorithm based on Kalman filtering theo-ry is analyzed.


pass on 词典解释

1. 将…传给;将…交给

If you pass something on to someone, you give it to them so that they have it instead of you.

e.g. The Queen is passing the money on to a selection of her favourite charities...


e.g. There is a risk of passing the virus on...


2. 将…转移给;将…转嫁给

If you pass on costs or savings to someone else, you make them pay for your costs or allow them to benefit from your savings.

e.g. They pass on their cost of borrowing and add it to their profit margin...


e.g. I found we could make some saving and it is right to pass the savings on to the customer.


3. 去世;逝世

You can say that someone passed on to mean that they died, if you want to avoid using the word 'die' because you think it might upset or offend people.

pass on在线翻译

e.g. He passed on at the age of 72.


4. see also: pass

pass on 单语例句

1. Products are by definition used by people, even if they are dog food that you pass on to Fido for dinner.

2. Lawmakers were expected to pass by a wide margin on Thursday a resolution expressing unstinting support for Israel and harshly condemning its enemies.

3. The girls are so pleased for her and have said they're only a phone call away to pass on any parenting tips.

4. The House Majority leader Eric Cantor vowed on Thursday that Republican leaders would have enough votes to pass Boehner's " Plan B ".

5. Thirty torchbearers will pass the torch on the water and 47 relay will carry it in the Palace.

6. The'Harry Potter'actress loves applying cosmetics to her friends and family and is always happy to pass her beauty tips on to them.

7. The group handed over the cash donation to the Taiwan External Trade Development Council, which will pass it on to the relevant agencies soon.

8. Russians lined up under overcast skies to pass through metal detectors to enter Christ the Savior Cathedral on the banks of the Moscow River.

9. The assembly ended weeks of disagreement about the fate of the disputed city of Kirkuk to pass the electoral law late on Sunday.

10. We too have a duty to pass on the torch of memory, so that future generations will have a clearer record of whence they came.

pass on 英英释义


1. transmit information

e.g. Please communicate this message to all employees

pass along the good news

Synonym: communicatepasspass alongput across

2. move forward, also in the metaphorical sense

e.g. Time marches on

Synonym: advanceprogressmove onmarch ongo on

3. cause be distributed

e.g. This letter is being circulated among the faculty

Synonym: circulatepass arounddistribute

4. give to or transfer possession of

e.g. She passed the family jewels on to her daughter-in-law

5. place into the hands or custody of

e.g. hand me the spoon, please

Turn the files over to me, please

He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers

Synonym: passhandreachturn overgive

6. transmit (knowledge or skills)

e.g. give a secret to the Russians

leave your name and address here

impart a new skill to the students

Synonym: impartleavegive

7. refer to another person for decision or judgment

e.g. She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues

Synonym: relegatesubmit