

junior:[英 [ˈdʒu:niə(r)] 美 [ˈdʒunjɚ] ]



junior 基本解释

形容词较年幼的,较年小的; 三年级的,低年级的; 资历较浅的; 后进的

名词年少者,青少年; 晚辈; 三年级生; 职位较低者


junior 同义词




junior 反义词


junior 相关例句


1. Mr.Smith Junior is in charge of this department.


2. He is junior to me by two years.


3. She teaches a junior class.




1. Of the two clerks, he is the junior.


2. junior的翻译

2. I am three years her junior.


junior 情景对话


A:Let’s see if we can reach some sort of agreement over your curfew.


B:Okay. Everyone else’s parents let them stay out until two or three in the morning.

好吧,别人的父母都让他们玩到凌晨2 点或3 点。


A:Well. I’m not everyone else’s father. I think you need to be in the house by ten o’clock.

是吗,可我不是别人的父亲。我认为你10 点钟必须回到家里。

B:That’s absurd. I know some junior high kids who can stay out later than that.

那太荒谬了。我认识一些初中生,他们都可以10 点以后回家。


A:I’ll be worried if you stay out late.


B:Okay, how about a midnight curfew? And I’ll let you know where I am.

好吧,12 点怎么样?更何况我会让你知道我在什么地方的。


A:That sounds reasonable.


junior 网络解释

1. 少年:很多力量举和举重高手都曾是青少年(Junior)比赛的冠军. 尽管针对青少年力量训练有很多怀疑,但研究显示,青少年力量训练无疑能大大提高进入成年后的力量成绩,而且不会对其他身体机能产生不利影响,但需要遵循科学的方法.

2. 大三:依次是研究生,大四(senior),大三(junior),大二(sophmore)最后是大一新生(freshman).前后总共将近40天. 等到大一学生选课时,很多课程已经closed,所以有些你想

3. junior的反义词

3. 初级:(LPI)提供初级(Junior)和中级(Intermediate)Linux 系统管理员认证. 高级(Senior)认证仍在发展之中. 每个级别的认证都有两门考试.

4. 次级:在传统MBS、ABS中,通常做法是通过证券分层来实现信用增强,即以特定资产支持的MBS和ABS证券被区分为优先(Senior)、夹层(Mezzanine)和次级(Junior)三类,特定资产产生的现金流首先用于保证优先级证券的本金和收益,然后再是夹层级证券和次级证券,

junior 双语例句

1. Effective information management from superior to junior is implemented in this system, it brings leaders the convenience for decision making, and it is refrence and assistant for impactful management.


2. To bypass a senior employee in order to promote a more junior employee.


3. junior的近义词

3. Meanwhile, incomplete information and asymmetrical information are in the process of public expenditure, which leads to multiplayer principal-agent. At the same time, the multiplayer principal-agent can be divided into outside organization and inside organization, the former includes public-legislator, legislator-government (represented by treasury department), treasury department-public expenditure branch, public expenditure branch-client, the later includes manager-underling; superior branch -junior branch.



4. Have an intermediate degree of paedomorphism; they are at the point where they share in the pack's hunting behavior, but are still in a junior role, not participating in the actual attack.


5. junior是什么意思

5. Now, I am a junior at IU; I am often doing the same thing to help those new coming students as I was helped with open arms before.


6. The idea that the casing shoe resistance and the crushing strength of the LCM must be considered when design the density of the drilling fluids is presented. It holds that the surface pressure should be junior to the crushing strength of LCM, in order to prevent the formed bridge plug from crushing.


7. Nanfang Daily News (Reporter/SUN correspondent/Xue Zhe Bo) 6 junior high school students in the Internet cafe to play late into the night, went to Silver Lake area to pass the time, I feel a bad mood, they want to vent their emotions on a young man to commit robbery, and The man was wounded.

南方日报讯(记者/孙颖通讯员/薛哲刘波) 6名初中生在网吧玩到深夜,跑到银湖辖区打发时间,觉得心情不好,想发泄情绪便对一年轻男子实施抢劫,并将该男子打伤。

8. The purpose of this study is to help junior college students to learn a more clear conception of the projectile motion by the computer-assisted learning.


9. junior的近义词

9. While the heroine Odelia Fiennes is a typical school girl, kind-hearted and considerate. They had spent three years in junior high school.

而主角Odelia Fiennes则是典型的校园女生形象,心地善良且善解人意。

10. But I hate instant noodles and I am now a middle school student of Junior Two.


11. Considering he started a long way in front of Nelson Piquet Junior to finish behind him at Renault's home race is not good.


12. junior

12. Methods By using a stratified cluster sampling method, 9015 students from 1130 junior middle schools in Beijing, Hangzhou, Wuhan and Urumuqi were chosen randomly to complete Chinese questionnaire on Global School Students Health Survey.


13. They may assume a strident command- and-control approach or else turn passive — by clamming up, being indirect, failing to ask for what they want or need, and refusing to delegate junior-level tasks and responsibilities.


14. Track web new technical development, do drupal traning nonscheduled, to promote the capability of junior programmer.


15. It came to him that his nephew Robert had been connected with it, had been Junior Counsel.


16. Your creditors can ask you to dig deeper into your personal assets: the bonds set aside for junior's education, the old farmstead, and the rest.



17. It's an uphill task: Chi-Med's shares have bombed since the company floated on the junior London Aim market in 2006, from a float price of 275p to 80p.

这是一项艰巨的任务:和黄于 2006年在伦敦初级AIM市场上市以来,其股价严重下跌,浮动价格从275英镑跌至80英镑。

18. The purpose of this study was to investigate the experience of junior high school student`s resilience in adversity.


19. junior

19. The junior high school of time, ask liu history examination of rehabilitate policy is what?


20. junior是什么意思

20. GuPin, two to junior high school PROM was forced to drop out of school.


junior 词典解释

1. 职位(或地位)较低的;年资较浅的

A junior official or employee holds a low-ranking position in an organization or profession.

e.g. Junior and middle-ranking civil servants have pledged to join the indefinite strike.


e.g. ...a junior minister attached to the prime minister's office.


2. 较年幼者;年少者

If you are someone's junior, you are younger than they are.


e.g. She now lives with actor Denis Lawson, 10 years her junior.


3. 小(用于男子名后以区别于家族中同名的长辈,缩略形式为Jr)

Junior is sometimes used after the name of the younger of two men in a family who have the same name, sometimes in order to prevent confusion. The abbreviation Jr is also used.

e.g. His son, Arthur Ochs Junior, is expected to succeed him as publisher.


4. (美国高中或大学的)三年级学生

In the United States, a student in the third year of a high school or university course is called a junior.

e.g. Their youngest daughter Amy's a junior at the University of Evansville in Indiana...


e.g. It was the summer before his junior year in high school.


junior 单语例句

1. Junior Achievement is an international movement to educate young people about business and economics.

2. A caddie is usually junior golfer and this is a good way to find success..

3. The Tribune said Haan was unhappy he had been left out of a delegation that was following Cameroon's youth team at an African junior championship.

4. Rowers prepare to race during the World Rowing Junior Championships at Shunyi Rowing and Canoeing Park in Beijing last week.

5. King said she struggled as a junior player, but was looking forward to a successful pro career.

6. In 2007 and 2008 Chen met teachers leading student field trips to the cemetery, one from a nearby junior school and the other from a local college.

7. The centrist party is the largest of three junior partners in the ruling coalition with Olmert's Kadima Party.

8. Applicants for the kindergarten positions should hold junior college degrees or higher and then receive four months of training to obtain an education certification.

9. Another student remembered him drawing a pentagram on the ground with chalk in junior high school and dancing around it with other students.

10. A Ying also quit school as a grade one junior high student because her medical condition solicited unwelcome attention by classmates.

junior 英英释义


1. the younger of two persons

e.g. she is two years my junior

2. a third-year undergraduate

3. term of address for a disrespectful and annoying male

e.g. look here, junior, it's none of your business


1. including or intended for youthful persons

e.g. a junior sports league

junior fashions

2. younger

lower in rank

shorter in length of tenure or service