

rafter:[英 [ˈrɑ:ftə(r)] 美 [ˈræftə(r)] ]


过去式:raftered;   过去分词:raftered;   现在分词:raftering;   复数形式:rafters;

rafter 基本解释


名词椽; 筏夫


rafter 相关例句


1. Most of these houses still have their original rafters.


rafter 网络解释


1. 椽条:结构椽条(Rafter)及桁架(Truss),其顶部结系构材及上框使用之连结物(铁件),在结构耐力上,必须有效紧密结合. 但依本准则第C.11节结构计算,确定符合结构安全者,不在此限. 解说: 1. 屋顶组合系统之组合,系由屋面板(支撑屋顶面荷重作用,

2. rafter在线翻译

2. 椽子:(1)椽子(Rafter) 承担屋面上的荷载,是架设在脊檩、檩、檐檩上的细长斜木. 玻璃温室通常每隔45cm安装一根. 近几年在大型温室或荷兰式温室中间距更大,实际间距应配合玻璃的规格而定. (2)檩(Purlin) 支撑在屋面的屋架上,设在脊檩和檐檩之间,

3. rafter在线翻译

3. 椽:raft foundation 筏式基础;筏式地基 | rafter 椽 | rail 栏杆;横档

4. rafter在线翻译

4. 橼:rafter sample 橼上灰尘取样 | rafter 橼 | rail ladder 有围栏的梯子

rafter 双语例句

1. Rafter refers to the mourning of Phi in the chest of the shirt, the next suit is called chang.


2. Luo famous Buddhist hole located in the south bank of the Yellow River, dug in the cliffs above thegao ya. fo ku type of canopiesya kou Court are vacant, fly rafter brackets, very spectacular, according to legend the prince for the early Ming Dynasty to the Chinese practice in Nepal, where Buddha.


3. A big wood can be used as a girder, a thin wood can be used as a square rafter, a small wood can be used as a pendentive, a stout wood can be used as a door-hinge pit, and a wedge can be used as a door bar.

大的木材能被同样地用一个桁,瘦的木材能被同样地用一个正直的椽,小的木材能被当作 pendentive 使用,强壮的木材能被当作一个门-铰链深坑使用,而且一片楔子能被当作一扇门使用除之外。

4. And she began to feel dizzy and fell off the rafter.


5. For the stone will cry out from the wall, And the rafter will answer from the timber.

2:11 墙里的石头必呼叫,木料中的椽子必应声。

6. rafter

6. But this time I found something at last; I found an old rusty wood-saw without any handle; it was laid in between a rafter and the clapboards of the roof.


7. Increasing the value of Young`s modulus ensures that there is no bending of the column and rafter members, and no in-plane deformation of the brackets.


8. The research gives prominence to three main way of using earth, they are mould board building, rafter building, and earthen brick building.


9. Whilst in hiding he was said to have seen a spider swing from one rafter to another in an attempt to anchor its web.


10. Pat Rafter said you could be the next man to dominate men's tennis in the world.

Pat Rafter说你可以成为下一个制霸世界男子网球的男人。


11. Charismatic, with a smile that could light up a whole room, Nadal is the latest attraction in a sport lacking figureheads after the retiral of Pete Sampras and Patrick Rafter.


12. rafter

12. Imitate the comes in sight of the your hand to keep such as the big pen of rafter, write the world article of intelligence expression


13. rafter是什么意思

13. Steel structure of light-weight buildings with gabled frames is a widely used steel structural style in China at present. This paper starts with the deficiency of the Specificaion in calculating the effective length factors of gable portal frames. When the gable portal frame subjected to the vertical uniform loading, it conducts the arch effect—1.Rafter axial force is large when the slope of rafter is big. 2. Having the span change effect. 3. Low height-span gable portal frame occur snap through buckling. Global stability method is used to analysis the stability of gable portal frames.


14. In wood-frame construction, a horizontal member, capping the exterior wall studs, upon which the roof rafter s rest.


15. Wisdom Hall of sitting east to west, Miankuo 3, 11.7 m-long, two three-deep into the rafter.


16. They decided they would have to go out into the boxroom and walk across it taking steps as long as the steps from one rafter to the next.


17. Fully covered with colorful inside, with the exception of the Buddha on the altar five main Buddha, the walls, columns purlin, rafter both houses thousands of colorful plastic.


18. rafter的反义词

18. Most of these houses still have their original rafter s.



19. The big rafter is visible in this room.


20. And can you honestly tell me that you don't watch Sampras or Patrick Rafter.


rafter 词典解释


Rafters are the sloping pieces of wood that support a roof.


e.g. From the rafters of the thatched roofs hung strings of dried onions and garlic.


rafter 单语例句

1. The experienced visitors can do without a local rafter, who is crucial for getting across rocky shores.

2. Traditionally, a rafter who runs a rapid first gets to name it.

3. Shane Battier scored 11 and Rafter Alston had six points for Houston.

4. Open champion Patrick Rafter will end his yearlong retirement next month by playing in a doubles match.

5. It is a simple and graceful ancient pavilion with carved beam and painted rafter.

6. Open champion was beaten in the first round, and first since Patrick Rafter was defeated in 1999.

7. MELBOURNE - Australian Davis Cup team captain Patrick Rafter has praised the Chinese men's squad, warning the Australians of their opponents'competitive attitude.

8. " I was getting very frustrated and it was eating away at me, " said Rafter.

9. " I know they played very well and had a very good win over Chinese Taipei, " Rafter said.

10. Former world number one Patrick Rafter's partner Lara Feltham has given birth to the couple's first child.

rafter 英英释义


1. one of several parallel sloping beams that support a roof

Synonym: balkbaulk

2. someone who travels by raft

Synonym: raftsmanraftman



1. provide (a ceiling) with rafters