

shortcoming:[英 [ˈʃɔ:tkʌmɪŋ] 美 [ˈʃɔ:rtkʌmɪŋ] ]



shortcoming 基本解释



shortcoming 相关例句


1. shortcoming是什么意思

1. He has made up his mind to overcome his shortcomings.


2. shortcoming的反义词

2. Rudeness is his chief shortcoming.


shortcoming 网络解释

1. shortcoming的意思

1. 缺点:对于某人是谁的展示――它是与某人是什么相对立的,后者包括人的本性(quality)、天赋(gift)、才能(talent)、缺点(shortcoming)等等,他可以把它们展示出来,也可以隐藏起来――内在于人的说和作的每件事情之中.

2. 缺乏;短处:scratch 刮痕 | shortcoming 缺乏;短处 | sign 征候

3. 短处:Short Tests of Clerical Ability 文书能力短测验 | shortcoming 短处 | shortcut 捷径

4. shortcoming的解释

4. 缺少:shortagedamage report 损差报表 | shortcoming 缺少 | shortcut channel 捷径航道

shortcoming 双语例句

1. Improved footprint models, on the diffrerent points, enforce the function of prediction, avoid the structureless shortcoming, resolve the problem of different metric parameters in conventional model, and reveal more information about the impact of specific human behavior on eco-environment.?


2. The shortcoming of 9365 is the high plant, late maturation and the resistance to stripe rust controlled by recessive genes. Wheat; Stripe rust; Resistance; 9365 variety; Utilization and evaluation

0 0 0- 2 0 0 4年是陕西省自 1990年条锈病大流行以来发生面积最大的年份,随着新的小麦条锈病优势致病生理小种条中 32、水源 11 14及水源 11 4的


3. So we review the advances of early diagnosis of ovarian cancer which are based on microarray and protein-chip technology respectively, pointing out that the imprecise of the testing results based on SELDI-TOF technology and the methodology shortcoming of data analysis are the main reasons of irreproducibility of the experiments.


4. Today is wedesday, my son spent a happy day in his kindergarten, now he is becoming more and more open and clear. but he is still a litlle shy, today his teacher told me that my son seldom asked question, when she let my son answer questions, his voce is small. this makes me fell worry, I donn't know how to let him overcome this shortcoming, I hope that someone help me, here I thank you.


5. However, this also has a shortcoming as described below.


6. shortcoming的意思

6. In the section of parts recognition, a new system based on higher order neural networks is proposed for recognizing the shape of the parts. The total system consists of several subsystem, each corresponding the sets of models which have the same number of geometrical feature.. HONN is applied in each subsystem to accomplish PSRI recognition. The shortcoming including large amount of learning samples, slow learning rate, low success rate of recognition is overcome with HONN. Due to position, scale invariance and cycle shift of normalized feature parameters, only 2〓 order HONN is need to act as classifier. So the memory requirement is reduced dramatically compared with normal method applying HONN. Calculation efficiency is improved largely.


7. After deep analyzing and researching on the operating principle of the executing mechanism of hydraulic wrench and the existent shortcoming, a study on optimization design of the executing mechanism is developed. The modern optimization design method is used.


8. The shortcoming of machining is that the productivity is very low and it is very hard to guarantee the tolerance of inner radius and surface roughness of the chamber.


9. He has shortcoming, but after all, he is a good man.


10. shortcoming

10. My advantage is that I am handsome, but my shortcoming is that it is obvious that I am not


11. shortcoming的近义词

11. He has shortcoming, but in a word, he is a good man.


12. He has shortcoming, but above all, he is good person.


13. shortcoming

13. My advantage is that I am handsome, but my shortcoming is that it is not obvious


14. However, I have found at least one shortcoming.



15. Such one, but I don't know how to get rid of those shortcoming.


16. In it Denisov, making no reference to the shortcoming of the commissariat department, simply begged for mercy.


17. In allusion to the merit and shortcoming of each kind of window, a kind of association analytical method is proposed, which conbines the advantages of hanning window and triangular window together, thus it can reach higher precision.


18. shortcoming的解释

18. Through the analysis of approach of optimum evaluation of the present project economic appraisal in our country, the shortcoming in it is pointed out.


19. This paper introduces and studies the secure mechanism of iFIX in the field of industry control. We anal-ysis the relationship between users, user g roups, security areas and application features. We also show some shortcoming of iFIX security mechanism.


20. shortcoming的翻译

20. From the time club of art historiography, one hand, we can find the accumulation of precipitation, and the traditional cream of the crop in some kind of environment, In what way burke issued a strong vitality and creativity; on the other hand, we can also understand the tradition under the old habit direction, its shortcoming humble follows the strength to havein in a strength way.


shortcoming 词典解释

1. 缺点;短处

Someone's or something's shortcomings are the faults or weaknesses which they have.


e.g. Marriages usually break down as a result of the shortcomings of both partners...


e.g. His book has its shortcomings.


shortcoming 单语例句shortcoming

1. The phenomenon reflects a shortcoming in institutional design of the student loan system.

2. If that is a shortcoming, it is one that can be excused due to the high fidelity of the imitation.

3. This shortcoming has made it difficult for investors to evaluate the earnings potential of a listed company and make an informed investment decision.

4. The shortcoming of this is he'll usually not let on to the woman his musings.

5. This shortcoming can be rectified with careful food combinations and this is the premise of a vegan diet.

6. Nan launched a second " ownership revolution " in 1998 as he found a deadly shortcoming for a family business was attracting and retaining talented employees.

7. " This shortcoming has greatly influenced my work, " Yan said.

8. She wants to use China as a benchmark to analyze the shortcoming of Western capitalism and she finds many.

9. " The only shortcoming was I retouched them so well the hair looked a little fake, " Chen says.

10. One major shortcoming for going public overseas is the separation of investors and customers.

shortcoming 英英释义



1. a failing or deficiency

e.g. that interpretation is an unfortunate defect of our lack of information

Synonym: defect