

sigh:[英 [saɪ] 美 [saɪ] ]


过去式:sighed;   过去分词:sighed;   现在分词:sighing;

sigh 基本解释


不及物动词叹气; 悲叹,悲鸣



sigh 相关例句


1. The old woman sighed out her grief.



1. sigh

1. She sighed for home and friends.


2. We heard her sigh with relief.


3. Wind sighed in the branches.


sigh 网络解释


1. 叹气:目的探讨压力支持(psv)+叹气(sigh)+呼气末正压(PEEP)混合通气模式用于治疗急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的临床应用价值.方法采用回顾性比较方法,

2. 嘆:10 B 逻辑推理词义比较 对于她的状况,Pat没有必要道歉(apologize),也开不起玩笑(joke),她只有坚持(insist)下去,所以她只得长吁短叹(sigh). 12 A 前后照应词义比较 但是他做的饭菜也许费用高(expensive),却不可口(tasty),

sigh 双语例句

1. More than one years ago of that day while I listen to her tell to me the story, I silently of time, the tears downslide already, but she seems to tell the other`s story, she is natural and unrestrained. she lies on my shoulder, I only heard let me feeling the tired sigh.


2. Robert Audley breathed a long sigh of relief as he folded this letter.


3. Miss Temple got up, took her hand and examined her pulse; then she returned to her own seat: as she resumed it, I heard her sigh low.


4. Sigh! I have tried hard to get her one but.............

唉! 我已尽力要送她一个,但。。。。。。。。。。。。。

5. Sigh, I really want to be free of this gym.


6. Looked at the mountain of work, only sigh in despair and regret.


7. sigh

7. She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes; that is always a sigh of despair in a woman.


8. sigh的意思

8. Whenever a failure, says Zhang papers issued down silent I can only sigh in despair.


9. The silence for a long time, exudes one to sigh with regretfinally, Mei Xuxun snow three point white, the snow actually losesplum section of fragrances, you said that we why must struggle areason why?


10. The silence for a long time, exudes one to sigh with regret finally, Mei Xuxun snow three point white, the snow actually loses plum section of fragrances, you said that we why must struggle a reason why?


11. This is the fact, like the fly got flapped, knocked all our shit out, you know, and this is justbecause we made a such mother-fucking dumbass desicion. We kicked our own ass into the freaking hell and even gotta wait for it, and meanwhile, all other fliesbecome butterflies. So, at the last moment before the death, we stared at the celling, chanting, fuck ~, sigh~~.


12. With an unconscious sigh he pulled off his shapeless cloth hat and sloshed along toward where the pond grass and hyacinths were thickest.


13. But happiness is always a flash of time. We only haveendless pain and sigh.


14. When he heard the words, he gave a long sigh.



15. Maybe you'll sit and sigh, wishing that I were near.


16. Your phone's laughter, still and moving you gently sigh, you and I will be in the passage towards the afterlife of China's reincarnation.


17. Love is like a butterfly, a s soft and gentle as a sigh.



18. However, when the transit is over, one has a sigh of relief and a smile on his face.



19. They sigh one unto the other in that solitude, and stretch towards the heaven their long and ghastly necks, and nod to and fro their everlasting heads.


20. sigh在线翻译

20. And they sigh one unto the other.


sigh 词典解释

1. 叹气;叹息;深呼气

When you sigh, you let out a deep breath, as a way of expressing feelings such as disappointment, tiredness, or pleasure.


e.g. Michael sighed wearily...


e.g. Roberta sighed with relief...


2. 叹着气说;叹息道

If you sigh something, you say it with a sigh.

e.g. 'Oh, sorry. I forgot.' — 'Everyone forgets,' the girl sighed.


3. (风)发出叹息般的声音,悲鸣

If the wind sighs through a place, it moves through the place with a sound like a sigh.


e.g. The wind sighed through the valley.


4. 松了口气;如释重负

If people breathe or heave a sigh of relief, they feel happy that something unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happening.

e.g. There was a big sigh of relief once the economic reform plan was agreed...


e.g. There was an audible sigh of relief in Washington when the foreign ministers decided to postpone the meeting.


sigh 单语例句

1. Chinese employers may now be breathing a sigh of relief, but they should by no means slow their preparations for rising labor costs.

2. " It's out of my capability, " Zhou said with a sigh.

3. He's really coming off like a cool low maintenance guy, and with everything that went down with Charlie everyone is breathing a sigh of relief.

4. In the face of constant price rises, there is nothing to do but sigh.

5. Her coterie of online readers heaved a collective sigh of relief that she was safe.

6. A somber Simpson released a heavy sigh as the charges were read Friday in Clark County District Court.

7. The political background is reduced to mere decoration while the love triangle is milked for every sigh and every tear.

8. The reward is not only deserving, but also a timely sigh of relief for the whole society.

9. In fact, her life per se is a desolate gesture and a heavy sigh.

10. If it is about local Japanese crimes, the Chinese in this world can only sigh with disbelief.

sigh 英英释义



1. an utterance made by exhaling audibly

Synonym: suspiration

2. a sound like a person sighing

e.g. she heard the sigh of the wind in the trees



1. heave or utter a sigh

breathe deeply and heavily

e.g. She sighed sadly

Synonym: suspire

2. utter with a sigh