

anger:[英 [ˈæŋgə(r)] 美 [ˈæŋɡɚ] ]


过去式:angered;   过去分词:angered;   现在分词:angering;

anger 基本解释

名词愤怒; 怒气; 生气; 愤懑

及物/不及物动词激怒; 使发怒; [医]〈旧,非正式〉使(伤口)炎或疼痛; 恼火

不及物动词发怒; 恼火

anger 相关例句


1. They don't want to anger their friend for his sake.


2. I was angered by his refusal to come to the party.



1. Dinah angers easily.


2. anger

2. He angers easily.



1. Has his anger cooled yet?


2. Tom shouted in anger.


anger 网络解释

1. anger

1. 生气:生气(anger)和危险(danger)只有一字之隔. 一位天使这样说 美丽的年轻人是天然形成,美丽的老年人才是艺术作品. 舌头的重量微不足道,但少有人可控制它. 许多朋友进出你的生命, 但是只有真正的朋友会在你的心里留下脚印.

2. 怒:对於近来恐怖攻击事件,他分享了他的看法,以下是访问的节录:问:在您的著书(Anger)中,您举了一个例子,是以「宽容慈悲的倾听」为工具,来帮助许多家庭康复融和.

3. 气:经过自身努力可以改变;中间两个怕得病和怕失去爱,经过自身努力在一定程度上可以改变;后两个怕年老和怕死亡不可改变. 所以力所能及则尽力,力不能及则由他去. 我们如果能这样想,情绪就会变好. 生气(anger)和危险(danger)只有一字之隔.

anger 双语例句

1. Who comprehends your terrible anger?


2. anger的解释

2. On the other hand, Pakistan's sister close by his father, the Palestinian anger can not be closed brown, chopped angrily to his father and seriously injured, and its de facto abolition Chai boyfriend alone.


3. Following anger over his remarks, Moloney stood by his comments. He said he did not mean to offend anybody, but wanted to highlight the gender imbalance in the town of some 25, 000 people.



4. When I met him, I had a lot of anger inside of me.


5. But it was such a vibrant democracy to Li and his peers that, during the Cultural Revolution, a working-class citizen could freely vent his anger towards the direct boss by posting the allegations in public and parading him or her through the street!


6. She tried to tone down his anger.



7. She was rending her hair out in anger.


8. anger

8. Release and resolve your anger and you will relerse unbounded passion, energy, and joy.


9. Those who came to call me in vain have gone back in anger.


10. Those who came tocall me in vain have gone back in anger.



11. Those who cameto call me in vain have gone back in anger.



12. Anger, and unforgiveness.


13. He couldn't control his anger.


14. I could not restrain my anger. save


15. I felt I would burst with anger.


16. anger的意思

16. Athenobius made no reply, but returned to the king in anger. When he told him of Simon's words, of his splendor, and of all he had seen, the king fell into a violent rage.


17. Out of great anger, I stared at her harshly and threw a cup at her.


18. anger的反义词

18. Pecksniff at this terrible disclosure, was only to be equalled by the kindling anger of his daughters.


19. Suddenly, a bicycle of treacherous acts and the white windbreaker that drive face to face rides the bicycle the person collided with each other, the white windbreaker person is great anger, another one person then compensates hurriedly is not, have no big luckily, however ride the lady's white windbreaker of bicycle to was up is fresh to print clearly up the car wheel print.


20. anger什么意思

20. Of Ma Jun struggle to sad so of silence spread out, do not be good at the earnest teacher of one's words by, flying evolution becomes the CEO of a poineering enterprise, this leaps character, bore the weight of the happy anger of individual of fine horse of too much horse is sad, what never be good at a speech is undemonstrative, to impromptu speech stimulate raise, ma Jun this fine as thoroghbred horse begin to march toward his annals to be in the warfare troops of a thousand li.


anger 词典解释

1. 怒;愤怒

Anger is the strong emotion that you feel when you think that someone has behaved in an unfair, cruel, or unacceptable way.


e.g. He cried with anger and frustration...


e.g. Ellen felt both despair and anger at her mother.


2. 使发怒;使生气;激怒

If something angers you, it makes you feel angry.


e.g. The decision to allow more offshore oil drilling angered some Californians.


anger 单语例句

1. Hu said workers had voiced anger over the Diaoyu Islands, but had not taken further action.

2. But the government should use the public anger as a call to intensify reform, strengthen management and make financial distribution more efficient.

3. " Anger and hatred simmers within me, " said another caption below a picture of Gill grimacing.

4. Anger also flared in this Russian Orthodox part of the Caucasus mountains, ethnically and religiously distinct from the nearby Muslim regions of Chechnya and Ingushetia.

5. I knew it was not right to anger a lady, though I wondered what exactly I had done wrong to deserve such censure.

6. It seemed she had been channelling her anger towards her husband into the books.

7. FX is ordering 90 more episodes of " Anger Management, " Charlie Sheen's TV comeback vehicle after being fired from " Two and a Half Men ".

8. The company has frequently caused anger by graphic sexual displays in its advertising, including showing Father Christmas in sadomasochistic poses with his elves.

9. Gay rights groups expressed anger at the decision and said they would march to city hall in protest.

10. The high death rate has attracted the anger of animal protection advocates, who say there is no useful application for pet cloning.

anger 英英释义


1. belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins)

Synonym: wrathireira

2. a strong emotion

a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance

Synonym: cholerire

3. the state of being angry

Synonym: angriness


1. make angry

e.g. The news angered him

2. become angry

e.g. He angers easily

Synonym: see red