

induction:[英 [ɪnˈdʌkʃn] 美 [ɪnˈdʌkʃən] ]



induction 基本解释

名词诱发; 归纳(法); (电或磁的)感应; 就职,就职典礼

induction 同义词


induction 反义词


induction 网络解释

1. 诱导:外源化学物代谢酶的诱导 诱导(induction)指有些外源化学物可使某些代谢过程催化酶系的酶蛋白的合成量增加,伴有活力增强.能引起酶诱导的物质称为诱导剂(inducer).虽然酶诱导是机体应激反应的一个侧面,

induction 双语例句


1. Company main product for the induction cooker Sakata.


2. induction是什么意思

2. We decided to perform the surgery, I used Ketamine and Diazepam as an induction, Atropine sulfates as a pre-medication, Isoflurane as an inhalation medication, and perform high flow inhalation anesthesia.

第三天该猫的状况渐渐稳定下来,无内出血和头部外伤之疑,我们采用 Ketamine 和 Diazepam 做麻醉引导,用 Atropine 做麻醉前给药,使用 Isoflurane 采用高流量氧气做气体麻醉。


3. Data preprocessing method of Web log mining is studied. Frame pages filtering and overtime threshold value seting are analyzed. The improved method based on induction of decision tree(ID3) algorithm and threshold value dynamic amendment algorithm is proposed.


4. induction是什么意思

4. Methods Fourty children with congenital heart diseases(aged<3 years old) were randomly divided into two groups: Group of warm blood (warm induction and reperfusion blood cardioplegia, n=20 Group of cold crystalloid(n=20). There were no difference of the aortic crossclamp time in two groups, 10ml blood was took from coronary sinus in pre-bypass and post-bypass time to measure lactat dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, troponin T. Postischemic ultrastracture of TOF was observed in two groups.



5. Objective Observe the various withdrawal responses of rocuronium after the induction of general anesthesia in children and in adult.


6. Target blood drug concentration of group B was set as 0.5μg/ml, patients ingroup C was given loading dose by intravenous infusion in the range of 0.5 or1.0mg/kg (Anesthesia not regain consciousness without the patients agitation dose of0.5mg/kg, Other patients a dose of 10mg/kg.).The induction time of both groups was1 minute. Ramsay Scale was recorded every 1 hour.

B组起始目标血药浓度0.5μg/ml,C组首先静脉推注负荷剂量0.5或1.0mg/kg(全麻未醒无躁动者用0.5 mg/kg,余用1.0mg/kg),诱导时间均为1分钟,两组均每小时进行Ramsay评分,B组以0.5~2.0μg/ml为目标血药浓度维持目标镇静深度(Ramsay镇静评分2~5分);C组以0.5~2mg/kg/h的输注速度维持同样的目标镇静深度。

7. Methods and Results— Here, we report that induction of a metabolic stress response with adenosine monophosphate kinase prevents oxidative endothelial cell injury.


8. All these results suggest that the significant control efficacy of the COS against the tobacco brown spot be mainly due to induction and improvement of the activities of defensive enzymes in the tobacco plants, which enhance resistance of the tobacco plants against the brown spot.


9. The hardware design ATmegal6 microcontroller as the main control chip USES of gas alarm system, infrared human induction system, door magnetic switch system and the voice of the output state system analysis, when any abnormal condition after a module of alarm system, through the microcontroller input signal is analyzed, thus stimulates the alarm sound, and displayed on the LCD module, through the corresponding key control system operation.


10. And bioeffect and mechanism of the induction of sleep by magnetic stimulation are studied.


11. Then, the aforementioned rotor time constant online tuning scheme and sliding mode rotor flux observer are combined with the sliding mode current controller proposed in [18] and apply to a speed sensorless induction motor drives.



12. The results of fluorescence induction kinetics and fluorescence spectra indicated, the net photosynthetic rate, PSⅡ and PSⅠ photochemical activity, electron transport, photosynthetic phosphorylation and CO〓 fixation of Boea hygrometrica were characterized by a fasten decline during dehydration and a much higher capacity for recovery during subsequent rehydration in comparison with Chirita heteroteicha.


13. Objective: To explore the effect of syngeneic bone marrow-derived mesenchyinal stem cells infusion in the induction of immune tolerance to murine skin allografts.


14. The success rate of labour induction hypertension of pregnancy were 92.45%、80.77%.


15. There were no significant differences in induction of labour, caesarean section rates, or gestational age at delivery between the groups.


16. Bank syndicate...引产 Induced labour or induction of labour


17. The success rate of labour induction hypertension of pregnancy were 92.45%、80.77%.Conclusion:Microoxytocin had a proficient effect on obsterice.


18. Result:The clinical test show the treat effection of preterm labour and promoting maturation of uterine cervix was proficent, the rate of success was 100%. The success rate of labour induction hypertension of pregnancy were 92.45%、80.77%.


19. induction什么意思

19. 156 case including hypertension of pregnancy、preterm labour、labour induction, Promoting maturation of uterine cervix were treated with microoxytocin. Result:The clinical test show the treat effection of preterm labour and promoting maturation of uterine cervix was proficent, the rate of success was 100%. The success rate of labour induction hypertension of pregnancy were 92.45%、80.77%.


20. The prolipase and mature lipase gene was amplified by PCR method using the genomic DNA isolated from Rhizopus chinensis CCTCCM201021. The target genes were then inserted into the expression vector pET-28a and expressed in E. coli BL21 with IPTG induction.

以华根霉(Rhizopus chinensis CCTCCM201021)为出发菌株,提取总DNA,PCR扩增出前导肽脂肪酶基因及成熟肽脂肪酶基因,克隆到原核载体pET-28a,转化E.coli BL21(DE3),诱导表达并纯化出活性目的蛋白。

induction 词典解释

1. 就职;就职仪式;入门

Induction is a procedure or ceremony for introducing someone to a new job, organization, or way of life.


e.g. ...the induction of the girls into the sport.


e.g. ...Elvis' induction into the army.


2. 归纳;归纳法

Induction is a method of reasoning in which you use individual ideas or facts to give you a general rule or conclusion.

3. 电磁感应

Induction is the process by which electricity or magnetism is passed between two objects or circuits without them touching each other.

4. see also: induce

induction 单语例句

1. The facility specializes in the production of induction cookers and electric cookers.

2. " Birdie " was inspired by Elvis Presley's induction into the Army and the resulting hysteria.

3. Parker said the timing for Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five's induction was impeccable.

4. The Hall of Fame Tennis Championships is held in conjunction with induction ceremonies.

5. By the time we reach Ongi the induction ceremony for the new incumbent is over, and the ger in which it was held is being dismantled.

6. Maglev trains operate on the principle of a magnetized train that floats on a magnetic field and is propelled by a linear induction motor.

7. Tan's team also found that having intercourse more than once per week was inversely associated with prolonged pregnancy and the need for labor induction.

8. The buildings in the old town experienced the induction of the dynasties and have seen much of the changes.

9. Castro's surprise visit to Argentina honors the induction of Venezuela into Mercosur, the highlight of talks that start Friday.

10. Competing in the " dragon baby " stakes is former beauty queen Michelle Reis, who is pregnant with her second child after ovulation induction.

induction 英英释义



1. an act that sets in motion some course of events

Synonym: triggerinitiation

2. the act of bringing about something (especially at an early time)

e.g. the induction of an anesthetic state

3. reasoning from detailed facts to general principles

Synonym: generalizationgeneralisationinductive reasoning

4. stimulation that calls up (draws forth) a particular class of behaviors

e.g. the elicitation of his testimony was not easy

Synonym: evocationelicitation

5. a formal entry into an organization or position or office

e.g. his initiation into the club

he was ordered to report for induction into the army

he gave a speech as part of his installation into the hall of fame

Synonym: initiationinstallation

6. an electrical phenomenon whereby an electromotive force (EMF) is generated in a closed circuit by a change in the flow of current

Synonym: inductance