

radiant:[英 [ˈreɪdiənt] 美 [ˈrediənt] ]



radiant 基本解释

形容词辐射的; 容光焕发的; 照耀的

名词光点; [天]流星群的辐射点

radiant 同义词


radiant 反义词


radiant 相关例句



1. She was radiant with joy.


2. The sun is a radiant body.


3. His radiant face told us of his happiness.


radiant 网络解释

1. 光耀:

好处:当你使用带有火焰(fire)或光耀(radiant)关键词的能力时,你的伤害骰获得+1专长加值. 在第11级,该加值增加至+2,在第21级增加至+3.


2. 辐射点:等特点,为最富盛名的英仙座流星群是以其辐射点(radiant)位于英仙座而得名. 当我们观测流星群时,将流星行经的路径反向延长,会发现它们相交于一点,称为辐射点. 事实上流星在天空运动的轨迹是互相平行 的,但由于透视的关系,

3. 辐射:*Inova(爱诺华) 款式-辐射(Radiant)系列 R2A-T-军用手电[简介]Inova(爱诺华) 款式-辐射(Radiant)系列 R2A-T:上海蜘蛛网,刀具专卖各种战术直刀,战术折刀,战斗刀,战术刀,生存刀以及各类军刀等军品,有平刃锯齿手工军用收藏等系列,

radiant 双语例句

1. Radiant and platen superheater`s new method are more agree with the practice law.


2. Radiant flame, steam impingement on the container, immersion in a heated water bath or electrical resistance heater elements in direct contact with the container.


3. radiant的反义词

3. It will uplift your spirits and enliven your skin cells, leaving your complexion with a radiant glow.


4. radiant的近义词

4. Robert Audley beguile the time until my lady re-entered the drawing-room, fresh and radiant in her elegant morning costume, her yellow curls glistening with the perfumed waters in which she had bathed, and her velvet-covered sketch-book in her arms.


5. Our findings support the point of view that infrared radiant track along human meridian courses is a normal vital and physiological phenomenon appearing in human beingIn Chapter Six, an experimental scheme for measuring the optical properties of human meridian is designed based on the principles and techniques of biomedical optics, and then the transport properties of red light propagating between along pericardium meridian and nonmeridian directions are measured and compared. The influence ofmodulated frequency of light is also discussed.


6. Her face was radiant with delight at the good news.


7. In the construction and production period, the company was supported and cared by Mr. Yuan Chunqing, provincial governor of Shaanxi Province, and other levels of government and authority, the company becomes rapidly a radiant pearl in guanzhong plain.


8. It is proposed that to control only surface temperature of radiator in radiant heating design is not enough, and the comprehensive consideration should be given to the influence of surface temperature of radiator and back temperature of radiator in adjacent room on the room comfort.


9. One needs to think of the Tathagata-garbha in this connection in association with how the Buddha was in the womb of his own mother, Queen Maya: he entered into her womb radiant, complete, perfect, totally aware, and dwelt there full of light, in the lotus posture dispensing teachings to those who could see him.


10. It must be noted, however, that refinery gas usually generates a certain amount of steam in the convection section of refinery gas-fired radiant furnaces


11. The house has six zones total - one radiant and five for baseboard.



12. Believe it or not, I thought he must be the assistant or secretary. But, wearing radiant leather shoes, round belly, here comes a mid-aged man. John. W. C, he introduced. I couldn't help tittering. Haha~~~He is born to be a WC.

教授是个中年人,圆圆的肚子,穿着擦得锃亮的皮鞋,他自我介绍叫:John W C,我在下面都要笑死了,还有人叫这个名字,John在英语里面是厕所,WC还是厕所,横竖都是厕所,哈哈

13. radiant的解释

13. The research method of infrared radiant in ballistic target boost phase.


14. Description of the spectral character of a radiation by the relative spectral distribution of some radiometric quantity radiant flux (power, radiant intensity, etc..


15. This makes a lot of sense, because the best way to test blue amber is placing it under an ultra-violet lamp which intensifies the color to a radiant cobalt-blue.


16. This oxmeter was developed basing on the basis of fixed relationship between blood oxygen saturation and radiant absorbency.


17. The detailed calculation of temperature, quantity of flow, cooling capacity of the cold water for the radiant cooling are given.


18. Dantès himself was simply, but becomingly, clad in the dress peculiar to the merchant service--a costume somewhat between a military and a civil garb; and with his fine countenance, radiant with joy and happiness, a more perfect specimen of manly beauty could scarcely be imagined.


19. METHODS: After unilateral ligation of the left fifth lumbar nerve, we measured pain behaviors using von Frey and radiant heat tests.

斦otilde;法:在结扎了左侧单侧第五腰神经tilde;?后,我们使用von Frey和辐射热试验测量疼痛的行为。

20. When the five senses of the physical body can penetrate the endless layers of radiant Dharma realms, we realize that the three periods of time, the ten directions of space, and all the Buddha-lands in the Buddhist sutras are no longer distant and unreachable.


radiant 词典解释

1. 容光焕发的;喜气洋洋的

Someone who is radiant is so happy that their happiness shows in their face.

e.g. Kathy smiled at her daughter's radiant face...


e.g. On her wedding day the bride looked truly radiant.



He smiled radiantly and embraced her...


She looks radiantly happy.


2. 光辉灿烂的;光芒四射的

Something that is radiant glows brightly.

e.g. The evening sun warms the old red brick wall to a radiant glow.


e.g. Out on the bay the morning is radiant.



The sun was still shining radiantly.


3. (热量、能量等)辐射的

Radiant heat or energy is sent out in the form of rays.


e.g. The earth would be a frozen ball if it were not for the radiant heat of the sun.


radiant 单语例句

1. And her radiant zest for her job has led her to become a senior executive of a globally leading chemical company.

2. Photos of her radiant face adorn the covers of recent issues of numerous American magazines, including Newsweek.

3. A slab radiant heating and cooling system for indoor climate control also offers good energy performance.

4. The main structure of the church is laid out as a Latin cross and has exquisite and radiant red walls inside.

5. Radiant Kerry wore a traditional white wedding dress and Wayne the usual smart morning suit but they had to add hard hats and wellington boots.

6. He presented those clear radiant objects in the furnace to the emperor, claiming them to be the very medicine with functions of exorcising and maintaining life indefinitely.

7. Focusing on her blindingly radiant fangs made me even more conscious of the state of mine.

8. Wang Jia looks radiant and happy as walks down the aisle ahead of the bride - as all bridesmaids do.

9. The sunshine is radiant and minutes later, drops of sweat run down her forehead.

10. It is naturally endowed with the picturesque scenery of bright and beautiful mountains and waters, radiant with clouds and mists just like a kaleidoscope.

radiant 英英释义


1. radiating or as if radiating light

e.g. the beaming sun

the effulgent daffodils

a radiant sunrise

a refulgent sunset

Synonym: beamingbeamyeffulgentrefulgent