

block:[英 [blɒk] 美 [blɑ:k] ]


过去式:blocked;   过去分词:blocked;   现在分词:blocking;   复数形式:blocks;

block 基本解释


名词块; 街区; 大楼,大厦; 障碍物,阻碍

及物动词阻止; 阻塞; 限制

block 相关词组


1. knock sb.s block off : 痛打某人;

2. block in : 草拟;

block 相关例句


1. block

1. The police have blocked the road.



1. block

1. The director will block this afternoon.



1. Turn left after 2 blocks.


2. There was a block in the pipe and the water couldn't flow away.


3. I live two block s from the school.


block 情景对话


A:San Francisco General Hospital.



B:Hello. This is an emergency. Can you please send an ambulance?



A:OK, OK- just try to calm down, sir.And tell me where you are and whats happened.

好,好,请冷静下来,先生。 告诉我你在哪里,发生了什么事?


B:OK. Right. Uh, Were at La Traviata restaurant in North Beach.And my wife is- uh-

是,对。我们在North Beach的La Traviata餐厅。我的太太她-

A:Is your wife ill?


B:Uh, in a way.


A:Sir, I thought this was an emergency.


B:It is! Shes having pains a minute apart!


A:You mean from the food?


B:From the baby!



A:Shes having a baby?




A:Well, why didnt you tell me?! Now, whats the restaurants address?


B:Uh, uh, its 888 Grant Avenue. Its a block east of Washington Square.


A:OK, sir, just sit tight, and well have an ambulance there in about ten minutes.


B:Thanks a lot.


block 网络解释

1. block的翻译

1. 根据选定对象创建块定义:t)A ---- 创建圆弧(ARC)AA ---- 计算对象或指定区域的面积和周长(AREA)AR ---- 创建按指定方式排列的多重对象副本(ARRAY)H、BH ---- 使用图案填充封闭区域或选定对象(BHATCH)B ---- 根据选定对象创建块定义(BLOCK)BR ---- 部

2. 块:SGRAM读写数据时不是一一读取,而是以"块"(Block)为单位,从而减少了内存整体读写的次数,提高了图形控制器的效率. 但其设计制造成本较高,更多的是应用于当时较为高端的显卡. 目前此类显存也已基本不被厂商采用,被DDR显存所取代.

3. 块体:包括:块体(BLOCK)模型、格网模型、多边形模型和断面矿脉模型,用于处理和模拟地下不同复杂程度和分布变化的地质特征. 集成四种插值方法:实体插值、面插值、反向距离和克理金(KRIGING)插值. MICROLYNX+还提供测量和面模型能力,

4. 字组:这又要牵扯到烧录过程了,首先是AD转换,就是将类比讯号转为数位信号,先由8位元组成一个符号(symbol),而再由12个符号组成一个字组(block)接下来附加错误检出和校正符号,将AD转换后的符号存入在存储器中,改变取出顺序,


5. block:blk; 块,数据块

block 双语例句

1. 2 The agitator use unique form, which separates the hydraulic motor and agitator bearing block, it will not influence fluid motor even though abrasion and slurry leak.


2. We will almost certainly change block.


3. Block values have been added to shields.


4. block是什么意思

4. Shield Block is lasting for the full duration of the spell regardless of number of successful blocks made.


5. We live on the same block.


6. The thermally conductive block that equalizes the temperature of all thermocouple connections.

等温块 使所有热电偶连接的温度相同的热传导块。

7. In this paper we survey the new advances in the research on computer cipher, focusing on block cipher, sequence cipher, public key cipher and chaos cipher.


8. To all this, United Artists claimed not to understand of its presence in the trial since they neither owned theaters nor practiced block booking. The trial ended in January 1946 finding the eight studios guilty of restraint in trade focusing mainly in block booking and theater pooling.


9. In the saline-treated group, the plasma concentration of rocuronium and depth of block remained constant.



10. SuperCache and SuperCache II use patented block-level caching technology to raise system performance far beyond that of the NT file-level cache alone.

SuperCache和SuperCache II使用获得专利的块级高速缓存技术来提升系统的性能,这种技术远胜于单纯使用NT文件级的高速缓存。

11. block的反义词

11. My solution: no way, the content of the dissolution of glmsgroup, one by selecting the text block, a South-to a slowly!


12. After optimization of stimulating and recording parameters and method exploration, we got the EABR results from stimulating promontorium tympani or round window niche with needle electrode or nerve block needle. The third group included 5 patients. We got trans-tympanic electric auditory hrainstem response before the surgery and intra-operative EABR during surgery with promontory needle electrode or insulated nverve block needle.



13. The elicitation ratio of EABR evoked by the needle electrode before cochlear implantation was coherent compared with elicitation ratio after cochlear implantation, though the waveforms differentiation were pgorer.3.Average waveⅤlatency and average response threshold in different positions between promontorium tympani or round window niche stimulation with needle electrode before cochlear implantation and EABR after cochear implantation were similar, though there were still some difference.4.Position of needle electrode stimulation and pulse width were the most important reason for elicit good waveform.5.Waveforms latency for different pulse width was similar, but the response threshold was different and waveforms differentiation was better for short pulse width.6. Needle electrode and insulated nerve block neelde for neurostimulation were all efficient for elicit EABR, but the waveform differentiation evoked by insulated nerve block needle for neurostimulation was better than needle electrode.


14. Modality of placement and location for electrodes:1After opening facial recess and before cochlear implantation, stimulate promontorium tympani or round window niche with needle electrode or insulated nerve block needle, and stimulate round window membrane with ball-end wire electrode.2 Trans-tympanic electric auditory brainstem response before the surgery with promontory needle electrode or insulated nerve block electrode.



15. This is the house in Deng Deng Deng chopping block to chop the meat, busy chopping vegetables.



16. Small and medium-sized shareholders, anti-Ge-mao Department of Industry to block?


17. Walking posture from the dust of Yijin, the location of the statue from the design of Block in the end, the old vine on every detail Qingliqingwei Therefore, he Xiaoping Jiongjiongweishen more clearly the vision contained in the expectations.


18. In addition, the factory produces leveling ruler, square chest, bent plate, V-shape frame, sizing block, marble plate, and measuring tools which are used with plate.


19. Insert block heater assembly into core hole with element loop pointing Up.



20. The man put the iron block on the anvil.


block 词典解释

1. 大楼;大厦

A block of flats or offices is a large building containing them.

e.g. ...blocks of council flats.


e.g. ...a white-painted apartment block.


2. 街区

A block in a town is an area of land with streets on all its sides.

e.g. She walked four blocks down High Street...


e.g. He walked around the block three times.


3. (长方形)块,大块

A block of a substance is a large rectangular piece of it.

e.g. ...a block of ice.


4. 阻塞,堵塞(道路、管道等)

To block a road, channel, or pipe means to put an object across it or in it so that nothing can pass through it or along it.


e.g. Some students today blocked a highway that cuts through the center of the city...


e.g. When the shrimp farm is built it will block the stream...


5. 挡住,遮住(视线)

If something blocks your view, it prevents you from seeing something because it is between you and that thing.

e.g. ...a row of spruce trees that blocked his view of the long north slope of the mountain.


6. 堵住,阻挡,挡住(去路)

If you block someone's way, you prevent them from going somewhere or entering a place by standing in front of them.


e.g. I started to move round him, but he blocked my way...


e.g. Mr Calder tried to leave the shop but the police officer blocked his path.


7. 阻挠;阻止;妨碍

If you block something that is being arranged, you prevent it from being done.


e.g. For years the country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products...


e.g. His persistent attempts to complain to his superiors were blocked and ignored.


8. (体育运动中)拦截,阻截(进球、对手等)

In some sports, if a player blocks a shot or kick, they stop the ball reaching its target. If one player blocks another, the first stops the second from reaching or moving with the ball.

e.g. In the final seconds, Gunn goalie Kevin Cantwell blocked two shots.


9. (尤指按特定顺序同时售出的)大量,大批,大套(票、股票等)

A block of something such as tickets or shares is a large quantity of them, especially when they are all sold at the same time and are in a particular sequence or order.

e.g. Those booking a block of seats get them at reduced rates.


10. (短时间的)思维停滞,思维中断

If you have a mental block or a block, you are temporarily unable to do something that you can normally do which involves using, thinking about, or remembering something.

11. see also: breeze-block;building block;roadblock;starting block;stumbling block;tower block. a chip off the old block

-> see chip

12. 冒着败坏名声的风险;拿名誉(或地位)做赌注

If someone lays their head on the block, or puts their head on the block, they are risking their reputation or position by taking a particular course of action.

e.g. The Chancellor, by his unusual statement, has put his head on the block.


相关词组:block inblock offblock outblock up

block 单语例句

1. A block away, street vendor Anthony Vilanova says business is already being hit.

2. They are required by law to act in the financial interests of stockholders, and could face a suit from Glazer if they block the bid.

3. Asda is threatening to use legal action to block a potential strike over pay rights that could disrupt the grocer's supplies during the World Cup.

4. He calmly chested it down and smashed it over Given's attempted block and into the roof of the net.

5. A canopy was erected over the entrance to block onlookers from catching sight of Kate when she emerges in her wedding gown Friday morning.

6. Observers said the small amount of registered capital will not block the acquisition, as the firm's total assets are more important for an acquisition.

7. He pledged to veto any bill Congress might approve to block the agreement, but some lawmakers said they still were determined to capsize it.

8. Former champion gymnast and disabled rights activist Sang Lan has criticized her local community members who block the wheelchair ramp with bicycles and motorcycles.

9. " His game is catch it on the low block and face his man, " the former Lakers star said.

10. Top strategists for Democratic rival Barack Obama said Friday they supported the party's action, suggesting the Clinton campaign was trying to block the reporting of caucus results.

block 英英释义


1. the act of obstructing or deflecting someone's movements

Synonym: blocking

2. a platform from which an auctioneer sells

e.g. they put their paintings on the block

Synonym: auction block

3. a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides)

e.g. the pyramids were built with large stone blocks

4. housing in a large building that is divided into separate units

e.g. there is a block of classrooms in the west wing

5. an obstruction in a pipe or tube

e.g. we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe

Synonym: blockageclosureocclusionstopstoppage

6. a metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine

e.g. the engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked

Synonym: engine blockcylinder block

7. a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope

Synonym: pulleypulley-blockpulley block

8. an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do

often caused by emotional tension

e.g. I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block

Synonym: mental block

9. a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit

e.g. he reserved a large block of seats

he held a large block of the company's stock

10. a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings

e.g. he lives in the next block

Synonym: city block

11. (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted

e.g. since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block' and `sector' are sometimes used interchangeably

12. a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides

Synonym: cube


1. prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)

e.g. Blocked funds

Freeze the assets of this hostile government

Synonym: freezeimmobilizeimmobilise

2. shape into a block or blocks

e.g. block the graphs so one can see the results clearly

3. shape by using a block

e.g. Block a hat

block a garment

4. be unable to remember

e.g. I'm drawing a blank

You are blocking the name of your first wife!

Synonym: forgetblank outdraw a blank

5. interfere with or prevent the reception of signals

e.g. Jam the Voice of America

block the signals emitted by this station

Synonym: jam

6. impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball)

e.g. block an attack

Synonym: parrydeflect

7. support, secure, or raise with a block

e.g. block a plate for printing

block the wheels of a car

8. block passage through

e.g. obstruct the path

Synonym: obstructobturateimpedeoccludejamclose up

9. render unsuitable for passage

e.g. block the way

barricade the streets

stop the busy road

Synonym: barricadeblockadestopblock offblock upbar

10. obstruct

e.g. My nose is all stuffed

Her arteries are blocked

Synonym: stufflugchoke up

11. stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block

e.g. block the book cover

12. shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight

e.g. The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage

The trees obstruct my view of the mountains

Synonym: obstruct

13. interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia

e.g. block a nerve

block a muscle

14. run on a block system

e.g. block trains

15. hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of

e.g. His brother blocked him at every turn

Synonym: obstructblockadehinderstymiestymyembarrass

16. stop from happening or developing

e.g. Block his election

Halt the process

Synonym: stophaltkibosh