

sum:[英 [sʌm] 美 [sʌm] ]


过去式:summed;   过去分词:summed;   现在分词:summing;   复数形式:sums;

sum 基本解释

名词金额; 总数; 算术; 概略,要点

及物/不及物动词归纳; 总计; 总结,概括

sum 同义词

动词sum uptotal



sum 反义词


sum 相关词组

1. in sum : 总而言之;


sum 相关例句


1. The story may be summed up in one sentence.



1. He paid a large sum for the house.


2. The boy is good at doing a sum in his head.



3. She paid the sum of $200 for dresses.


4. He earned a large sum of money.


sum 网络解释

1. sum什么意思

1. 和:这个和(sum)的两个最低有效位在随着和(sum)的最低有效位作为最低位编码的六词(word)序列的最后两位(bits)被编码. 所有OTP产生器必须(MUST)计算这个校验和以及所有OTP服务必须(MUST)作为解码(decoding)这个一次口令的代表操作的一个部分显式的验证这个校验和.

2. 总数:如果总数(sum)是1500,行数为150,其中column列有50行纪录为空值,那么,第一条查询指令得到的结果是10(1500/150),而第二条查询指令得到的结果是15(1500/100).


3. 总和:e)配置* 总和 (sum) 按钮会分析上下文以决定插入总计 (total) 函数还是小计 (subtotal) 函数* 报告制作精灵中能加入栏位 (field) 标签* 拼写检查程式、确义词汇、及连字符处理 (hyphenator) 会自动侦测新安装的语言包* 若快显功能表 (context menu) 在 URL 上开启,

4. sum什么意思

4. sum:software update manager; 新管理员


5. sum:surface to underwater missile; 面对潜飞弹

6. sum的反义词

6. sum:sumatriptan; 舒马曲普坦

7. sum:single use mixer; 一次性混合器

sum 双语例句


1. And the initial deviation condition is given by Hill equation to control the error propagation of the TLE generated from the single point. And the condition is consistent with the minimal sum of squares of residuals of the TLE generated from sampling. Also the main divergent factor in initial deviation is separated, which may be operational in selecting TLE.



2. In sum, we have the power(不太恰当, 改用ability会好点) to raise our children to elevate their moral responsibilities and to devote their energy to our nation.


3. To sum up, art is close to the mass in many aspects. Artists will find their...


4. Please keep the badges properly, to reissue, organizer will charge RMB10 for each badge, the sum

请妥善管展商证,如有遗失须补发,大会将收取每张10 元的政费,所有款项将拨

5. Ratchet effect can be used in the Song Dynasty statesman and writer Sima Guang's famous words to sum up: from frugal to extravagant easy, by the extravagance frugal difficult.


6. B sum withdrawn from an account 从帐户中提取的款项: My bank account shows two debits of 5 each.


7. A company's decision to sell stock is usually based on their need for a large sum of quick cash.


8. sum的近义词

8. Ultimately explore ways how Zhejiang Modern Logistics Industry to promote the development of foreign trade industry, to sum up two main ways:(1)goverment: establishing modern logistics industry development planning; carrying out active government support policies; encouraging all kinds of capital into the logistics industry; acceptting international logistics giants; building public infrastructure in the logistics industry; accelerating logistics personnel training.


9. sum

9. But 120 million is a large sum of money.


10. The state of a body or physical system at rest or in unaccelerated motion in which the resultant of all forces acting on it is zero and the sum of all torques about any axis is zero.


11. sum什么意思

11. The development teams in our company are leaded by an Architect with years of local and overseas software project development and management experience. We not only served small and medium enterprise, but also one of the web sites with highest traffic in the world. Project sum from several thousands to several millions US dollar.


12. sum的意思

12. Sum up all the above studies, some other conclusions are reached: the great part of kaolinites are formed before solidification (the oxygen, hydrogen isotope studies proved this tonstein is formed during a long term slow procedure of sedimentation and diagenesis; crystallization is the outcome of multi-peroid crystallization; the high temperature of diagenesis is between tens to about 150-160℃; organic diagenesis provided a suitable pH and Eh condition for tonstein.


13. sum是什么意思

13. In sum, he has demonstrated that the arm of the ICC`s law is embarrassingly short.


14. The square sum of the norm of the difference between the experimental values obtained from upsetting experiment and the calculated values obtained from finite element simulation is defined as an objective function.


15. Finally, SINAD (signal-to-noise and distortion) is the ratio of the fundamental input signal`s rms amplitude to the rms sum of all other spectral components below half of the sampling frequency, excluding dc.



16. Only when we can accept that life is perfect as it is, and that our lives are the sum total of everything that has happened up to this moment, can we accept the joy and the happiness we deserve.


17. In the shop, several of this sum was placed in the shelves.


18. As we have learned, china is big 2008 press of encyclopedia press, electron of Beijing division sea 19 unit and network are published to publish an unit with Beijing electron publication in the center of the home, apply for 105 to publish game publication in all, and compared 2007, declared an amount to break up one time, before gross exceeded 3 years of the sum.


19. Methods To sum up the 68 cases traumatic rupture of small intestine from 1998 to 2004, and to make an analysis in retrospect.


20. The diagonal elements of Q are the sum of import coefficients for each country j vis-a`-vis its trading partners in other countries.


sum 词典解释

1. 款项;金额

A sum of money is an amount of money.

e.g. Large sums of money were lost...


e.g. Even the relatively modest sum of £50,000 now seems beyond his reach.

现在即使是相对来说并不算多的 5 万英镑对他来说也是遥不可及的。

2. 算术;简单计算

A sum is a simple calculation in arithmetic.

e.g. I can't do my sums.


3. 和;总和;总数

In mathematics, the sum of two numbers is the number that is obtained when they are added together.

e.g. The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.

三角形内角总和为 180 度。

4. 全部;所有

The sum of something is all of it.

e.g. 'Public opinion' is only the sum of the views of thousands of people like yourself...


e.g. The sum of evidence points to the crime resting on them...


5. see also: lump sum

6. 总之;总而言之

You use in sum to introduce a statement that briefly describes a situation.

e.g. In sum, the two countries are now true economic partners...


e.g. It is a situation, in sum, devoid of logic.


7. 个体相加不如集体的力量大;总体大于个体之和

If you say that something is more than the sum of its parts or greater than the sum of its parts, you mean that it is better than you would expect from the individual parts, because the way they combine adds a different quality.

e.g. As individual members' solo careers have proved, each band was greater than the sum of its parts.


相关词组:sum up

sum 单语例句sum的意思

1. The culprit spent the sum in buying Internet virtual currency in order to launder the money he illicitly obtained.

2. By 2000, she had given birth to her daughter and earned a fair sum of money.

3. News of the lump sum payment roiled Wall Street, and even some board members were surprised by certain pay arrangements.

4. Wen Jiabao called on the station staffs to sum up experience and redouble their efforts to make new contribution to China's nuclear power development.

5. The sum was increased to 500 Canadian dollars in 1903, equivalent to two years'wages of an ordinary Chinese laborer at that time.

6. Most moviemakers at Cannes would be delighted to make that sum worldwide in their entire theatrical run.

7. The rulers and the establishment are using poor, brave soldiers as cannon fodder for the sake of a paltry sum in dollars.

8. The statement said it had identified 197 cases of illegal capital inflow, but it gave no exact sum for the cases.

9. There has already been a huge sum of hot money in China after the high yield in the capital market.

10. It is permitted to borrow from the bank a sum equal to as much as half of its registered capital.

sum 英英释义



1. the whole amount

Synonym: totaltotalityaggregate

2. a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers

Synonym: amounttotal

3. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience

e.g. the gist of the prosecutor's argument

the heart and soul of the Republican Party

the nub of the story

Synonym: kernelsubstancecorecentercentreessencegistheartheart and soulinwardnessmarrowmeatnubpithnitty-gritty

4. the final aggregate

e.g. the sum of all our troubles did not equal the misery they suffered

Synonym: summationsum total

5. a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets

e.g. let C be the union of the sets A and B

Synonym: unionjoin

6. a quantity of money

e.g. he borrowed a large sum

the amount he had in cash was insufficient

Synonym: sum of moneyamountamount of money


1. determine the sum of

e.g. Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town

Synonym: totaltottot upsum upsummatetote upaddadd togethertallyadd up

2. be a summary of

e.g. The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper

Synonym: summarizesummarisesum up