

conceal:[英 [kənˈsi:l] 美 [kənˈsil] ]


过去式:concealed;   过去分词:concealed;   现在分词:concealing;

conceal 基本解释




conceal 相关例句


1. conceal

1. He concealed his real motives from me.


2. She tried to conceal what she had done to them.


3. conceal

3. He concealed the sweets in his pocket.


4. He concealed his key under the doormat.


conceal 网络解释


1. 隐藏:我们可以从攻击者的角度出发,将攻击的步骤可分为探测(PROBE)、攻击(EXPLOIT)和隐藏(CONCEAL). 同时,攻击技术据此可分为探测技术、攻击技术和隐藏技术三大类,并在每类中对各种不同的攻击技术进行细分. (2)网络监听.

2. 隐蔽:2. 针对这些路线找出最好的防御位置, 必须符合隐蔽(conceal)与掩蔽(cover)的原则. 白天与夜晚可能有不同的选择.

3. 藏:我们可以从攻击者的角度出发,将攻击的步骤可分为探测(Probe)、攻击(Exploit)和隐藏(Conceal). 同时,攻击技术据此可分为探测技术、攻击技术和隐藏技术三大类,并在每类中对各种不同的攻击技术进行细分. 探测是黑客在攻击开始前必需的情报收集工作,

4. 隐匿:於实务中,这种对资讯隐匿(conceal) 或有所保留(withhold)之情形,固然因个案而异,唯在认定上,亦有先前之判例可循,基本上而言,须视该保留之资讯是否重大(materiality),以及该保留行为下之意图(intent),而这些要件,均需以证据证明或推定.

conceal 双语例句

1. Do not know what words to use to conceal their panic and worry, and looks like everything still happened yesterday.


2. If we have a zit, we know how to conceal it.


3. We have put forward a practical instruction scheduling algorithm so that communication conceal slot is filled with as many instruction unrelevant to communication procedure as possible.


4. At the beginning, I think that you conceal your feeling well.


5. At the beginning, I think that you conceal your feeling well. However, after some days, I notice that when we enjoy the cool wind and drink tea here every day, you look easy and leisurely, then I believe that you are truly careless the glory of position and would like sincerely to be a common people.


6. conceal是什么意思

6. Again webpage caption TITLE, keywords, whether is the keyword included in Description label, the Tltle of net of peaceful wave building materials is net of peaceful wave building materials | Peaceful wave building materials trades | Industry of peaceful wave building materials website of the first portal, that speech before leaning more commonly is more important, it is the keyword that he wants to highlight likely more, also be a phrase likely, but included that keyword, everybody can be analysed through website theme content, try to guess the keyword of next this websites, can see apparently commonly, won't too much decorate or conceal.


7. I am unable to conceal my down, so they wondered why I was so uncommunicative.


8. conceal什么意思

8. They could do untold harm if, relaxing our vigilance, we allowed even a few to occupy leading posts, engage in further double-dealing, gang up with each other and conceal themselves in our ranks.


9. conceal的反义词

9. Catherine frowned, and retreated to the window-seat chewing her lip, and endeavouring, by humming an eccentric tune, to conceal a growing tendency to sob.


10. conceal的意思

10. For He will conceal me in His shelter In the day of trouble; He will hide me in the hiding place of His tent; He will raise me up upon a rock.

27:5 因为在我遭难的日子,祂必将我隐藏在祂的遮蔽处;祂必把我藏匿在祂帐幕的隐密处,将我高举在磐石上。

11. After the event, zhu Guanwei for kill a witness or accomplice, seal Zhu Xiaomei's mouth and bazoo with transparent and plastic adhesive plaster, what use Zhu Xiaomei of nylon rope entwine again is cervical, after till affirm Zhu Xiaomei, already dying, hide body conceal at bed bottom, change Zhu Xiaomei's body again after spur oneself building the bury in many meters 20 one deserted latrine pit.


12. Conceal He concealed the bad news from his mother because it is the Mother's Day today.


13. In other word, we have created such clothing for you which conceal your inelegance.


14. Bloodguilty method still was written down in the diary, the site that includes conceal body, had thought beforehand.


15. conceal的近义词

15. Using Shanghai household survey data in 2005, our paper made the following conclusions about unobserved employment:(1) Unobserved employment rate is very high, and at least over 40% of registered unemployed or laid-off people actually hold jobs which bring them certain income.(2) Compared with the employed group, individuals who are middle-aged, lowly educated, married, divorced or bereft of his/her spouse are more likely to be engaged in unobserved employment, i. e. to conceal their employment status.(3) If we don't consider unobserved employed people as really unemployed, then the real unemployment-stricken groups are mostly women and people with a bad health status.(4) Viewing from employment status, unobserved employment people are more concentrated in the industries with low technology, such as social service industry, working in the private enterprises, taking business service as their profession, and more likely to be self-employed.(5)Compared with observed employment, unobserved employment has many irregularities, such as no formal labor contract, social insurances and no labor union.


16. conceal的意思

16. For example, Tianxiangqiao Bonsai Stone Forest is located above underground rives and looks like a unique natural maze; At the foot of Lianhua Peak, there are two shortest rivers in the world without heads and tails, which conceal two cave spectacles such as Guanyin Cave and Dragon Palace at the upstream and downstream.


17. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but th...

25:2 将事隐秘,乃神的荣耀。将事察清,乃君王的荣耀。

18. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

25:2 将事隐秘,乃神的荣耀。将事察清,乃君王的荣耀。

19. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.


20. Swallow the bait).(The so-called principles and rules are merely actually means adopted by old pedant to conceal his stupidity in real art. Those with too much trust on them


conceal 词典解释

1. 掩盖;隐藏

If you conceal something, you cover it or hide it carefully.

e.g. Frances decided to conceal the machine behind a hinged panel...


e.g. Five people were arrested for carrying concealed weapons.


2. 隐瞒(信息);掩饰(感情)

If you conceal a piece of information or a feeling, you do not let other people know about it.

e.g. Robert could not conceal his relief...


e.g. She knew at once that he was concealing something from her.


3. 掩盖;遮住

If something conceals something else, it covers it and prevents it from being seen.


e.g. ...a pair of carved Indian doors which conceal a built-in cupboard...


e.g. The hat concealed her hair.


conceal 单语例句

1. He can by no means conceal the separatist nature of his activities no matter what by whatever disguise and whatever florid rhetoric he may use.

2. Women who choose a trendy pattern can cleverly conceal problem zones here and there.

3. He made up the story to conceal the loan from his girlfriend, who keeps a close watch over his spending.

4. Therefore those who conceal accidents should be seriously punished to reduce future accidents, to show respect for the laws and to comfort the souls of the deceased.

5. " I never conceal my disgust for tattoo, " Huang frowns.

6. The entire area is covered with towering cliffs of sandstone of quartz and dense unspoiled forests that conceal fantastic caves full of stalactites and stalagmites.

7. Hundreds of millions of people still below the poverty line in the country, and the rapid pace of spending on luxury goods actually conceal this grim reality.

8. Perhaps it is because we need some vagueness behind which to conceal unworthy motives, for the sake of other people's feelings as well as our own.

9. So most male homosexuals find ways to conceal their sexual preference or take advantage of their wives'minimal demand for sex.

10. Smugglers are now able to conceal more than 4 million discs on one ship, compared to no more than 1 million on one ship a decade ago.

conceal的解释conceal 英英释义


1. prevent from being seen or discovered

e.g. Muslim women hide their faces

hide the money

Synonym: hide

2. hold back

keep from being perceived by others

e.g. She conceals her anger well

Synonym: hold backhold in