

some:[英 [səm] 美 [sʌm] ]


some 基本解释


形容词一些; 某个; 大约; 相当多的

代词一些; 若干; 其中的一部分; (数量不确切时用)有些人

副词非常; 相当; 稍微


some 反义词



some 相关例句



1. Some mushrooms are poisonous.


2. some的翻译

2. He has waited some time.


3. He lived in London for some years.



1. His mastery of the language has improved some.



1. Some smoke and some don't.


some 情景对话



A:Would you care for some red wine?



B:No, thanks.




A:Have you tried (the Internet/ some websites)?






B:We’re out of (flour/ milk/ bread).



A:All right, I’ll pick some up.


some 网络解释

1. some是什么意思

1. 体:体分区稍轻的地方得到含有水解酶的颗粒分区,并以可进行水解(lyso)的小体(some)这个意义而命名为溶解体(lysosome). 溶酶体中的酶是酸性磷酸酶、核糖核酸酶、脱氧核糖核酸酶、组织蛋白酶、芳基硫酸醋酶、B-葡糖苷酸酶、乙酰基转移酶等,


2. some:substitution of elements; 组元

some 双语例句

1. His experience as an actor led to the creation of some of the most intense character studies in theater at the time, plays that require great effort and skill on the actor's part.


2. If you're in a pickle on what to choose for your child, we have some ideas to start with.


3. Some peo- 6546456呵5468呵79879不785★要★★复4564制556哦464pie believe that students value their education more if they work for it.


4. some的翻译

4. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today. 6546456呵5468呵79879不785★要★★复4564制556哦464With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese.

与概念由启发famed 丝绸之路,我们的火炬中转将打破新基地,旅行从Olympia 经由一些最旧的文明已知对人希腊语,印地安人和汉语。

5. However, I should spend some time to learn wushu, because wushu is one of the traditional Chinese national events.


6. Annie: It seems we should also learn some wushu. Jeff, I remember that you have learned wushu before.


7. Economists cannot predict with any great degree of accurancy just when an upturn or a downturn will occur, but a study of such cycles does show that business activity tends to follow some kind of wavelike pattern and is not merely an assortment of random moves.


8. Although the term potluck suggests a random assortment of dishes, it s likely to turn out better when the host does some kind organization by discussing with and assigning your guests a specific course or beverage to bring along.

尽管 potluck 一词含有随意携带食物之意,倘若主人与客人商议并分配下各自应带食品或饮料,效果可能会好得多,不然就有可能出现客人都只带餐后甜点的情况

9. Shall I go with some hussars and see?


10. Some workshops have been discovered and closed down. Some illegal immigrants have been arrested and expelled.


11. Apart from the inter consorts and imperial clansmen, the entourages were about 100, 000(some said 200, 000) people such as artisans, medical officers, musicians, prostitutes, the chamberlain and so on, which is the largest immigration in the history of Northern Song dynasty.


12. In the real problem, people often make some assumptions on the fluid to simplify the equations.


13. some的近义词

13. I have heard this university, and I've done some research on this university before I applied it.


14. some的近义词

14. Also, the Knights are difficult to kill and with some micro+holy light and inner fire they are very good meat.


15. On some older and some cheaper lathes, one or two gears in the gear train between the spindle and the change gear box must be changed in order to obtain a full range of threads and feeds.


16. Long time ago, I begin to remind self not to need every day and you send out a message not asking every day to wait for you to criticize beloved safety because of my some thing that can lose, be unable to stand once more.


17. This is in the Graphics Processing images of the classic it for a few pictures of some simple processing.


18. some在线翻译

18. They have sent me some pictures for Guilin.



19. Messing up some of your best-laid plans.


20. In that sense, Mercury is about to be a bit of a gremlin from April 18 to May 11, messing up some of your best-laid plans.


some 词典解释

1. 一些,有些(表示不确切的数量或数目)

You use some to refer to a quantity of something or to a number of people or things, when you are not stating the quantity or number precisely.

e.g. Robin opened some champagne...


e.g. Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a chopped clove of garlic and some black pepper in a heavy saucepan...


2. (表示数量或数目相当大)好些,大量

You use some to emphasize that a quantity or number is fairly large. For example, if an activity takes some time, it takes quite a lot of time.

e.g. The question of local government finance has been the subject of debate for some years...


e.g. I have discussed this topic in some detail...


3. (表示数量或数目相当小)有几分,有点儿

You use some to emphasize that a quantity or number is fairly small. For example, if something happens to some extent, it happens a little.

e.g. 'Isn't there some chance that William might lead a normal life?' asked Jill...


e.g. All mothers share to some extent in the tension of a wedding...


4. (指整个群体中的)一些,部分

If you refer to some of the people or things in a group, you mean a few of them but not all of them. If you refer to some of a particular thing, you mean a part of it but not all of it.

e.g. Some of the people already in work will lose their jobs...


e.g. Remove the cover and spoon some of the sauce into a bowl...


You use not any instead of some in negative sentences. There isn't any money.

否定句中用 not any 而不用 some,例如, There isn't any money (没钱了)。

5. 某;某个

If you refer to some person or thing, you are referring to that person or thing but in a vague way, without stating precisely which person or thing you mean.

e.g. If you are worried about some aspect of your child's health, call us...


e.g. Jim Partridge chucked himself off some bridge or other...


6. (用于数目前)大约

You can use some in front of a number to indicate that it is approximate.

e.g. I have kept birds for some 30 years...

我养鸟大约有 30 年了。

e.g. He waited some 80 to 100 yards from the big pink villa...

他在距离那座粉红色的大别墅约 80 到 100 码的地方等候着。

7. 有点;有几分;稍微

Some is used to mean to a small extent or degree.

e.g. If Susanne is off somewhere, I'll kill time by looking around some...


e.g. 'I party some,' said Jed...


8. (表示赞同或不赞同)也叫,也算;了不起的,好极的

You can use some in front of a noun in order to express your approval or disapproval of the person or thing you are mentioning.

e.g. She lived to be ninety-nine years old and only weighed eighty pounds but she'd raised eight kids. That was some tough woman!...

她活到了 99 岁的高龄,体重虽然只有 80 磅,却养了 8 个孩子。真是个了不得的女人!

e.g. 'Some party!'—'Yep. One hell of a party.'


some 单语例句some的意思

1. Lenovo is trying to turn around its overseas business by improving efficiency and cutting costs by laying off some workers.

2. Our goal is to integrate our business across the 20 some breweries and implement global best practices to increase the efficiency of the operations.

3. Some 62 percent of the city's total travel expenses are spent on business trips, while more than 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies are already located here.

4. In the online game business, they have had some difficulties in making breakthroughs.

5. Some Little Sheep restaurants have even extended their business hours to take advantage of the longer daylight hours during summer.

6. Some banks will also have longer business hours to offer services and consulting.

7. Some even include their personal incomes in business turnover to evade personal income taxes, which are usually higher than corporate taxes.

8. The pawnbroker said some small business people are pawning private items to raise capital to buy wholesale souvenirs that they sell to tourists.

9. I can only pray that some of these parents will wake up and begin to act responsibly for a change.

10. Au said some of the letters were asking for assistance from officials as Wang had been deceived when doing business on the mainland.

some 英英释义



1. remarkable

e.g. that was some party

she is some skier



1. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct

e.g. lasted approximately an hour

in just about a minute

he's about 30 years old

I've had about all I can stand

we meet about once a month

some forty people came

weighs around a hundred pounds

roughly $3,000

holds 3 gallons, more or less

20 or so people were at the party

Synonym: approximatelyaboutclose tojust aboutroughlymore or lessaroundor so