

store:[英 [stɔ:(r)] 美 [stɔr, stor] ]


过去式:stored;   过去分词:stored;   现在分词:storing;   复数形式:stores;

store 基本解释

名词商店; 贮存物; 仓库; 大量

动词贮存; (在计算机里)存储


store 相关词组

1. in store : 贮藏着, 准备着;

2. out of store : 耗尽;

store 相关例句


1. store什么意思

1. The shed will store 30 tons of coal.


2. Water is stored against the dry season.


3. store的近义词

3. The barn will store five tons of grain.



1. store的反义词

1. They deal in household stores.


2. Who knows what the future has in store for us?


3. store

3. The grain here is for store.


store 情景对话



A:Here’s (a receipt/ a voucher/ check) for store credit.


B:Great. Thanks.



A:The grocery store is (closed/ open/ out of business).


B:Yeah, it closes at ten.



A:(What conditions are there/ Are there any conditions/ What restrictions are there) on the store policy?




store 网络解释


1. 商场:MAX-MALL是一个综合的商业地产,它包括写字楼(OFFICE),大型商场(STORE)和酒店. 客户当时的要求是做一套楼书,三本. 一本综合(MAX-MALL),一本OFFICE,一本STORE

2. store的翻译

2. store:sto; 记忆体

store 双语例句


1. And to store his few possessions. But then one day


2. He found this book being out of print in a second-hand book store completely by chancel.


3. This tent would protect us when it rained and would be a good place to store our supplies.


4. Animals store excess sugar in the form of a polysaccharide called glycogen.


5. Its limited nav computer can store four sets of astrogation coordinates.


6. By september of 2007, a store which sells woodworking equipment had already been burglarized 5 times in 4 months.


7. Unique to the MX816/826/836 cellular audio processors is the ability to route audio to an external Voice Store and Retrieve device such as the MX802 or MX812 thus providing the radio system with a voice answering and announcement facility using external DRAM.


8. store的近义词

8. He had robbed a liqueur store before.


9. store什么意思

9. I came to a jewelry store inside the dazzling things, so I do not know what to say to buy.


10. store的翻译

10. Is used by network devices to temporarily store bursts of excess data in memory until they can be processed.


11. It is very difficult to separate and store lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria separated from Direct Vat Set can only subculture 3 times.


12. Limit consumption of store-bought baked goods such as doughnuts, cookies, cakes and crackers.


13. store的解释

13. It mainly including: ice stadium design, making ice design, design of refrigeration technics of cold store. The system saves data of refrigeration engineering design, computing formula, weather data of main areas in china, machines and equipments of partial factory, performance data of units. And it can finish the load computing, choice of machines and equipments, plane design of cold store, room design for machines and equipments.


14. Our store is operating a policy on meal allowance.



15. In Chapter 5, the software frame of the embroidery machine control system is constructed in the light of the hierarchy of master system and slave system. The programs of keyboard entry, graphical display, USB drive, pattern store and management, serial communication and electromechanical control are designed.


16. The Hazardous Waste Manifest System is a set of forms, reports, and procedures designed to seamlessly track hazardous waste from the time it leaves the generator facility where it was produced, until it reaches the off-site waste management facility that will store, treat, or dispose of the hazardous waste.


17. store在线翻译

17. They were sometimes used to store rolled-up paper and are occasionally called paper holders.


18. Expert ideas - store samples display excellent products, qualified products, sales process quietly qualified goods, inferior goods sold to customers in the current tile industry is more common, consumers need to do is to alert businesses cargo to the need in time to open the box to check to see whether the product is delivered with the choice of sample store; payment certificate must make formal business invoices, invoices indicate excellent products, qualified the word goods, quality problems occur in order to address; the best brands to buy reputable, do not easily believe that any business discounts, they often will be the original price 60/block products marked as 160 yuan/piece for sale, even if playing 5 discount, customers also may not be cost-effective.


19. The store will leave a cookie on the machine, and someone could later try to purchase something from the store using your account.


20. He must store a large quantity of grain instead of consuming all his grain immediately.


store 词典解释

1. 商店(英国英语中主要指大型百货商店,而美国英语中可指任何规模的商店)

A store is a building or part of a building where things are sold. In British English, store is used mainly to refer to a large shop selling a variety of goods, but in American English a store can be any size of shop.

e.g. Bombs were planted in stores in Manchester and Blackpool.


e.g. ...grocery stores.


2. 贮存;储备;存放

When you store things, you put them in a container or other place and leave them there until they are needed.

e.g. Store the cookies in an airtight tin...


e.g. Some types of garden furniture must be stored inside in the winter.


3. (在计算机里)存储;记忆;记录

When you store information, you keep it in your memory, in a file, or in a computer.

e.g. Where in the brain do we store information about colours?


e.g. ...chips for storing data in electronic equipment.


4. (事物的)储存,储备

A store of things is a supply of them that you keep somewhere until you need them.


e.g. I handed over my secret store of chocolate biscuits...


e.g. Dolly's store of drinking glasses had run out.


5. 仓库;储存处

A store is a place where things are kept while they are not being used.

e.g. ...a decision taken in 1982 to build a store for spent fuel from submarines.

1982 年作出的为潜艇废燃料建立一个储存库的决定

e.g. ...a grain store.


6. 大量;丰富

If you have a store of knowledge, jokes, or stories, you have a large amount of them ready to be used.

e.g. He possessed a vast store of knowledge...


e.g. Jessica dipped into her store of theatrical anecdotes.


7. see also: chain store;cold store;department store

8. 就要出现在…身上;即将发生在…身上

If something is in store for you, it is going to happen at some time in the future.

e.g. There were also surprises in store for me...


e.g. Who knows what lies in store for the President?


9. 重视;珍惜;认为…极为必要

If you set great store by something, you think that it is extremely important or necessary.

e.g. ...a retail group which sets great store by traditional values.


相关词组:store awaystore up

store 单语例句

1. Firstly, the chain store operators'business scope continued to expand last year.

2. Unfortunately for a Shanghai store that sold pirated luxury handbags, the incident brought so much attention they were busted for selling fake goods.

3. But then, he didn't know what destiny had in store.

4. Wealthier people in Beijing tried all means to get foreign exchange certificates to buy butter, cheese and home appliances such as toasters available only at the Friendship Store.

5. Customers can buy the new iPhone at Apple's online store and seven retail stores, resellers and stores of mobile operators China Unicom and China Telecom.

6. Customers can buy the new iPhone at Apple's online store and seven retail stores, resellers and stores of China Unicom and China Telecom mobile operators.

7. Customers in the US could shop and buy the device anywhere they are and pick up their purchase at any Apple retail store.

8. Seeking to buy another of the same brand, he returned to the store over the weekend.

9. The store owner admits there is still no buyer for the number, although many people - especially business people - have shown a lot of interest.

10. Shoppers have also found they can save time and effort by buying seafood on a website rather than in a physical store.

store 英英释义


1. an electronic memory device

e.g. a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached

Synonym: memorycomputer memorystoragecomputer storagememory board

2. a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services

e.g. he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod

Synonym: shop

3. a depository for goods

e.g. storehouses were built close to the docks

Synonym: storehousedepotentrepotstorage

4. a supply of something available for future use

e.g. he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars

Synonym: stockfund



1. keep or lay aside for future use

e.g. store grain for the winter

The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat

Synonym: hive awaylay input insalt awaystack awaystash away

2. find a place for and put away for storage

e.g. where should we stow the vegetables?

I couldn't store all the books in the attic so I sold some