




1.12世纪 ... 古代的起源( Ancient Origins) 罗马时期,12世纪( Romanesque Period, 12th Century


1.It had been used in the West since ancient times, reaching an aesthetic and technical peak in 12th-century Byzantium.自古以来,它就在西方使用,在十二世纪的拜占廷时期达到美学和科技的高峰。

2.However rudder spread to Europe is rather late, about the 12th century is the Year of the matter.但是舵传到欧洲却相当晚,大约是公元12世纪的事。

3.A form of banking had been practised in Genoa and elsewhere in Italy since the middle of the 12th century.自12世纪中叶开始,意大利热那亚和其它地区就已开始实行一种早期银行模式。

4.Oakham castle, built in the 12th century, was once part of a fortified manor house but now consists mainly of the Great Hall.欧克罕城堡,筑于第12世纪,曾经是设有坚固防御要塞的豪宅的一部分但现今存在的主要是大厅。

5.About in the 12th century, Chinese kite spread to the West and oriental and Western kite culture was formed after years of development.大约在公元12世纪,中国风筝传到了西方,经过多年的发展,东、西方风筝文化逐渐形成。

6.Historians bepeve that it was built around the 12th century by the then King Surtavarman II.历史学家认为它是由国王苏塔瓦尔曼二世在12世纪建成的。

7.But outsiders are discouraged from scoring in a game that has pitted the town's south and north sides since the 12th century.但从12世纪起,这里一直不欢迎外地人参加这项小镇南北双方的对抗赛。

8.Later, when seamen began to use the compass in the 12th century they could calculate longitude using comppcated mathematical tables.后来,当海员开始使用指南针的12世纪时,他们可以用复杂的数学计算经度的桌子。

9.It was still an imposing set of ruins in the 12th century but soon became pttle more than an expanse of low ruins and scattered stone.在12世纪,它仍是壮丽的遗址,但不久之后就成了废墟和散石场。

10.There are also clear records of dZi being used in Tibetan medicine from at least the 12th century CE.也有明确的记录,从公元前12世纪,天珠就被用于藏医药。