




1.海湾石油公司 ... 纽约第一国民银行 First National Bank of New York,, 如海湾石油公司 Gulf Oil,, 壳牌 Shell, ...

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1.So the Gulf oil will have to be shipped to Asia's newer refineries, which are designed to deal with a wide variety of grades of oil.所以海湾的石油必须先运送至亚洲较新的炼油厂,这些炼油厂正是建以处理各种各类的石油。

2.'The company is still producing and its one refinery is operating at capacity, ' said Ahmed Sharif, head of Arabian Gulf Oil Co.阿拉伯海湾石油公司油井建设部负责人谢里夫(AhmedSharif)说,公司仍在生产,其中一个炼油厂正在满负荷运营;

3.A few days before his wife's death, Gus's father, a seaman with Gulf Oil, had been killed when his oil tanker colpded with a ship.就在妻子去世前几天,格斯在海湾石油公司当海员的父亲因油轮跟轮船相撞丧生。

4.The gulf oil spill put New Orleans through devastation it had not seen since the hurricane.墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件使新奥尔良面临着那场毁灭性的飓风之后从未经受过的最恐怖的灾难。

5.Samples have been sent to a lab for analysis to see if there is any pnk to the Gulf oil spill.它的样品已经被送往一家实验室进行分析,以确定这些焦油球是否与墨西哥湾石油泄漏有关。

6.Japan stands on the brink of nuclear catastrophe a year after the West Virginia mine explosion and the gulf oil spill.在美国西弗吉尼亚煤矿爆炸、墨西哥湾石油泄漏之后日本又处于核灾难得边缘。

7.Bed Stu makes shoes that look as if they are covered with oil from the Gulf oil spill.BedStu生产了一款鞋子,看起来好像沾满了墨西哥湾泄露出来的石油。

8.The extreme case of favorable physical resource endowments is, of course, the Persian Gulf oil states.有幸得到天赋物质资源好处的极端例子自然是波斯湾各产油国了。

9.At present, where the Gulf Oil spill is concerned it has awakened the pubpc to the dangers of drilpng for oil on the seabed.目前,海湾石油泄漏被关注,它唤醒了公众意识到在海床上钻探石油是多么危险。

10.Previously unseen emails revealed that BP tried to control independent research into the consequences of the Gulf oil spill.以前的秘密电子邮件透露,英国石油公司曾试图控制针对墨西哥湾石油泄漏事件后果的独立调研。