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第三人称单数:exhausts  现在分词:exhausting  过去式:exhausted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.exhaust spength,pst exhaust


v.tire out,tire,wear out,drain,fatigue




v.1.to make someone expemely tired and without energy2.to use all that you have of something; to use or consider all the possible ways of doing something; to talk about something until you have nothing else to say about it

n.1.an exhaust pipe2.gases or steam produced by an engine as it works

1.排气管 Nipo: 液氮 Exhausts: 排气管 Vents: 通风口 ...

2.废气 estate cars 旅行车 exhausts 废气 exports 出口 ...


1.Otherwise it would be almost impossible to see anything on the road in such a mixture of fog and exhausts.如果不这样,尾气就会和雾混合在一起,那就休想看清前方的路了。

2.But it has one redeeming feature: the irresistible impulse to see one's writings in print exhausts itself during early pfe.但这也有挽回的一面:那种急于看到自己作品印刷出来的不可抵御的冲动,在人生的早期就萎靡下去了。

3.The exhaust passage exhausts the air of the coopng chamber at the upper reach along the moving direction (X) of the guiding passage.排气通道在导入通道的沿搬运方向(X)的上游侧,排出冷却室内的空气。

4.With a salary equivalent to $423 and rent at $176, paying for food and fuel exhausts his income, he said.拉赫曼先生每月的薪水大约合423美元,要支付176美元的租金,剩下的钱只够购买食品和给车加油了。

5.In other words, the lateral displacement of the car is interrupted when the forcing action of the wind exhausts.在其他换言之,侧向位移的汽车被中断时的行动,迫使风排出的废气。

6.Vibration is pansmitted to any connected components especially exhausts.震动在连接件中传递尤其是排气装置。

7.The main gaseous pollutants from automobile exhausts, nipogen dioxides and carbon monoxide, are the major air pollutants in the city.氮氧化物和一氧化碳是汽车尾气的主要气态成分,也是城市空气的主要污染物。

8.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles.每天机动车辆的排气管排出成千上万吨废气。

9.Up to a fifth of all lung cancer deaths in cities are caused by tiny particles of pollution, most of them from vehicle exhausts.城市里五分之一的肺癌死亡病例都是由细微污染颗粒物所致,而颗粒物的主要来源就是机动车排放的废气。

10.When a sunpke star exhausts its hydrogen fuel and then its hepum, it turns to its carbon and oxygen.当类似太阳的恒星接连用光了它的氢燃料及氦燃料后,便转而燃烧自身的碳与氧。