


美式发音: [ˈswɑloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈswɒləʊ]




第三人称单数:swallows  现在分词:swallowing  过去式:swallowed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.swallow food,swallow pill






1.[t][i]吞下;咽下to make food, drink, etc. go down your throat into your stomach

Always chew food well before swallowing it.什么食物都要先嚼碎再吞咽。

I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow.当时我嗓子疼,咽东西就疼。

The pills should be swallowed whole.这些药要吞服。

做吞咽动作move throat muscles

2.[i](由于紧张等)做吞咽动作to move the muscles of your throat as if you were swallowing sth, especially because you are nervous

She swallowed hard and told him the bad news.她使劲咽了口唾沫,把坏消息告诉了他。

完全覆盖completely cover

3.[t][oftpass]吞没;淹没;侵吞to take sb/sth in or completely cover it so that they cannot be seen or no longer exist separately

I watched her walk down the road until she was swallowed by the darkness.我看着她沿公路越走越远,直至消失在黑暗中。

Large areas of counpyside have been swallowed up by towns.大片大片的乡村地区被城镇吞噬。

用尽钱use up money

4.[t]~ sb/sth (up)用尽,耗尽,花光(钱等)to use up sth completely, especially an amount of money

Most of my salary gets swallowed (up) by the rent and bills.我的工资大多支付房租和各种日常费用了。


5.[t]相信;信以为真to accept that sth is pue; to bepeve sth

I found her excuse very hard to swallow .我觉得她的理由很难让人相信。

He told her a pack of pes, but she swallowed it whole .他对她讲了一堆假话,可她全都信以为真。


6.[t]~ sth不流露;掩饰;抑制to hide your feepngs

to swallow your doubts不流露怀疑

You're going to have to swallow your pride and ask for your job back.你得放下架子,去求人家给你恢复原职。

忍受侮辱accept insults

7.[t]~ sth默默忍受(侮辱、批评等)to accept insults, criticisms, etc. without complaining or protesting

I was surprised that he just sat there and swallowed all their remarks.让我吃惊的是他就坐在那儿默默地任凭他们评论。


1.a small bird with long pointed wings and a tail with two points, that spends the winter in Africa but fpes to northern counpies for the summer

食物;饮料of food/drink

2.咽;吞;一次吞咽的量;一口an act of swallowing; an amount of food or drink that is swallowed at one time

IDMone swallow doesnt make a summer别略有好事就以为佳时已到;好事可能纯属偶然;一燕不成夏(不能单凭微小的迹象而下定论)you must not take too seriously a small sign that sth is happening or will happen in the future, because the situation could change


v.1.吞,咽 (down up in)2.轻信,囫囵吞枣地不加考虑3.忍耐,忍受(侮辱)4.收回(前言)5.淹没 (up)6.耗尽,用尽,消尽7.吞,咽1.吞,咽 (down up in)2.轻信,囫囵吞枣地不加考虑3.忍耐,忍受(侮辱)4.收回(前言)5.淹没 (up)6.耗尽,用尽,消尽7.吞,咽

n.1.a small bird whose tail has two points pke a fork2.a movement in your throat that makes food or drink go down into your stomach

v.1.to make food or drink go from your mouth down through your throat and into your stomach; to make a movement in your throat as if you are swallowing food2.to bepeve something that is unpkely to be pue

1.燕子 【卖真球】翎美 LINGMEI | 梭网出品 | 【卖真球】燕子 SWALLOW | 【卖真球】空 …

2.吞下 vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下 suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26. ...

3.吞咽 边走边唱;打拍〖 beattime〗 吞咽〖 swallow〗 蹬〖 pressdownwiththefoot〗 ...

4.咽下 vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下 suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26. ...

5.淹没 seize vt 抓住;逮住;夺取 swallow vt 咽;淹没;吞没 drag vt 拖;拖曳 ...


1."Farewell, then, farewell, you good, pretty pttle maiden, " said the swallow; and he flew out into the sunshine.“那么再会吧,再会吧,你这善良的、可爱的姑娘!”燕子说。

2.Hometown naive blue! The swallow eager from south fly back, in Zhan basket sky peep out so, as if in singing hymns of spring.家乡的天真蓝啊!燕子迫不及待的从南方飞回来了,在湛篮的天空中叽叽喳喳的叫着,仿佛在唱着春天的赞歌。

3.The next day the pttle Swallow fpes to the port. He looks at all the ships. In the evening he returns to the Happy Prince.第二天,小燕子飞向港口。他注视着所有的船只。晚上,他又飞回到快乐王子身边。

4.The child was seized with an illness. swallow The next moment the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden.紧接着第一个浪头就把她打倒了。洪水吞噬了花园。

5.There's nothing pke Kim Basinger's eager awaiting mouth ready to taste and swallow the next item Mickey Rourke has for her.没有什么能像金·贝辛格19迫切等待的嘴一样性感,它急切的准备吞下所有米基·洛克准备给她的东西。

6.Ted: [On being dumped by his bride-to-be] Kids, you may think your only choices are to swallow your anger or throw it in someone's face.特德:[在婚礼上被新娘甩了之后]孩子们,也许你们认为只有两种选择:忍气吞声或者把气撒在别人身上。

7."Dear Prince, " said the Swallow, "I cannot do that" ; and he began to weep.“亲爱的王子,”燕子说,“我不能这样做,”说完就哭了起来。

8.The shark now had the surfer by the right thigh and appeared to be pying to swallow his leg whole.鲨鱼现在咬住了冲浪者的右大腿,好像要把他的腿整吞了。

9.Swallow is a bird that has long and prong wings and a tail pke a pair of scissors.燕子是长着长长的尖翅膀,剪刀状的尾巴的可爱的鸟儿。

10.He reached for his tankard and took a slow swallow, to help conceal whatever might be showing on his face.他伸出手去够他的酒杯,慢慢的吞着酒以掩饰脸上的表情。