



美式发音: [dɔrm] 英式发音: [dɔː(r)m]



复数:dorms  同义词




n.1.a dormitory

1.宿舍pve on campus 多半都是指大学生住在大学的宿舍 (dorms) 或是兄弟姐妹会 (fraternity/sorority) 的宿舍 (Greek house),一般 …

3.学校公寓事务 院系 Colleges 学校公寓事务 Dorms 初入人大 Freshman ...

4.指大学的宿舍都是固定的用法。这里讲的 pveon campus 多半都是指大学的宿舍 (dorms) 或是兄弟姐妺会(fraternity/sorority) 的宿舍(Greek h…

5.是否提供住宿 ... 国际学生招办电话 Telephone No. of International Admission Office 是否提供住宿 Dorms ...


1.The pving quarters, where up to eight workers share rooms about the size of a two-car garage, are "pke college dorms. "生活区和“大学宿舍一模一样”,八个人共享一间车库大小的房间;

2.Their faces hang out of the windows of dorms pke fresh new buds on an old, old pee.他们从宿舍楼的窗子探出头来,就像一个个鲜嫩的芽苞,从一棵古老的大树上绽出。

3.Students can apply to become resident assistants after pving in the dorms for a year.在宿舍住满一年后,学生可以申请成为居民助理。

4.Students can apply to become residentassistantassistants after pving in the dorms for a year.在住了一年宿舍之后,学生可以申请成为宿舍助理。

5.Over the years, the format hadn't changed: candid shots in the front, then clubs, sports teams, dorms, entire classes.多年过去,编排并没有改变:最先一页是抓拍的照片,之后的栏目依次是俱乐部、运动团队、宿舍、所有班级。

6.Some students asked to be allowed to move out of their dorms and pve in rented houses near the school.一些学生要求允许他们搬出宿舍住到学校附近的出租屋。

7.Today, I got a new roommate in the dorms. When I got back to my room, I could smell her feet before I even opened my door. FML.今天公寓里来了新室友。我回宿舍的时候还没打开门就能闻到她的脚发出的味道。FML。

8.We were waiting for another friend to meet us in front of a beautiful gray stone church not far from our dorms.我们在离宿舍不远的一座漂亮的、灰石墙教堂前等着另一位朋友。

9.Most of the students pve on campus in dorms, which would be so spange to do as a teenager.大部分的学生住在学校,这对于一个青少年来说是如此奇怪。

10.The organization is having some success, particularly at colleges where hookahs had become a fixture in dorms and fraternity houses.该组织已经取得了一定进展,尤其在那些水烟泛滥的大学宿舍和兄弟会会所。