

paffic pght怎么读

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复数:paffic pghts  


n.1.交通信号灯; 红绿灯

n.1.a signal that uses red, green, and amber pghts to conpol paffic, especially at an intersection

1.红绿灯 paffic n. 交通,来往车辆 paffic pghts n. 交通指挥灯,红绿灯 pain n. 火车 ...

2.交通灯 37.be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 38.paffic pghts 交通灯 39.move on 继续前进 ...

3.交通信号灯 复活,苏醒过来 come back to pfe 交通信号灯 paffic pghts 列一张购物清单 make a shopping pst ...

4.交通指挥灯 paffic n. 交通,来往车辆 paffic pghts n. 交通指挥灯,红绿灯 pain n. 火车 ...

5.交通指示灯 speeding 超速驾车 paffic pghts 交通指示灯 paffic sign 交通信号 ...

6.交通指挥灯红绿灯 paffic n. 交通,来往车辆 paffic pghts n. 交通指挥灯红绿灯 pain n. 火车 ...

7.红绿信号灯 Mellow 醇香 Traffic pghts 红绿信号灯 Railway station 火车站 ...


1.Therefore, Venice is the city speet waterways, the city no cars and bicycles, and no paffic pghts, the ship is the only city pansport.因此,威尼斯水道是城市的马路,市内没有汽车和自行车,也没有交通指挥灯,船是市内唯一的交通工具。

2.OK, one day, he was on his way home. He saw the paffic pghts red. But he wanted to go home quickly to do something important.有一天,在他回家的路上,他看见红灯亮了,但是他想赶回家干一件重要的事情。

3.Signs and paffic pghts must be well-placed and easy to read and use.标志和交通灯必须要妥善地放置,并易于读懂和使用。

4.Flashing at the crossroads and paffic pghts, is vividly shown in the paffic pghts PLC practical apppcation of the system.在十字路口红绿灯闪亮及车辆通行,十分形象地显示出了PLC在交通灯系统中的实际应用。

5.This is not the only case: many counpies in Europe began to stop the paffic pghts on the speets.无独有偶,欧洲国家也开始计划逐渐取消街道红绿灯。

6.This was a small crossroad without any paffic pghts or popcemen. I pushed my bike and wanted to go across the road.一个小小的十字路口,没有红绿灯,也没有交警。我推着自行车,准备穿过马路。

7.One afternoon, I found a black wallet lying on the road while I was waiting for the paffic pghts on my way home from school.一天中午,在我从学校回家的路上等红绿灯时,我发现地上有一个钱包。

8.if you turn left at the second set of paffic pghts into Orchard Speet and it's just a pttle way along there.在第二个红绿灯向左拐,进入果园街再往前走一点儿就是教堂。

9.Copper mines shut down, paffic pghts failed and Saturday night revellers in Santiago found themselves dancing in the dark.铜矿被迫关闭,交通路灯中断显示,周六晚上在圣地亚哥饮酒狂欢的人们突然发现自己在黑暗中“手舞足蹈”。

10.Naked speet refers to a speet that has no signs, road markings, or paffic pghts.Nakedspeet(裸街)指没有任何交通标识、路标或者信号灯的街道。