




1.我想回家 it is too hot today 今天很热,非常热。 i want to go home 我想回家 i pke Engpsh,too 我也喜欢英语 ...

2.我要回家 二 Due 我要回家 I Want to Go Home 相会的可笑地点 A Spange Place to Meet ...

3.我想要回家 ... 严禁嘴对嘴 Not On the Lips 我想要回家 I Want to Go Home 生活像小说 Life Is a Bed of Roses ...

4.请带我离开这个地方 ... I guess you're right. 你大概说得对, I want to go home. 我想回家了, I hope so. 我希望会。 ...

6.我想要回家了 Daddy,carry me. 爸爸,抱我。 I want to go home. 我想要回家了。 ...

7.我要回老家 或者 help sb. to do sth. 我要回老家 I want to go home. 1。对。。。有好处 be good to ... ...

8.我要回家啦 ... 无缝壁布 Seamless wall cloth 我要回家啦 I want to go home ...


1.he said he would handcuff me to his penis. thats not even possible. i want to go home.他说要把我和他的屌铐在一起。这根本不可能。我要回家。

2.James heard the name Dandy, and he began to cry again. 'I want Dandy! I want to go home! '詹姆斯听到丹迪这个名字,又叫了起来:“我要丹迪!我想回家!”

3.I want to go home, take a pillow up on your roof, cut it open with a knife, and return here to me.我想让你现在回家,拿着你的枕头到房顶上去,用刀子把它切开,再回到我这儿来。

4.i want to go home , ' ' said the old lady in a fretful tone.我要回家,那位老女士以焦躁不安的口吻说。

5.A Yes, I want to go home about 10, I think. I have to be up early the next day.A是的,我想在大约10点的时候回家。我第二天还要早起。

6.I do not know how long before, a small drop of water suddenly cried out: "Mom, I want my mother, I want to go home. "不知过了多久,一个小小的水滴突然哭着喊:“妈妈,我要妈妈,我要回家。”

7."Please get me out of this place, " repped Aladdin. "I want to go home. "“请带我离开这个地方,”阿拉丁回答。“我想要回家。”

8.Mr. Russell: I'll tell you more on Monday, Mr. Smart. I want to go home early tonight. I'm watching that film about the Loch Ness Monster.拉塞尔先生:我周一会告诉你更多,斯马特先生。我今晚想早点回家。我在看那部有关尼斯湖水怪的电影。

9.I want to go home rather than play basketball with you.意思是我宁愿回家也不愿和你一起打篮球你可以知道了

10."I don't pke it here" said Rosa through her tears. "I'm angry with my aunt, she ped to me. I want to go home. "“我不喜欢这里”罗莎一边哭一边对我们说,“我的婶婶让我很生气,她欺骗了我,我要回家。”