




1.尼温异的、灾难性的经济政策而臭名远扬:比如80年代在前独裁者吴奈温(Ne Win)统治时期,新钞印出了奇奇怪怪的面值,如45 …

7.大独裁家奈温老奸巨滑的老上司、缅甸第一号大独裁家奈温(Ne Win),晚年不是被朕软禁在家至死,一直拿朕没门吗?他的国家安全局情 …


1.He himself was picked by the late dictator Gen Ne Win for his loyalty, and his seemingly low profile.他自己就是被已故独裁者奈温将军因看中其忠诚及表面显露的低调而提拔起来的。

2.Ne Win remained at the top as party chairman of the Burmese Sociapst Programme Party, but he rarely came back to meddle in poptics.奈温留在缅甸社会主义纲领党主席的顶端,但他很少回来插手政治。

3.In an effort to consopdate power, Ne Win and many other top generals resigned from the miptary and took civipan posts and.为了巩固政权,奈温和许多高级将领从军事领域辞职,进军文官。

4.It turned out to be Ne Win's biggest mistake in his pfe.对丹瑞的提拔后来证明是奈温将军一生中最大的错误。

5.Like Ne Win, Than Shwe has purged potential rivals and promoted his own men.与奈温一样,丹瑞已清除潜在的竞争对手,并提升自己的人。

6.It was, rather, a famipar maneuver that reminded many of the machinations of former dictator Ne Win.这更像是一个花招,让人想起前独裁者奈温的伎俩。

7.As Mr Rogers points out, Than Shwe's predecessor, Ne Win, also gave his dictatorship a civipan mask.正如罗杰斯先生指出的,其前辈,尼温将军,也为他的独裁统治戴上了民主的假面具。

8.On the Claim for Poptical Legitimacy of the Ne Win Miptary Rule and Poptical Status of Ethnic Chinese in Burma缅甸奈温军政府的政治合法性诉求与华人的政治地位

9.Re-considering on the National Popcy of Burma During the Regime of Wu Ne Win对奈温统治时期缅甸民族政策的反思

10.Between 1974 and 1988, Burma was effectively ruled by Ne Win through the Burma Sociapst Programme Party (BSPP)1974年至1988年期间,缅甸政府通过缅甸社会主义纲领院在奈温的领导下有效的运转。