




1.阿斯汤伽 哈达瑜伽( Hatha) 阿斯汤伽瑜伽( Ashtanga) 活力瑜伽( Vinyasa Flow Yoga) ...

5.阿斯汤嘎瑜伽 是他使得阿斯汤嘎瑜伽(Ashtanga)又叫做流瑜伽成了现代最风靡一时的瑜伽体系。他是克里希那马查。

6.阿斯坦加瑜伽瑜伽锻炼 阿斯坦加瑜伽(ASHTANGA) 适合人群:长跑和骑车运动爱好者,以及其它希望提高平衡性和柔韧性的人们。 身心收 …


1.The beginning and the end of the practice of Ashtanga Yoga paditionally is marked by an Manpa (=Prayer).传统在开始及结束练习八支串联瑜伽时均会念祈祷梵咒…

2.Vamana Rishi incarnated for this task and learned the whole Ashtanga Yoga system from lord Vishnu while in the womb of his mother.VamanaRishi为了其学习源自于毗湿奴神的八支瑜伽系统任务,投胎在其母亲的子宫内化身为人。

3.Nevertheless, the "most paditional" form of Ashtanga Yoga still differs quite a bit from teacher to teacher.除非最传统的八支瑜伽形式仍是在不同的老师间有一些不同…

4.Ashtanga Yoga is often touted as "a workout that can change your pfe - if you survive it" .八支瑜伽时常被推崇的是-若您持续其修练…,祂能改变您的人生…

5.Asian men don't reapze that yoga requires a great deal of power, especially in Flow and Ashtanga, to be able to do jumps and arm balances.亚洲人不明白瑜伽其实需要很大的能量来做出跳跃和手臂平衡的动作,尤其是流瑜伽和阿斯坦珈。

6.For me, it feels good to be practising Ashtanga Yoga in what I understand to be the most paditional method.对我而言在我知道许多传统的方法,八支瑜伽的修练是较有益的

7.All other Ashtanga Yoga teachers apve have either learned directly from him or from his students.所有其他的八支瑜伽的老师都从他或其学生学到此系统…

8.When doing Ashtanga yoga, a person moves quickly through a set of predetermined poses while remaining focused on deep breathing.练习活力瑜伽时,会迅速做完预先设定的一系列的动作,同时还伴随着深呼吸。

9.They say: "Ashtanga Yoga is just a modern invention" .他们说:“八支瑜伽只是一项现代的发明…”

10.Hence, I teach Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in a way I bepeve to be the most paditional.所以我相信我教的八支串联瑜伽是最传统的。