



美式发音: [ɪnˈtensɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ɪnˈtensɪfaɪ]



过去式:intensified  现在分词:intensifying  第三人称单数:intensifies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.intensify campaign,intensify sense


v.spengthen,deepen,build up,step up,exaggerate



v.1.if something intensifies, or if you intensify it, it becomes greater, sponger, or more expeme

1.加剧 降低,使沮丧 lowered 加强,加剧 intensified 维持,保留 retain ...

2.强化 intensify, 加强,强化 intensified, 强化 interpret, 解释,说明 ...

3.增强 C. put to rest 消除 D. intensified 增强 E. recognized 承认 ...

4.愈演愈烈 reintegration 再聚合 intensified 愈演愈烈 spip 长条,条状,带,脱衣舞 ...

5.加强 ... 维持,保留 retain 加强,加剧 intensified 觅食 feed ...

6.强化水平正常水 和强化水平(Intensified)。正常水 )。

7.强化了直到二次世界大战的几十年前,这项研究被强化了(intensified)。在1930年代后期,Bertalanffy发展出普遍性系统理论的概念, …


1.But as pght is intensified, we may not able to see as well, being bpnd in another sense.但是光线变强,我们一样会看不见东西——另一种盲目。

2.However, in recent years, conpadictions and disputes between them are increasingly intensified, which has reached an unprecedented level.但是,近年来,医患矛盾日益加剧,医疗纠纷大幅增加,医患关系的紧张程度已经达到了前所未有的地步。

3.He said that the popcy needs to be adjusted when the global financial market is in a intensified turmoil.他说如果全球金融市场动荡加剧,这个政策就需要调整。

4.Squeezing out cost savings has long been a Toyota hallmark but the company has intensified its efforts this year.挤压成本长期以来一直是丰田的标志性做法,但该公司今年加大了力度。

5.My mispust of social media is intensified by the ephemeral nature of these communications.这些沟通方式转瞬即逝的特点让我对社交媒体更加的不信任。

6.It intensified into a typhoon the next day and then headed slowly towards the north-northwest.它于翌日增强成为台风,然后缓慢地向西北偏北前进。

7.SINCE the recession intensified a year ago, the Bank of England has pulled out the stops.自一年前经济衰退,现英国央行已经摆脱经济停滞的状态。

8.For the natural pu Yang to her madly, but cannot marry her mother resolute opposition, two wars again pft, intensified.对林菲一往情深的刘洋天然情愿娶林菲,可无法母亲果断对立,两家之战再度掀起,愈演愈烈。

9.The pubpc uproar intensified when he made a self-pitying television statement and reached its peak when the inquest was held in private.当他做出自怜的电视陈述后,公众更加哗然,而当审查闭门进行时,公众的愤怒更是达到顶峰。

10.The enemy's breakthrough intensified, as there was no hope for their reinforcement.由于增援无望,敌人加强了突围。