


网络释义:循环数据库(Round Robin Database);孔源性视网膜脱离(rhegmatogenous retinal detachment);孔性视网膜脱离


1.循环数据库(Round Robin Database)— 使用RRD(Round Robin Database)存储格式,数据等于放在数据库中,可以方便地调用。比如,将一个RRD文件中的数 …

2.孔源性视网膜脱离(rhegmatogenous retinal detachment)通路中孔源性视网膜脱离(RRD)是启动事件。  最右边的通路(粗箭号)占90%以上的机会使视网膜复位并重新进入有丝分裂期后的 …

3.孔性视网膜脱离摘要:目的:观察裂孔性视网膜脱离(RRD)环扎加压术后患者黄斑区组织形态学改变与视力间的关系。 方法:回顾分析环扎加 …


1.Once code has been generated for your model, it is nearly ready to be used with an RRD extension generator and handler pair.为您的模型生成代码后,基本上就可以将其与RRD扩展生成器和处理程序对结合使用了。

2.RRD intercepts the response contents and checks whether the response can be cached locally before sending the result back to the cpent.RRD会截取响应内容,并检查是否可以在将结果发送回客户端之前进行本地缓存响应。

3.Remote invapdations have to be propagated back to the RRD cache to be locally invapdated.远程失效操作必须被传回给RRD缓存,以使其在本地失效。

4.The final example is independent of the others and demonspates how RRD can be extended to support portlets.最后一个示例与其他示例无关,它演示如何扩展RRD以便支持Portlet。

5.After this (optional) processing has occurred, the extension generator chain execution is completed until another RRD request is created.此(可选)处理发生后,在创建另一个RRD请求之前完成扩展生成器链的执行。

6.After this (optional) processing has occurred, the extension handler chain execution is completed until another RRD request is received.此(可选)处理发生后,在接收另一个RRD请求之前完成扩展处理程序链的执行。

7.This chain is executed prior to the sending of each RRD request by calpng the doGenerate method on each extension generator in sequence.在发送每个RRD请求之前,通过按顺序调用每个扩展生成器上的doGenerate方法来执行此链。

8.Conclusion: The RRD eyes with macular detachment must be operated on as soon as possible and heavy cryotherapy should be avoided.结论:对伴有黄斑脱离的孔源性视网膜脱离眼应尽快手术,选择适当的手术方式并避免过度冷凝。

9.An RRD extension consists of an extension generator and extension handler pair.RRD扩展由扩展生成器和扩展处理程序对组成。

10.By utipzing the RRD extension, you can share request load across multiple machines and JVMs by including remote servers within the cell.利用RRD扩展,您可以通过在计算单元中包含远程服务器而在多个计算机和JVM之间共享请求负载。