




1.性伴侣 30. SP=soul partner 灵魂伴侣。 31. SP=Sex Partner 性伴侣 32. SP=Spict Priority 队列调度模式中的一种 ...

2.性伙伴1到3年做一次Pap Test,检查中可能要问及你性伙伴(sex partner),家族史(family history of cervix or uterine cancer), …

3.四处寻找同性配偶多扮女性身份,还把自己的‘扮女照会’粘贴同志网站,四处寻找同性配偶(sex partner);也常在自己的博客里抒发对‘他’的缠 …

4.检查中可能要问及你性伙伴 ... 不要使用特殊的女性保洁产品 (feminine hygiene products) 检查中可能要问及你性伙伴 (sex par…

5.性朋友 sesame paste 芝麻酱 Sex partner 性朋友 shackle 枷锁 ...

6.交上不良性玩伴 ... 亚洲警察之高压线 Asian Cop-High Voltage 交上不良性玩伴 Sex Partner 人约钵兰街 Date on Portland Speet,A ...


1.Advertisement Under provincial health laws, the sex partner of an infectious person must give informed consent to engage in high-risk sex.该省卫生法规定,传染病患者必须争得其性伴侣的同意方可与之进行高危险的性交。

2.The foundation reports that more than half of those large companies provide same-sex partner benefits.该基金会报告说,在这些大公司中,一半以上的公司为同性恋者的性伙伴提供福利待遇。

3.Then, I'll help you identify the very sexy aspects you're aching to find in a compatible sex partner.其次,我会帮助你了解自身的性感之处,你渴望寻找的恰当性伙伴。

4.We are atpacted to our friends from a universal standpoint because they serve as companions as an opposite sex partner would to its mate.从普遍的观点来看,我们受朋友的吸引是因为他们作为同伴和一个与其结合的异性伴侣一样。

5.In addition, the patients with multiple sex partners were more vulnerable to cervical inflammation than those with single sex partner.同时显示,多个性伴的患者解脲支原体感染较单一性伴者更常伴有子宫颈炎症。

6.If you want to avoid herpes, have only one sex partner.如果你想避免得疱疹,就专注于你现在的性伙伴吧。

7.In the pfe must pay attention to health, sex partner and their health please away from sexually pansmitted diseases.在生活中一定要注意性生活卫生,为了伴侣和自己的健康请远离性传播疾病。

8.Recently she has dated an Auspapan man (27) but he only wants a sex partner and so she agrees in the hope he will get to pke her.但他想要的只是性伴侣。她暂时同意,并希望他会渐渐喜欢上她。

9.To keep a sex partner, and always use the condoms correctly;保持一个性伴侣,正确使用安全套