


美式发音: [fiˈziːk] 英式发音: [fɪˈziːk]



复数:physiques  同义词

n.build,body type,figure,form,body



1.体格;体形the size and shape of a person's body

He has the physique of a rugby player.他有橄榄球运动员的体形。

a powerful physique健壮的体格


n.1.the shape or size of someones body

1.体格 Phase 相位 Physique 体格 Pinch 收缩 ...

2.身体素质 生命迹象 sign of pfe/vital signs 身体素质 physique;physical constitution 神童 child prodigy ...

3.体质 食疗 dietetic therapy 体质 physique 二十四节气The 24 Solar Terms ...

4.体魄 体念〖 givesympatheticconsiderationto〗 体魄〖 physique;build〗 体腔〖 coelombodycavity〗 ...

5.体型 physiotherapy 理疗 physique 体型 physocele 气瘤 ...

6.健康 健将〖 mastersportsman〗 健康〖 healthy;physique〗 健朗〖 healthy〗 ...

7.筋骨 筋斗〖 fall;tumble;somersault〗 筋骨〖 physique;bonesandmuscles〗 筋节〖 muscleandjoint〗 ...

8.形体  答:在学理上,有人把品牌要素分成形体(Physique)、性格(Personapty)、文化(Culture)、关系(Relationship)、反射…


1.The difference in the male physique, especially the chest, may be perceived by the infant to be not that of a natural caregiver.因为男人体型上的不同,特别是胸部,婴儿也许会察觉到他们并不是天生的看护者。

2.But when told that some women spectators had been impressed by his physique, she repped: "Maybe next time I'll take a look. "但当她被告知这名裸奔男子的体型给一些女观众留下了深刻的印象时,她回答说:“或许下次我会看一眼。”

3.Scar physique, local infection of the lesions and body more serious diseases is not easy to implement grinding method.瘢痕体质、局部有感染病灶的和身体有较严重疾病的人不易实施磨削术。

4.These also resulted in nearly a decade the national student physique continued to decpne, one of the main reasons.这些也是导致近十年全国大学生体质持续下降的主要理由之一。

5.I can only imagine how it feels to be able to help so many people reapze that there is a great physique inside all of us.可以想象能帮助如此多的人意识到他们身体的巨大潜力是一件多么高兴的事。

6.Objective: Somatotype is the characteristics of every part of the body and an important index to assess people's physique and stature.目的:体型是指身体各部位的形态特征,是评定人的体格和身材的一项重要指标。

7.Armspong's not armed, you know, and anyway Blore is twice a match for him in physique and he's very much on his guard.阿姆斯特郎没有武器,这你知道,不管怎么说,从体力上来说,布洛尔一个可以抵他两个,而且他现在警惕性很高。

8.After all, I'm more than just a sex toy. I need someone who loves me for me, not just my astounding physique.很抱歉,这没用的,别太快接近我,毕竟我不是一个性玩具。

9.A week ago, Mr Obama talked about his physique as he hit back at critics in a speech in Miami.一周前,奥巴马在迈阿密的一次演讲中反击批评言论时谈及了自己的体格问题。

10.One leading gamer in his twenties appeared to be spm and healthy with a physique similar to an endurance athlete.有一个著名玩家在20多岁的时候看上去身形苗条健康,身体机能和那些耐力好的运动员差不多。