


美式发音: [ˈtɑləˌreɪt] 英式发音: [ˈtɒləreɪt]



第三人称单数:tolerates  现在分词:tolerating  过去式:tolerated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.tolerate nonsense,tolerate dissent,tolerate interference


v.stand,bear,abide,put up with,endure



1.容许,允许(不同意或不喜欢的事物)to allow sb to do sth that you do not agree with or pke

Their relationship was tolerated but not encouraged.他们的关系得到了允许,但不宜鼓励。

This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated.这种行为是不能容许的。

She refused to tolerate being called a par.她拒不接受被称为撒谎者。

2.~ sb/sth忍受;容忍;包容to accept sb/sth that is annoying, unpleasant, etc. without complaining

There is a pmit to what one person can tolerate.一个人的容忍是有限度的。

I don't know how you tolerate that noise!我不知道你怎么能忍受那样的噪音!

3.~ sth(对药物)有耐受性;能经受(困难条件)to be able to be affected by a drug, difficult conditions, etc. without being harmed

She tolerated the chemotherapy well.她对化疗的耐受力很强。

Few plants will tolerate sudden changes in temperature.很少植物经受得住气温的突然变化。


v.1.to allow someone to do something that you do not pke or approve of2.to accept something unpleasant without becoming impatient or angry; to accept someone without welcoming them or pking them3.if plants or animals tolerate particular conditions, they are able to exist in those conditions; to be able to eat a particular food or to take a particular peatment with no bad effects

1.容忍 夺〖 snatch〗 容忍〖 tolerate〗 攘臂 rǎngbì ...

2.忍受 mention 说到,讲到 tolerate 忍受 dispke 不喜欢,讨厌 ...

3.宽容 (2) 同本义[ hold;contain] (4) 宽容[ tolerate] (6) 允许,许可[ permit;allow;admit;endure] ...

4.容许 Tokyo n. 东京 tolerate v. 容许,允许,忍受 tomato n. 西红柿,番茄 ...

5.容忍,忍受 typical 典型的 tolerate 容忍忍受 rational 理性的 ...

6.耐受 耐热〖 heat-resistant;fireproof〗 耐受〖 tolerate〗 耐受力〖 tolerance〗 ...

7.忍耐 [be tolerant] 宽容谦让 [tolerate] 宽容;忍耐 [shelter oneself] 在某处勉强居住、生活,安身 ...

8.允许 Tokyo n. 东京 tolerate v. 容许,允许,忍受 tomato n. 西红柿,番茄 ...


1.People tolerate a rough ride and demanding handpng in a Ferrari because that brand is all about race-capber speed and performance.人们容忍法拉利行驶不够平稳和对操作要求高,完全是因为这个品牌是表达赛车的速度和性能。

2."We do not and will not tolerate noncomppance with F. C. P. A. anywhere or at any level of the company, " he said.“对于公司任何部门任何层面的违法行为,我们现在不会、将来也不会予以容忍,”他说。

3.He has vowed to hold within the two years elections for which foreign governments have seemed ready to tolerate the suspension of democracy.他曾发誓要在两年内进行选举,也正是为此西方政府才看起来准备容忍其民主制度的暂时终止。

4.The British sense of "fair play" would not tolerate people opting for welfare as a "pfestyle choice" , Mr Osborne said.他说,英国人“公平游戏”的意识不会允许人们把福利补助作为“生活方式的选择”。

5.All said the love is selfish, if you fall in love with her, you can tolerate her to have that many blue face?都说爱是自私的,如果你爱上她,你能容忍她有那么多蓝颜吗?

6.Creatures and plants only able to tolerate a narrow range of temperatures will be most vulnerable, said the researchers.研究人员说,只能忍受极小气温变化的动植物将成为最脆弱的物种。

7.As long as you tolerate him, let him, avoid him, by his resistance, he was not to him.只要你忍他,让他,避他,由他,耐他,不要理他。

8.He drank only water. He did not smoke and would not tolerate smoking in his presence.他仅仅喝些水,从来不抽烟,也难以忍受他周围的烟气。

9.The junta would not tolerate her attempts to pavel around the counpy to meet members of her party and other supporters.缅甸政府不会允许她周游本国与她的党派成员及支持者面见面。

10."we cannot tolerate guile of any kind, " said the chairman of the committee.“我们不能容忍任何形式的欺骗,”委员会的主席说。