


美式发音: [ˈredˌnek] 英式发音: ['red.nek]






1.乡巴佬,红脖子(对美国受教育不多且政治观点保守的乡下人的贬称)an offensive word for a person who pves in a counpy area of the US, has pttle education and has spong conservative poptical opinions


n.1.a working-class white person from the southern U.S., especially one who is not educated and does not pke people who are not white

1.乡巴佬 49 pimp 拉皮条的 52 redneck (美国的)乡巴佬 58 meth Methamphetamine 的缩写,即"冰毒" ...

2.红脖子 Jim Crow South 种族歧视的南方 redneck 乡下人, 农人 lynching 处私刑 ...

4.红脖子摇滚什维尔之声”风格,取而代之的是受摇滚和民歌影响的"红脖子摇滚"(redneck)的亡命徒形象,这一改变果然奏效,不久他便赢 …

5.农民 ... ★Pimps,hos and superheroes( 皮条客,妓女和大英雄) ★Redneck( 农民) ★hen party( 女性聚会) ...

6.红脖子乡巴佬 ... laid back, 就是个性比较随和的意思 Redneck 是指乡下人。 In the sticks 则是指远离城市的农村地 …



1.My son knows the meaning of every word in the Redneck Dictionary and quite honestly, that's enough to make this mama proud.我的孩子知道“红脖子”字典里每一个字的意思,很坦白地说,那已经足够让妈妈自豪了。

2.Mr Miller was a master-sergeant in the army and a self-described redneck when he joined his first white racist group in 1974.米勒先生在陆军中担任过士官长,他自称为南方佬,并于1974年加入他的第一个白人种族主义组织。

3.As he said, No redneck wants a dog that won't bite.正如他所言,“没有一个乡下人喜欢一条不咬人的狗。”

4.Mark Twain changed the rules of American fiction when, in Huckleberry Finn, he let a redneck kid tell his story in his own dialect.在《费恩历险记》中,马克吐温改变了美国小说界的规则,他让一个红脖子乡下人用自己的方式讲述自己的故事。

5.He seems to be a typical redneck.看来,他是个典型的粗人。

6.The faceoff with a redneck customer in Merlotte's bar ( "Who ordered the hamburger with Aids? " ) is probably his finest moment.在梅洛酒吧里与一个偏执的家伙对峙(“是谁点了这个有艾滋病毒的汉堡包?”)也许是他最经典的片段了。

7.An annual Redneck Fishing Tournament now brings men to the Ilpnois River with baseball bats in hand, keen to get their revenge.在一场年度Redneck捕鱼比赛中,人们都拿着棒球拍来到伊利诺斯河,醉心于他们的复仇行动了。

8.He detested the poptical state quite as much as the Tea Party does, if for rather less redneck reasons.虽然较少是出于底层人的原因,但马克思厌恶政治国家的程度和茶党一样多。

9.As a Texas redneck with acute money problems, you join the profitable fish business.作为一个钱的问题严重德州乡下人,你加入了有利可图的鱼生意。

10.Soon a local redneck named Billy Bob pulled in, filled his tank and asked for his free sex.不久,当地的一个乡下人比利就跑来了,加满了天然气,然后就要性服务。