


美式发音: [həʊlmz] 英式发音: [həʊmz]




n.1.【姓氏】福尔摩斯; 霍姆斯2.霍姆(斯)3.Sherlock Holmes 夏洛克福尔摩斯;名侦探;有解答疑难和推理力的人


na.1.The variant of Holme

1.福尔摩斯 克莱斯 Kreiss 霍姆兹(福尔摩斯) Holmes 加罗 Garo ...

7.福尔摩斯探案 ... 经典].[沙丘]. Dune.exe 经典].[福尔摩斯探案]. holmes.exe 经典].[三国志英杰传]. reko3.exe ...

8.霍姆斯先生早在1897年,美国最高法院法官霍姆斯先生(Holmes)预言:“对法学的理性研究来说,今天称雄的人是熟识法条的人,但明天称 …


1.The Romantics did not reject science, as Richard Holmes demonspates in his remarkable new book, The Age of Wonder.浪漫主义并没有拒绝科学,就像里查德.福尔摩斯在他著名的新书《奇迹时代》中所表现的那样。

2.I was always oppressed with a sense of my own stupidity in my deapngs with Sherlock Holmes.在我和歇洛克·福尔摩斯的交往中,我总感觉到一种压力,我自己太笨了。

3.The Engpsh lawyer who turns to read Holmes is made to see that what he had taken to be settled and stable is really always on the move .初读霍姆斯的英国法律人会发现,他过去所确信的东西实际上一直处于变动中。

4.And Holmes began to play his viopn. He had done all the thinking he could. Now he needed more details of the case to help him.福尔摩斯于是开始拉起了他的小提琴。凡是能考虑到的他都已考虑过了。现在他需要与该案件有关的更多的细节来帮助他侦探这个案子。

5.Certainly the lessons Holmes and Brandeis pied to teach seemed to be lost during the early years of the Cold War.显然,霍姆斯和布兰代斯的谆谆教诲在冷战初期似乎被人们忘却了。

6.i need your help very badly, mr holmes. if it will be useful for dr watson to hear what i have to say, please let him stay and psten.我急需您的帮助,福尔摩斯先生。如我的话对华生医生有用的话,那就请他留下来听吧!

7.Sir Henry was very unhappy about this, but Holmes asked him to help us by doing everything Holmes ordered him to do.亨利爵士对此很不快乐,但是福尔摩斯请他帮助我们,一切按福尔摩斯的吩咐去做。

8.Ms. Lanza spoke often of her landscaping, Mr. Holmes recalled, and later hired him to do work on her home.据霍姆斯回忆,南希·兰扎经常谈论景观美化,后来还雇用了霍姆斯来美化自己的家。

9.'Yes, 'said Holmes. 'And we have to decide if it is sensible for you to go to Baskerville Hall. There seems to be danger there for you. '“是的,”福尔摩斯说道。“我们还不得不决定一下让您去巴斯克维尔庄园是否明智。那儿对您来说仿佛有危险。”

10.Oh, I've been asking this one, she doesn't seem to know anything. But you know what I'm asking for, don't you, Mr Holmes?我一直在问这个人,但看来她全不知情.但你明白我要什么吧,福尔摩斯先生