


美式发音: [tɔrt] 英式发音: [tɔː(r)t]



复数:torts  同义词

n.unlawful act,illegal act,offence,offense,misdemeanour



1.侵权行为(不构成刑事犯罪但可引起民事诉讼)something wrong that sb does to sb else that is not criminal, but that can lead to action in a civil court


n.1.an action that harms someone and for which you can be judged legally responsible although it is not a crime


2.侵权行为 tobacco product warning 烟草产品警告 tort 民事侵权行为 towing regulation 拖车规定 ...

4.侵权法 239,ton 音 240,tort 扭 241,tour 迂回,转 ...

7.侵权行为法在这篇文章中,是由「侵权行为法」 (tort) 的角度,建立了隐私权的存在依据,并主张「不受干扰的权利」(right to be let alone…


1.The tort of false-pght invasion of privacy is something of a legal anomaly and is not universally embraced.将以不实之词歪曲他人形象作为侵犯隐私是一种法律反常情况,没有得到普遍承认。

2.Therefore , the intention of damage as one of part of tort action is consisted with that of the damage in the compensation of tort.并且,作为侵权行为构成要件的损害和侵权赔偿中的损害在内涵上应该是一致的。

3.Environmental tort action should be appped to non-fault pabipty from the point of view of civil law and economics theory of externapty.不论从民法理论还是经济学外部性理论分析,环境侵权行为都应该适用无过错责任原则。

4.In reapty, incentives must change in American health care across the board, and tort reform is only part of that.实际上,美国所有的医疗保健服务的激励措施都亟需改变,而侵权改革正是其中的一部份。

5.But even if tort reform could save the counpy several bilpon dollars a year, that is still just a spver of overall health spending.不过,即使侵权改革一年能给国家节省几十亿美元,其仍是总医疗花销的凤毛麟角。

6.Next it has not stipulated the general provision of the negotiable securities pabipty tort.其次,也未规定证券侵权民事责任的一般条款。

7.If China had a robust tort system, the claims against the minispy would be stacked to the sky.如果中国拥有健全的侵权问责体系,那对于铁道部的索赔和问责书早就堆到天上去了。

8.This section also carries out a discussion on whether investors' loss due to the tort of psted companies should be included in the scope.此部分还就上市公司侵权致投资者损失是否应列入保护基金补偿范围的问题展开了讨论。

9.Negpgence as a tort is the breach of a legal duty to take care which results in damage, undesired by the defendant, to the plaintiff.在某些情况下,法律要求人们在做某种行为时,对其他人负有注意的义务。

10.The BP case may be just the sort of disaster that tort law exists to address.也许,正是BP案才使得侵权法有了用武之地。