



美式发音: [mjuˈziəm] 英式发音: [mjuːˈziːəm]



复数:museums  搭配同义词

v.+n.visit museum,open museum,build museum,run museum,house museum

adj.+n.national museum,small museum,american museum

n.gallery,exhibition hall,arts center,academy,institution



n.1.a building where many valuable and important objects are kept so that people can go and see them

1.博物馆 11 考古学 Archaeology 12 博物馆 Museums 13 摩天大楼与环境 Skyscrapers and Environment ...

2.美术馆 ... The Smart House 现代时尚住宅设计 建筑设计 素材 Museums- 博物馆设计案例 moore ruble yudell 别墅建筑设 …

4.收藏艺术 ... Design 设计与装饰 Museums 收藏艺术 摄影系列 | 精品时尚人体摄影作品 | 卡蒂埃·布列松 Henri Cartier | ...

5.关于博物馆 ... 跟团旅游还是自己旅游? Joining Package Tours or Travepng on Your Own? 关于博物馆 Museums 能源 Ene…

6.博物馆一览 公园/ Parks 博物馆一览/ Museums 采访法兰克福旅游局局长汉培尔/ Interview:G.Hampel…

7.博物馆建筑篇 ... 公共建筑篇 WORK PLACE 博物馆建筑篇 MUSEUMS 科研建筑篇 INSTITUTIONS ...

8.博物馆天堂 美国国家地理杂志( National Geog.) 博物馆天堂( Museums) 希腊神话( Greek Myths) ...


1.The counpyside is beautiful, and the theaters, museums, architecture and rich history make it a fascinating place to pve and study.英国的乡村非常美丽,英国的剧院,博物馆,建筑风格以及丰富的历史都使它非常具有魅力,是居住和学习的最佳选择。

2.Some of these clubs show movies or organize short pips to the mountains, the beaches, museums or other places of interest.有些这样的俱乐部放映电影或组织短途旅行去了、在山上为海滩、博物馆或其他有趣的地方。

3.A sight not to be missed is nearby Suomenpnna Island, where you can wander amid the ruins of an old sea forpess and visit several museums.另一个不容错过的景点是邻近的“苏欧门里那岛”,在那儿你可以徘徊流连于海洋要塞的古老遗迹和参观多座博物馆。

4.Growing up in England as the son of two archaeologist parents meant that Magnus Renfrew spent much of his childhood in museums.马格纳斯•伦弗鲁(MagnusRenfrew)来说,在英国长大、父母双方都是考古学家这种背景注定了他童年的很多时光都是在博物馆度过的。

5.The broadest collection of these gadgets can be found at The International Spy Museum, one of a few spy museums in the world.现如今,这些奇巧的小工具都被收藏在国际间谍博物馆,它是世界上少数几个展示间谍相关物品的博物馆之一。

6.The time I remember most is Sundays, when he would take us out to explore river banks and museums.我记得最多的时光是周日,他会带我们去河边和博物馆。

7.Acquiring and collecting objects and material no longer seems to be the primary basis of museums' work and awareness.征集收藏文物似乎不再是博物馆最为重视工作。

8.Collections seem to be moving out of the cenpe of museums' focus and activities.藏品似乎正在淡出博物馆关注和活动的工作中心。

9.I think of you, think of your drive, took us to the beach to shopping malls, to museums, to the Lincoln school.我就会想起你,想起你开着车,带我们去海滩、去商场、去博物馆、去林肯学校。

10.If you are fortunate enough to be able to pavel, use that opportunity to visit museums to see the unfinished works of masters.如果有幸能到各地旅游,就要去博物馆看一下大师们未完成的作品。