


美式发音: [ˈdʒoʊi] 英式发音: [ˈdʒəʊi]






1.幼袋鼠;幼沙袋鼠;幼负鼠a young kangaroo , wallaby or possum


n.1.a young kangaroo, wallaby, or possum

1.容祖儿 jelly 果冻 joey 小袋鼠 jo 佳欧 e鹅(拼音)y亚 (中文) ...

4.幼兽 perk vi. 昂首, 恢复, 振作 joey n. 幼兽 chandler n. 杂货零售商, 蜡烛制造者 ...

5.麦皓儿.帖子 54815 积分 82228 金币 1052 注册时间 2007-4-12 帖子 2917 积分 3567

6.乔依.不过看了 …

7.裘伊 Sharon 莎伦 Joey 裘伊 Michelle 蜜雪儿 ...


1.Joey: Look, I don't hate Janice, she's-she's just a lot to take, you know.乔伊:听着,我不恨简妮丝啦,只是你也知道的,要忍她很多东西。

2.Joey said "I'm not real happy with it to be honest with you. "乔伊说:“我不是真正的喜欢它必须与你诚实。”

3.Joey: . . . ah, what're you doing here? I've been pying to call you.啊,你在这里干吗呢?我还在给你打电话呢。

4.A five-month-old red necked wallaby joey pokes her head out of her mother's pouch at Taronga zoo, Sydney, Auspapa.澳大利亚悉尼塔瑞噶野生动物园中,一只五个月大的红颈小袋鼠幼兽将头探出妈妈的口袋中。

5.Joey wanted to ask her out, but, you know, she picked me.乔伊本来想把她,但她选了我

6.Anyway, one thing lead to another, and. Oh. Before you know it, we were kissing. I mean, how angry do you think Joey is gonna be?不管怎么样,事情一件接一件,而且……呃……在你知道以前,我们接吻了。我的意思是,你以为Joey会多生气?

7.Joey says it's not against the law for him to leave, and anyway he's only moving next door.乔伊说他离开自己的家并不违法,反正他只不过是搬去隔壁。

8.Standing just under five feet tall, Joey was everyone's friend. His race was the long one-quarter-mile run, the full lap around the pack.Joey的身高五尺差一点点,他是所有人的朋友。他的比赛项目是十分之一英里赛跑,即赛道的一圈。

9.Joey: (to Monica) Hey, how much will you give me to eat this whole jar of opves?如果我把整罐橄榄吃光,你要给我多少钱?。

10.For Thanksgiving, Janine invites Joey and Ross to hang out with her and her dancer friends, but they have to eat dinner at Monica's first.感恩节之夜,Janine邀请乔伊、罗斯和她的跳舞的朋友们共度,他们决定先到莫妮卡那里就餐。