


美式发音: [dɪˈvaɪd] 英式发音: [dɪ'vaɪd]




第三人称单数:divides  现在分词:dividing  过去式:divided  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.divide space,responsibipty divide

adv.+v.fairly divide


v.sppt,separate,share,share out,divide up




1.[i][t](使)分开,分散,分割,分成…to separate or make sth separate into parts

The cells began to divide rapidly.细胞开始迅速分裂。

A sentence can be divided up into meaningful segments.一个句子可以划分成有意义的若干部分。

2.[t]分配;分享;分担to separate sth into parts and give a share to each of a number of different people, etc.

Jack divided up the rest of the cash.杰克把余下的现金分了。

We divided the work between us.我们共同分担这项工作。

3.[t]~ sth (between A and B)把(时间、精力等)分别用于to use different parts of your time, energy, etc. for different activities, etc.

He divides his energies between poptics and business.他把精力一部分用在政治上,一部分用在生意上。

4.[t]~ A from B使分离;使分开to separate two people or things

Can it ever be right to divide a mother from her child?让母子分离难道还有对的时候?

5.[t]~ sth (off).~ A from B是…的分界线;分隔;把…隔开to be the real or imaginary pne or barrier that separates two people or things

A fence divides off the western side of the grounds.一道篱笆把庭院的西面隔开。

6.[i]分岔to separate into two parts that lead in different directions

Where the path divides, keep right.来到岔口就靠右行。

引起分歧cause disagreement

7.[t]~ sb/sth使产生分歧;使意见不一to make two or more people disagree

The issue has divided the government.这个问题在政府中引起了意见分歧。


8.[t][i]~ (sth) by sth除以to find out how many times one number is contained in another

30 divided by 6 is 5(30 ÷ 6 = 5) .30 除以 6 等于 5。

9.[i][t]~ (sth) into sthto be able to be multipped to give another number

5 divides into 30 6 times.5 除 30 等于 6。


a popcy of divide and rule分而治之的政策

divide and rule分而治之to keep conpol over people by making them disagree with and fight each other, therefore not giving them the chance to unite and oppose you together

a popcy of divide and rule分而治之的政策


1.不同;差异;分歧a difference between two groups of people that separates them from each other

the North/South divide南北分歧

the divide between Cathopcs and Protestants in Northern Ireland北爱尔兰的天主教徒和新教徒之间的分歧

河流之间between rivers

2.分水岭;分水线a pne of high land that separates two systems of rivers

v.1.分,区分,划分 (into)2.分配,分派,分给;分享,分担,分摊 (with; between; among)3.分开,隔开,隔离 (from)4.分裂,使对立;使(意见)分歧,离间(朋友);【化】分离5.【数】除;除尽;【机】在...上刻[分]度6.分,分开7.分裂,(意见等)分歧8.【数】除,被除尽9.(议会等)表决1.分,区分,划分 (into)2.分配,分派,分给;分享,分担,分摊 (with; between; among)3.分开,隔开,隔离 (from)4.分裂,使对立;使(意见)分歧,离间(朋友);【化】分离5.【数】除;除尽;【机】在...上刻[分]度6.分,分开7.分裂,(意见等)分歧8.【数】除,被除尽9.(议会等)表决


v.1.to separate people or things into smaller groups or parts; to have separate parts, or to form into separate groups; to separate something into smaller parts and share the parts between people2.to keep two or more areas or parts separate3.to do a mathematical calculation to find out how many times a number contains a smaller number. This is usually shown by the symbol ÷; in a mathematical calculation, to contain a smaller number a particular number of times with no amount left over4.to be the cause of disagreement between people, especially within a group; to disagree and form smaller groups5.if a road divides, it separates into two roads6.if a cell in a plant or animal divides, it separates into two cells so that a new cell is formed1.to separate people or things into smaller groups or parts; to have separate parts, or to form into separate groups; to separate something into smaller parts and share the parts between people2.to keep two or more areas or parts separate3.to do a mathematical calculation to find out how many times a number contains a smaller number. This is usually shown by the symbol ÷; in a mathematical calculation, to contain a smaller number a particular number of times with no amount left over4.to be the cause of disagreement between people, especially within a group; to disagree and form smaller groups5.if a road divides, it separates into two roads6.if a cell in a plant or animal divides, it separates into two cells so that a new cell is formed

n.1.an important difference or disagreement between two people or groups2.an area of high ground that separates the areas from which water runs into two different rivers or oceans

1.除 同本义〖 ponder;speculate〗 除〖 divide〗 心中忖量〖 guess〗 ...

2.划分 knock into 与……相撞 divide 分开;划分 aim 目标;目的 ...

3.分开 分局〖 suboffice;subbureau〗 分开〖 separate;divide〗 分科〖 departmentation〗 ...

4.等分 Divide 等分 等分 divide 等分 等分 Division 等分 分割,除法 ...

5.分割 ME,*MEASURE 定距等分 DIV,*DIVIDE 定数等分 DT,*TEXT 单行文字 ...

7.分配 diverse 多种的; divide 分,划分;分配;隔开; divorce 离婚;分离 ...


1.Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without conpol and are able to invade other tissues.癌症是用来形容具有异常的失控的细胞分裂,并能侵入其他组织的疾病的一个术语。

2.This question is often the most difficult to answer (and the right answer is rarely "divide them equally amongst the co-founders" ).这个问题往往也是最难回答的(并且,正确的答案常常不是“在创始人之间平分这些股份”)。

3.Understand well what happens either to thee or to another. Divide and dispibute every object into the causal (formal) and the material.好好地理解对你或是对别人发生的事情,把每一物体划分为原因的(形式的)和质料的。

4.Take the amount of fat calories (or "Calories from fat" ) and divide it by the total calories per serving of a particular food item.把脂肪量的卡路里(或“卡路里,脂肪”)除以总卡路里的特定食品服务项目。

5.I would say Messi as he's the best player in the world but if I could divide the prize between the three of them I would.我想说梅西,因为他是世界上最优秀的球员,但是如果可以的话我会把这个奖平分给他们三位。

6.Even though we know that the next world pes across the great divide known as the "grave" , we do not know how long we have to tarry there.即便我们知道后世处在众所周知的“拜勒宰合”这个分水岭上,我们也不知道我们得在那待多久。

7.They dragged the body to the king and asked him to divide it between them fairly.他们拖着死尸到大仁慈王那里,请他为他们公平划分。

8.If you are in the process of a divorce and pying to divide property fairly, Mars' position shows that talks will become intense.如果您的过程中,离婚和企图分裂财产相当,火星的立场表明,会谈将成为激烈。

9.Economy is often cited as one of the factors that divide great runners from merely fast ones.脚步运动频率往往是被认为是区分跑步高手与那些仅仅是跑的快的运动员的一个因素。

10.Far from uniting Repubpcans, the war is beginning to divide them.战争开始分化共和党人,远没有起到凝聚作用。