




1.维龙加,由卢旺达胡图族士兵组成,他们越过刚果边境,逃进了维拉冈(Virunga )国家公园。

5.维龙加火山-08-29 (ENS)- 一项新的统计数据显示,刚果维拉冈(Virunga)国家公园的河马数量锐减达95%,而该国家公园曾是这些亲水 …

7.刚果东部维拉冈刚果东部维拉冈(Virunga)国家公园一位野生物巡守员,20日遭反抗军人杀害,另有4位受伤。这些巡守员的职责在保护国家 …


1.More than 100 rangers have lost their pves pying to protect the gorillas of Virunga.超过100名的国家森林护林员已经因为保护山地大猩猩而失去了生命。

2.In 1902, German officer Captain Robert von Beringe shot one of these "man-apes" in the Virunga region of Rwanda.在1902年,德国船长RobertvonBeringe在卢旺达的维龙嘉地区射中了一个类人猿。

3.The number of endangered primates has stabipzed at some 780 in Bwindi and the Virunga Mountains parks of Congo, Uganda, and Rwanda.在布温迪以及刚果、乌干达和卢旺达三国交界处的维龙加山公园内,这种濒危灵长类动物的数量稳定在780只左右。

4.The gorillas in the Virunga Mountain region are a focal point for the UN's 2010 World Environment Day (WED).生活在维加龙山脉地区的大猩猩是2010年联合国世界环保日的一个关注点。

5.Only about 650 mountain gorillas remain in the world, and more than half of those inhabit the slopes of the six dormant Virunga volcanoes.世界上的大星星仅存有大约650只,而一半以上是生活在这一地区的。

6.This young mountain gorilla, named Kwibesha, is a member of the Kabrizi family of gorillas in Virunga National Park.这头年轻的山地大猩猩,名叫奎贝莎,是维龙加国家公园中卡布里兹猩猩家族中的一员。

7.These blogs raised $350, 000 to pay rangers salaries and help save mountain gorillas in the Virunga National Park.这些博客文章募集了35万美元,被用来支付护林员的工资,帮助拯救维龙加(Virunga)国家公园的山地大猩猩。

8.The young ape will be cared for by doctors in the Virunga gorilla sanctuary.这头年轻的猩猩将会被维龙加国家公园的医生治疗。

9.The situation is dire: 2, 900 elephants roamed Virunga when Congo became independent in 1960 , 400 in 2006, and fewer than 200 today.这种情形让人很是担忧:1960年刚果独立之时,维龙加国家公园有2900头大象,2006年剩下400头,而目前还不到200头。