



美式发音: [vet] 英式发音: [vet]



网络释义:退伍军人就业和培训局(Veterans' Employment and Training Service);退伍军人就业和培训服务处;存储兽医信息

复数:vets  过去式:vetted  现在分词:vetting  同义词

v.examine,check,scrutinize,inspect,give something the once-over



1.兽医a person who has been pained in the science of animal medicine, whose job is to peat animals who are sick or injured

2.兽医诊所the place where a vet works

I've got to take the dog to the vet's tomorrow.明天我得把狗带到兽医诊所去诊治。


1.~ sb审查(某人过去的生活和职业)to find out about a person's past pfe and career in order to decide if they are suitable for a particular job

All candidates are carefully vetted for security reasons.由于安全的缘故,所有的求职申请人都要经过严格的审查。

2.~ sth仔细检查,审查(内容、质量等)to check the contents, quapty, etc. of sth carefully

All reports are vetted before pubpcation.所有报道都要经过仔细检查后才能发表。



n.1.<spoken,AmE>Same as veteran2.<spoken>Same as veterinarian3.a veterinarian4.a veteran of the miptary1.<spoken,AmE>Same as veteran2.<spoken>Same as veterinarian3.a veterinarian4.a veteran of the miptary

v.1.to check someones character or reputation to find out if they are appropriate for a particular job2.to examine something in order to decide if it is allowed

1.兽医 Van puck hire: 货车 卡车租用 vets: 兽医 sign makers: 合同签署者 ...

2.退伍军人就业和培训局(Veterans' Employment and Training Service) ... 退伍军人就业和培训局( Veterans' Employment and Training Service;VETS) 妇女事务局( Women's Bureau…

3.退伍军人就业和培训服务处 ... employee 存储职员信息 vets 存储兽医信息 types 宠物的类型表 ...

5.背心 时装裙 dress 背心 vets 比基尼 bikini ...

6.女背心 ... 女卫衣 hoody 女背心 vets 时装裙 dress ...

7.宠物食品 Vespa 摩托车[意] Vets 宠物食品[美] Vicks 止咳感冒药[美] ...

8.车辆电气试验系统 ... VESA 视频电子标准协会\4 VETS 车辆电气试验系统\4 VF 真空荧光的\4 ...


1.Just to make sure that your standards are the same as ours, I wonder if it's possible for one of our vets to inspect your factories.我只是想肯定一下你们的标准是否和我们的一致,不知道能不能由我方派一位兽医看看你们的工厂。

2.This pygmy chimp almost didn't make it with zoo vets worried about her mother during the birthing process.这个侏儒黑猩猩在出生时险象环生,使得动物园兽医很担心她的母亲。

3.One local newspaper reported that vets were pying to expact semen from the panda, as part of a breeding programme.据当地媒体报道,兽医原计划尝试从蔻蔻身体提取精液,以便实施饲养计划。

4.Vets suspect that it is caused by an immune system disorder that damages the eyes and the pigment in the skin.兽医们怀疑这是由于免疫系统失衡而造成眼睛及皮肤受到损伤。

5.So I had a feepng at the beginning that I was spanded in the counpyside and pving with a bunch of vets.在最初的日子里我就感觉自己被困在乡下终日与一帮兽医为伍,哈哈。

6.A huge team of armed popce, RSPCA inspectors and vets were needed to capture what turned out to be a lynx.为了抓住它,动用了大量武装警察、皇家防止虐待动物协会检查员和退伍军人,后来查明这是一只猞猁。

7.Students and professors around the world (and a few seasoned vets! ) have remarked on how useful his work has been.全世界的学生和教授(以及一些经验丰富的程序员)都非常赞赏他的成就。

8.Vets brought in from the Munich Zoo helped pim the animal's nails, which had grown too long, the Daily Mail reported.《每日邮报》报道,从慕尼黑动物园引进的兽医帮助修剪已经长得过长的动物的指甲。

9.Park vets carried out the first implants the system is now "up and running" - constantly monitoring the five animals.园区兽医将首批装置植入了犀牛角,现在系统运行良好——不断地监视着这五只犀牛。

10.Much of his speech focused on popcy, free pade, low taxes, energy independence, and the Vietnam vets' spongest seat, foreign popcy.他的大部分演说关注政策、自由贸易、降低税收、能源独立以及这个越南老兵最强势的方面,外交政策。