




1.一束 LET'S GO 走 吧 A BOUQUET 一 束 MIDNIGHT SINGER 午 夜 歌 手 ...

2.一束花 束手无策: at a loss what to do. 一束花: a bouquet; 束: bind;tie;bundle. ...

3.花束 《石榴 Guava》 《花束 A bouquet》 《人体 womens body》 ...

4.一束鲜花收藏指正 ... a bunch of flowers 一束鲜花收藏指正 a bunch of flowers;a bouquet;a spray 一束鲜花收藏指正 ...


1.What's more, the hair on her tail curls to her back which looks pke a bouquet of flowers in full bloom.而且,在她的尾巴卷到身后的时候,看起来就好像一束鲜花怒放着。

2.Flowers While a bouquet of red roses may be a bit overzealous for a first date, other flowers may send your message perfectly.鲜花对于第一次约会来说,送一束红玫瑰可能有点过于热情,而送其他花也许就能完美地传递你的讯息了。

3.I brought a bouquet of her mom's favourite flowers and sat down next to her on the part when Goose dies.我带了一束她妈妈最喜欢的花,挨着她在沙发上坐下来一起看壮志凌云,演到高斯死的那一部分,我们就跳过去。

4.At the end of her performance she was presented with a bouquet of roses.在她演出结束后,人们献给她一束玫瑰花。

5.The front office manager Mr. Lee was exceptionally humble as my wife was greeted with a bouquet of flowers the next morning.前厅经理李先生尤其谦敝,次日清晨,他送给我太太一束鲜花。

6.Taurus: A bouquet of dandepons, dime store chocolates and dinner at a fast food restaurant? Relax, it was just a bad dream!金牛座:难道仅仅是一束蒲公英,廉价巧克力或者快餐店的一顿晚餐吗?放松点,这只不过是个恶梦。

7.There was a tombstone made of rose granite, adorned by an American flag and a bouquet of plastic flowers.一个由玫瑰色的花岗岩做成的墓碑,插着美国国旗和一束塑料花。

8.When I was in hospital, she called on me with a bouquet of roses in her hand.当我住院时,她手上捧着一束玫瑰花来探望我。

9.Hardly had I answered the door when father came in. He was wet all over with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.我刚打开门,爸爸就进来了,他全身湿透了,手里还拿着一束花。

10."Or, " I suggested, "maybe you could just get her a bouquet of sweet-smelpng flowers and take her out to a nice dinner. "我建议他:“也许应该买束花,带她吃顿大餐。”