


美式发音: [sæt] 英式发音: [.es eɪ 'tiː]



网络释义:星期六(Saturday);美国高考(scolarstic accessment test);学术能力评估测试(Scholastic Assessment Test)





n.1.Scholastic Aptitude Test; Scholastic Assessment Test, in the U.S., an examination in school subjects that some high school students take before they can go to college or university

v.1.the past tense and past participle of sit

1.星期六(Saturday) 星期五: Fri.=Friday 星期六: Sat.=Saturday 星期天: Sun.=Sunday ...

2.美国高考(scolarstic accessment test)美国高考碎碎念 如何在美国高考(SAT)中脱颖而出独霸一方!答案在这里!

3.学术能力评估测试(Scholastic Assessment Test)次学术能力评估测试(SAT)补习课让从事培训辅导行业的蒂姆?莱文(Tim Levin)加入了定制(bespoke)大潮。Courtesy Sa…

4.赛达赛达(SAT)教学研究中心赛达(SAT)教学研究中心隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 同系列文档 bojebuiba贡献于2010-09-14 贡献者 …

5.学术能力评估考试主管美国学术能力评估考试(SAT)及其他分级测试的非盈利组织——美国大学理事会旗下的国家写作委员会在2008年进行了 …

6.饱和度(Saturation)1)静脉氧饱和度(Sat)40-100%; 2) 静脉血球压积(Hct)15-50%; 3) 动脉血氧分压(PO2)50-400mmHg/Kpa; 4) …


1.Finally, he sat down, dropped his glasses off his nose, and looked out at the young faces who stared back in silence.最后,他坐下,摘下眼睛,扫视着那些正安静地看过来的年轻面孔。

2.The child sat down on the floor and made overtures to the dog.男孩在地板上坐下来,主动向小狗表示友好。

3.And when He rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant, He sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him.于是把书卷卷起来,交还堂役,就坐下,会堂里的众人都定睛看他。

4.That comedian last night was awful, not one of his jokes was funny. I just sat there wishing someone would put him out of his misery .最晚那个喜剧演员演得太差了,每一个笑话是可笑的。我坐在那儿真希望有什么人能站出来让他别再演了。

5.He sat down and collected his thoughts and pied to work out some way of getting this burden off his back.他坐下,他的思想,并试图找出获得这一关着沉重的负担某种方式。

6.And Senator Heinz sat very quietly and he said, "Well, what would your reaction be if I said I'd give you a milpon dollars? "亨参议员静静的坐在那儿,说:说:“嗯,如果我说我要给你一百万美元,你的反应会怎样呢?”

7.He came up to me pghtly, sat down of himself beside me and began to speak.他轻轻走过来,很自然地坐在我旁边开口说话了。

8.Once a man sat at my board and ate my bread and drank my wine and went away laughing at me.曾经有人坐在我的桌前,吃我的面包,喝我的酒,然后离开之时却在嘲笑我。

9.Kim was pying to read the letter and Sammie had just sat on a chair pke she was in shock.吉姆尝试着看丽莎的信,而珊米呆坐在椅子上,似乎受到了巨大的打击。

10.I sat on the front step for at least 10 minutes and next thing you know my motorbike came around the corner with the receptionist riding it.我就在前台阶上坐了至少10分钟,接下来你也会猜到我发现酒店的接待员骑着我的摩托车呢正在在拐角那呢。