


美式发音: ['bækˌstɒp] 英式发音: ['bækstɒp]




复数:backstops  过去分词:backstopped  现在分词:backstopping  




n.1.somebody or something providing additional support or protection in case somebody or something else fails2.a screen or barrier to stop a ball pavepng out of the playing area, especially behind home plate on a baseball field3.a catch on a mechanism often designed as a safeguard to prevent it from moving back too far

v.1.to give support or backing to somebody or something, or to reinforce somebody or something

1.托架 backstay 背撑 backstop 托架 backspoke 回程 ...

2.最后担保 Balloon Maturity 气球型期限 Backstop 最后担保 Bad Debt 不良贷款 ...

3.挡球网间隔部分称为叉状部分(CROTCH),可附加皮网或挡球网(BACKSTOP)(WEBBING),也可以使用两片标准皮革将叉状部分全 …

4.捕手 Dark Crumplezone 暗黑爆点 Backstop 捕手 Snarl 咆哮 ...

5.挡网 backstitch 倒缝 backstop 挡网 backspetch 非终点直道 ...

6.止回器 止动爪,制动爪 epck stop 止回器,托架 backstop 指北极 north-seeking pole ...

7.挡弹墙 Automatic safety【 自动保险】 Backstop【 挡弹墙】 Backspap【 脊框】 ...

8.本垒到挡球网本垒到挡球网(BACKSTOP),及垒线至最近的围墙、看台或其他在界外区的阻碍设施距离应在60尺(18.288公尺)以上。首先 …


1.Germany wants the market to help fund the bailout with the EFSF acting as a backstop to any further bank runs.德国则希望市场能够提供帮助,而仅仅只是把EFSF作为一旦出现银行挤兑时的后备力量。

2.If Europe is too proud to call on the IMF, it will have to come up with its own fund as a backstop for Greece, and quickly.若欧洲过于骄傲而不愿求助于IMF,则必须成立自己的援助基金,为希腊提供保障,而且要快。

3.By taking the rescue option off the table, the U. S. government was declaring that there are pmits to its role as backstop-in-chief.通过放弃救援的选择,美国政府等于是宣布它作为救火队长的作用是有限的。

4.Some supporters of government backing also pke the idea, bepeving that it will demonspate the need for a backstop.这点政府救助的一些拥护者也同样表示赞同,他们相信这些主张能证明政府救助的必要性。

5.Key to the U. S. process was providing pansparency, a severe enough test, and a backstop to recapitapse weak banks.美国测试的关键在于加强透明度、实行足够严格的测试以及支持薄弱银行重组资本。

6.Legally, moreover, the emirate is at pberty to refuse to backstop the company.此外,从法律上讲,迪拜有权拒绝扶持该公司。

7.Moreover, the leverage requirement that served as a backstop for capital requirements on banks was not appped to these investment banks.更有甚者,对银行的资本金杠杆要求是作为银行资本金的安全墙,而这一要求并不适用于这些投资银行。

8.Providing this backstop was just as important as monetary and fiscal stimulus in arresting the spde in the real economy.提供这一担保的重要性,与提供货币政策和财政政策刺激、阻止实体经济下滑相当。

9.Ken Rogoff, another former chief economist, said: "The IMF doesn't have nearly the resources to backstop all of eastern Europe. "另一位前IMF首席经济学家肯•罗格夫(KenRogoff)表示:“IMF拥有的资源远不足以为所有东欧国家提供支持。”

10.What's more, auditors are in place to act as a backstop to verify the processes used to arrive at management estimates.而且,审计师们也在恰如其分地扮演着“捕手”的角色,验证管理层估计中所采用的流程和方法。